Popular Poptropicans

Community Celebrities: Tall Cactus and Perfect Sky!


Hi, everyone! Slip here.


A while back, I offered nominations for the next Community Celebrities. Interestingly enough, two Poptropicans who have been in the spotlight for quite a while now – Tall Cactus and Perfect Sky – both nominated each other! I decided to interview them together for this next Community Celebrities post.

You can learn more about each of them in their respective MPIP (My Place in Poptropica) stories here on the PHB: Tall Cactus and Perfect Sky. But of course, that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Let this interview tell you more about these famed personalities in our community.

Can you introduce your friend to everyone in 10 words? Also, mention their usernames!

TCPerfect Sky, Community Appreciation winner, runs an outstanding YouTube channel. (Her username on Poptropica is stupiddirectord)

PS: Meet the awesome, award-winning blogger, Tall Cactus! (Her username on Poptropica is macandcheese520)

If there were two islands you could “mash” together, what would they be?

TC: I’d mash together Mission Atlantis and Lunar Colony. I’m not exactly sure how this mashup island would go, but it’s been confirmed that MA and LC both feature the same alien race, and that’s why I feel like they could be one amazing, story-filled island together.

PS: I would say Monster Carnival and Ghost Story. I loved MC: the storyline, setting, and the soundtrack was awesome. I think the Creators did a good job with the overall creepiness of the island. That is, until the monster transformation. Random, generic “monsters” just aren’t scary at all, so I think it could use a little something extra. That’s where Ghost Story would come in.

Would you prefer the current Poptropica or the upcoming New Poptropica?

TCTo be honest, I prefer Old Pop. It’s the Poptropica I’ve grown to love these past couple years, I have so many memories from the first time I played Poptropica in March 2015. However, I’m sure the New Pop will be just as awesome. It’s just that the nostalgia from the Old Pop just overpowers it.

PSWell, I just love the Old Poptropica. I have so many great memories, as a player since early 2008. But even though nothing can really compare to the game I’ve known and loved for many years, I think the New Pop will be good in its own way.

What do you think of the New Poptropica?

TCWhen it was first announced back in April, I was really upset and worried, but now I’m just anxious for it to come out. I’m not really sure what to think of it at the moment since we haven’t gotten many details, yet I have a much better feeling about it now compared to before.

PS: Honestly, I was really sad when it was first announced. But at this point, I’m actually starting to look forward to it in some ways. I guess we’ll see how it goes.

Besides the PHB, which other Poptropica fan blogs would you recommend?

TCAll of the fan blogs are special in their own way, and they all bring unique content for everyone to enjoy.

PS: There are so many creative Poptropica blogs out there, all providing great content. But to give a few examples, I’d say Tall Cactus’ Poptropica Blog, Clawtropica, and the Poptropica Skunk Blog.

What’s your current Island Medallion count?

TC: I currently have all 58 medallions. Hopefully, more are added soon! (I actually got the Beta Carrotene medallion by glitching, shhh…)

PS: I have 57 at the moment, with Home Island being the only one I’m missing. The sad thing is, I actually completed the Home Island quest like 20 times on the app.

What’s the best thing about the Poptropica community?

TC: The people, definitely the people. They are so kind and welcoming; I’ve made many friends here. To me, good friendships and enjoyable experiences are much more important than having a popular blog or whatnot.

PS: The people! I’ve met so many nice people here, and nothing means more to me than that.

If you could swap hobbies for a day with your friend, what hobby would it be?

TCI’d love to try making some Poptropica YouTube videos. Unfortunately, I’m not allowed to have a YouTube channel, so it would be cool to experience having one for 24 hours.

PS: I think blogging would be pretty fun, since I never really blog aside from occasional guest posts.

Do you have anything to say to the Poptropica community?

TC: Don’t worry about New Pop, I’m sure it’ll be great. Instead, enjoy the current Poptropica as it is and live in the moment. Don’t lose hope in the game, or the community, no matter what the future holds.

PS: This community is truly awesome, and it wouldn’t be as great without all of you contributing to it in your own special ways. Be creative, and don’t give up.

Who would you like to thank?

TCI’d like to thank everyone reading this post, and all the Creators of Poptropica, one of the greatest games ever in my opinion.

PS: I’d like to thank all of my subscribers on YouTube, and everyone who comments on my videos. It really means so much to me! I also want to thank the Creators for making such an amazing game!

Cut! That’s a wrap! First off, to Perfect Sky and Tall Cactus, thank you so much! I’m deeply sorry that this post didn’t come out earlier as I had hoped. I hope you enjoyed the interview as much as I did! I had lots of fun talking to you two!

To everyone, Community Celebrities will be back next year, hopefully. Nominations for the next to be interviewed are currently closed. See you all later in this year’s Poptropica Rewind! :>



Poptropolis Games Island

Sunken sketches and concepts from Poptropolis Games!

Hey, guys! Slip here.


Welcome to another round of IoTM: Special Feature! Although there are two days left for November, Poptropica made a last-minute post about this month’s IoTMs (Islands of the Month)! Last time, we’ve had the spotlight on Shrink Ray Island’s concepts and sketches and now let’s move on to the other IoTM, Poptropolis Games!

As usual, being the Island of the Month gives out these special privileges:

  • First-time finishers get 500 credits, while replays get 300.
  • A special walkthrough from Captain Crawfish (check out ours here!)
  • Exclusive members-only items, Plant-A-Statue and Discus, are back for a limited time!


Now, let’s look at the different concepts and never-before-seen exclusives!

Let’s look at the character sketches, they look really cool! I must say that #4 and #5 with the soda hats look really fun, as well as the lady selling Poptropolis Games merchandise! The squid hat looks really funny, hehe. The second image contains more sketches of the major characters of the island: the master of ceremonies, the scorekeeper, and the ancient warrior. Their designs look pretty awesome if you ask me.

The next set of sketches and concepts are the statues and battle arenas found in the island itself. One is the volleyball arena that debuted in 2013 and the one is for weightlifting. As you can also see below, they also had sketches of some ruins on the island!

That’s not the only treat we have from Poptropica! Skinny Moon added that in every island they make, the Creators follow a style guide—a way to make all designs in uniform and consistent. You may find a certain “Jeff” in the style guide and yes, that is Jeff Kinney! Jeff has an input on every Poptropica island as the Chief Creative Officer. 🙂


Don’t they look so cool? We’ll hopefully see some more next month!

What islands do you think will be featured next month? Maybe they’ll be holiday-themed? Leave a comment about it below! I hope you enjoyed another round of IoTM: Special Feature! Until next time, stay awesome people!



Shrink Ray Island

Shrink Ray concepts from under the living room sofa…

Hi everyone, Slip here!

Poptropica recently announced the Islands of the Month for November: Shrink Ray and Poptropolis Games! As with previous IotMs, the chosen islands will give 500 credits for finishing it the first time and 300 credits for repeat finishers.

Not only will extra credits be given away in honor of these islands, but also new walkthrough videos from Captain Crawfish, exclusive costumes returning in the Poptropica Store and never-before-seen behind the scenes of the islands!

Right now, Shrink Ray’s exclusive members-only costumes, the Milk Box and Bottle Cap Costumes, are back in the Store for a limited time.


Poptropica has also released some behind-the-scenes concept art from Shrink Ray Island! Most of these were ideas that never made it into the island. They involve plastic bag parachutes, a ruler-and-crayon lever, and some dust bunnies! Click on the pictures in the gallery below to view them up-close.

We can’t wait to see more concept art and scrapped ideas from the next IOTMs! It’s really cool to see how the Creators put all their ideas together just to make an island. Poptropica used to post some on Twitter – hopefully they bring that back.

That’s all of the updates we have today! Have you entered the #MyPoptropicaCostume Contest? I’ve been seeing amazing works from the community! Great job, everyone! Keep them coming!


Stay awesome.

Ghost Story Island, Reviews

PHB Review: Ghost Story Island 👻



Boo! Slip here. I am your host for today, your… ghost host!

The witching hour is almost here – so what will we do? Last year, we did an omnibus of Poptropica’s scariest moments. Well, scary islands and characters are good Halloween clichés: why not review one of Poptropica’s best and creepiest islands? How about Ghost Story Island? Sure!

This review contains spoilers, so if you haven’t played the island yet, close your eyes and hum throughout the review! However, since you’re still reading this, let’s go!

Announced back in November 2011 (wow, it’s been five years!), Ghost Story Island was peculiarly released after Halloween, despite its spooky themes. In December, a pre-island quest called Spook Central was released and involved hunting ghosts throughout different Poptropica islands and eventually earning the exclusive Ghost Hunter suit!

Are you ready for the review? Oh yeah, we’ll be omitting the Soundtrack section since this is a non-SUI island. We’ll begin shortly—if you dare. No turning back!

Storyline & Characters


Hemlock Harbor is a town with a secret. Restless spirits are said to haunt its shores, but no one knows who they are, what they want — or how to get rid of them. Can you hunt the ghosts of Hemlock Harbor and uncover the mystery that will set them free?

This island, I think, has one of the best storylines. Why? First, it tackles on a tricky topic for kids like ghosts, apparitions, and other scary stuff. Just the trailer is creepy enough to make you want to hide under the bed.


As we explore Hemlock Harbor a bit more, we discover the secret behind all these apparitions — it’s one big connect-the-dots game and it’s up to us to weave the story together. Then comes the boldness of the storyline: a story of love, betrayal, and forgiveness — a type of story that goes beyond the typical fluff of kids’ tales.

What I really liked the most was the plot twist in the end, so I suggest that you try playing the island again to find out what it is! Kudos to Poptropica for doing such a great job in making the storyline of the island. I like this island so much that I think it’s worth revisiting once in a while.

Here on the PHB, we love Ghost Story so much that this island won the Best Storyline award in the 2015 Poppies. Awesome.

As for the characters, what amazes is that almost every character makes an appearance and no one gets left out of the story. There is great character development between the ghosts and as well as the magistrate, Henry Flatbottom, as key characters in the story.

My favorite character would be the superstitious guy in front of the bakery. I find it fascinating that some people still believe in superstitions in the modern era.



The island has a serious amount of gameplay, with lots of neat features, some of which are unique and can’t be found on other Poptropica islands!

One feature I really enjoyed were the cutscenes, like the scene inside the inn where the couple scares you. It’s one great tool to make the island better and interactive.

I also liked the mechanism used while maneuvering vehicles within Poptropica, similar to the ones in Wild West and Cryptids. The boat in the gif above is one of the examples of this.

Now for the distinct features of this island! One would be the first-person mazes found in the cemetery. It’s one of the best features of the island and I like how it adds to the eerie atmosphere.

Last but never the least, is the violin mini-game in the island. It’s actually amazing to hear music and sounds in classic Poptropica, and this island has become a good recipient of it. Check out our PHB Special about Fiona’s violin song!



Ghost Story received a decent amount of animation — some of which are seen on the banners above. The best thing that I liked in this island was the fog effect seen throughout the Main Street and the cemetery. I also like the ghost glasses being sold by the vendor on Main Street! Poptropica really put in some cool details on this island!


Another thing to point out in this island was the numerous rooms—so many that I’ve already lost count. With all those rooms, Poptropica filled each one to the brim with detail. What’s more amazing is that while some of the rooms seem repetitive, they’re actually different, such as inside the prison.

Even the concept art made before the island came into being is amazing! It simply shows that Poptropica really gave their best making this island, because their art quality never disappoints!


Judging on a scale from 1 to 10, Ghost Story Island gets a… 9.4/10!


Ghost Story Island is undoubtedly one of Poptropica’s best islands. Being released almost five years ago, it still stands out among classic Poptropica islands.

I see it as one of the underrated islands because it doesn’t get that much attention, and according to the map, it’s not that popular. If so, I hope this review enlightens and encourages you to play the island and explore it for once! You’d be missing out if you didn’t.

Well, that concludes this review! Hope you enjoyed this gif-filled post as much as I do!

Don’t forget, tomorrow is Halloween, and we’ll be announcing the winners of our 8th Annual Autumnal-Halloween Contest! Watch out for that, everyone! Stay awesome.


To Fiona, the woman in the window.
Popular Poptropicans

Community Celebrity: Lucky Joker!




Hey everyone, welcome to Community Celebrities!

It’s been two months since we’ve welcomed our newest author, Lucky Joker! Right before he officially made his first post, I had the chance to interview him for the Poptropica community!

You may have read Lucky Joker’s My Place in Poptropica story, or known him as the MVP of the Tribal Tournament, or even as the face of the Fall 2016 POPCORN issue, but here’s another chance to learn more about our newest author!

Hi LJ! Out of all the islands, which do you think is the best? The worst?

Wow! There are so many good ones to choose from. Well, my favorite island is Mythology, simply because of the history, the soundtrack, the characters and the story. I’ve actually gained quite an interest for Greek Mythology since playing the island.

The worst, in my opinion, would have to be Lunar Colony. It isn’t very memorable for me. It’s not bad, from what I remember. It’s just that I haven’t played it in so long, and I don’t know much of it. I actually nominated it for the ‘Okayest Island’ in this year’s Poppies.

In your opinion, what would be the best feature of Poptropica?

Poptropica is great as it is, but I would definitely suggest more options for interaction in common rooms/multiverse rooms. I would love to type and say what I’d want in further detail. Of course, all in complete safety. 😉

How long have you been around the PHB?

I’ve been reading for three years now, but have recently started commenting upon making my WordPress account. It’s helped me become more involved in the Poptropica community! And now as the newest author, it’s become an even bigger part of my life!

How many islands have you finished?

I have all 58 medallions, but I’ve only completed 47 islands out of the 48. I missed out on the Beta-Carrotene due to inactivity(just a guess), but thanks to a little handy dandy program known as iPop, I was able to obtain the medallion.

What’s the best thing about the Poptropica community?

Of course, this one goes to its members. There are so many great people here, who all have their own unique style and personalities.

What do you think of the New Poptropica?

I was a little apprehensive when it was first announced, but as I’m hearing more and more about it, I’m becoming eager and a bit excited to see what sneak peek the creators will show us next! Like I always say- You plan for the worst and hope for the best! 😛

Do you have any hobbies?

Blogging is my absolute favorite thing to do. Along with that, I also dabble in the arts and enjoy a good book every so often. I also enjoy running (when I’m not feeling lazy).

Do you have anything to say to the Poptropica community?

You guys are all super awesome, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without you guys! Play Poptropica and Pop on! Also, I’d like to give a shout-out to my best Poptropican friend, White Ice! 😉

Thanks to Lucky Joker for taking the time to do this interview, and sorry for the delay making in this post! If you’re interested in participating in a Community Celebrity post, message me on the PHC/Discord – more details below. Stay awesome, Poptropicans. 😀


