Twisted Thicket Island

Twisted Thicket Overload!


Our Twisted Thicket Island Guide, written by Super Thunder and Brave Tomato,  is now up!! 😀 If you need help, go to it.


Everything about this week was about Twisted Thicket! One of the things the Creators revealed this week was the Twisted map!

Looks like a twisting turning path through the forest you’ll take!  So for you members, take care with surviving! And these 10 members have survived to tell the tale of their journeys! So say a hearty congratulations (and a welcome back!) to…

1. Happy Walker!!!

2. Prickly Cheetah!

3. Bronze Owl!

4. Angry Knuckle!

5. Neat Gamer!

6. Shiny Bones!

7. Zany Bear!

8. White Beetle!

9. Smart Shark!

and 10. Lone Ghost!

So for members, it’s already been released. But there’s no demo for us! Surprising. (Thanks to Flamez for all the pics from here on out!)

So when is the release date for non-members you may ask? It’s May 2!

And if you login to Poptropica, you might see these screens:

And you will get this ad card when you get onto your account!


That’s all for this week, folks! Have a great weekend! 😀


Membership, Monster Carnival Island, Sneak Peeks

Introducing the New Feature!!

Seems like most of our speculations in GB’s post below were correct!! The new feature that’s coming soon is Poptropica Friends!!

It’s a combination of friending people, the Pop quiz, the photos, and the Costume Closet in one! So if you guessed one, or even most, of these items, you were correct! 😀

Soon you’ll be able to make friends with the people you meet in Poptropica! You can follow their adventures in the game, and show off your own accomplishments. You’ll create a unique personality profile to share with the world. When you play through Islands, you’ll earn photos that mark your achievements in the game. Members will have access to a costume closet that lets you store as many as 30 individual costumes!

You’ll find all this and more with Poptropica friends. Keep an eye out here for more information, including when you can start using these new features!

Recap of the Video:

  • FriendsIf you want to add friends, click on the person, and then the friend button! (It also shows the country they’re from) Or if you know your friend’s username, you can add that! Ex: Monstercarnival2012, this yields a character named Monster Carnival wearing a chicken suit! (pictured below, thanks Flamez) I wonder….

It also occurred to me, if we can add usernames, we can add the Creators as our friends! 😀

  • Costume Closet ~ It’s a scroll on your Profile page that, based on the post, is available for members. It can store up to 30 costumes, and to costumize it, just click on it! You can also share your costumes with friends!
  • Photo Album ~ As you play the islands, once you get to an important milestone, you get a picture!
  • Pop Quiz~ When you log in, you can answer questions that match your personality. You’ll see more of your personality on your profile the more you answer!  You can also see what your friends answered in the same window under “Recent Activity”

Poptropica Friends:  coming soon!! One more thing: That video was posted onto Youtube on March 7. 😉


Daily Pop, Membership, Sneak Peeks, Twisted Thicket Island

Extra extra! Twisted Thicket release date!


The Twisted Thicket release date has been announced! So when can you play Twisted Thicket?

Inquiring Poptropicans want to know, and now we’re happy to announce that Twisted Thicket will be available for Poptropica Members starting next Thursday, April 12.

You can follow along with the countdown on the Poptropica homepage, or check right here for the latest updates. You’ll be in the thick of things before you know it!

April 12! That’s about a week away! So get ready for this adventure! 🙂


PHC chatter Max has taken screenies of the sneak peeks from Daily Pop and has a theory that they could all be from the same island! What do you think?


Another PHC chatgoer, Hawk/Rough Raptor was cruising the Avatar Studio and discovered a Poptropican….that was holding….SURPRISE! A DOG. YES, A DOG! See for yourself. 😮

The character does look like a diva anyway, but how did she get the dog? EDIT: Barbie ad!Interesting…. Leave your thoughts about this in the comments!


And lastly, LS has notified us 2 new ads in Poptropica! The first one is an Adventure Time video advertisement. If you watch the video, you can get the Finn costume!

The second ad is also an Adventure Time ad, but it’s a quest! You have to get to the top of the treehouse before the fire burns it down! Your prizes are the Fire Monster Power and the Flambo follower! I found it on one of my younger accounts on Great Pumpkin. LS found it on Early Pop.


One last thing: Have you guys noticed the loss of the Costume Collector in the Store? Do you think they’re replacing this with the Costume Closets? Leave ideas in the comments! Well, this has been the end of Poptropica News for tonight! This has been ST! 😀

Membership, Sneak Peeks

What’s a lumberjerk?

Since it’s St. Patricks Day on March 17th, let’s get into the spirit of St. Patricks Day with this green colored font! So, what the heck is a lumberjerk you ask? Only the creators know as they released the info page for the new island, Twisted Thicket!! will it answer your questions? (Taken from the blog and info page)

  • What’s the storyline?

A quiet seaside village has been attacked by mysterious beings that dwell nearby. You are chosen to enter the dark woods and confront the creatures. But beyond the forest’s edge lies a world of magic and danger, where the only thing more twisted than the tree trunks is the truth.

  • What are some awesome bonuses for Members?

Poptropica Members can play a bonus quest after completing Twisted Thicket. The woodland’s magical essence has scattered across the land. It’s up to you to use your newfound powers to collect the missing shards and return them to their source. Not a Member? Find out how to get Membership now!

There’s also some bonus prizes for Members too!

  1. Dryad Follower
  2. Troll (Special power to turn people to stone!)
  3. What the heck is a “Lumberjerk“? Only available during Early Access!

A lumberjerk is a tree cutter?! Isn’t that a LUMBERJACK?! OR maybe they’re jerks for cutting down the trees? What do you think? Release date to follow! Also, wallpapers are available for download on the info page! 😀


On a side note, I’ve noticed “island generations” in the game. Have you? Listed below:

1st generation: No special promos (Early Pop – Big Nate)

2nd generation: Early Access Tickets (Astro Knights & Counterfeit)

3rd generation: Member Early Access (Reality TV – Great Pumpkin)

4th generation: Member Early Access + Pre-release game (Cryptids – Red Dragon)

5th generation: Member Early Access & Pre-release game + Demo (Shrink Ray – Ghost Story)

6th generation: Member Early Access, Pre-release game, demo + Bonus Quest w/ Member’s Only Items (SOS – Present island)


Have a great weekend, guys! And don’t get pinched on the 17th for not wearing green!


Comics, Daily Pop, Sneak Peeks

Cannonballs, Comics, Dryads, Vespers, and Ads.

Edits made below.

Well, basically, the title sums up what I want to talk about 😛 Here we go!

1. Cannonballs

The Creators on Monday posted a what-should-be-familiar-to-Members scene from Vampire’s Curse!

"Look at that! Someone shot a cannonball through my roof!"

Must be some bad neighbors, huh? Unless it was you who shot that… *whistles awkwardly*

Speaking of Vamp’s Curse… If you need a walkthrough, check out Super Thunder and Brave Tomato’s walkthrough! (They’ve sent it in to the PHB, and it will be up soon!)

2. Comics

On Wednesday, the Creators did a reminder post about the comics in the Daily Pop.

Believe it or not, there was a time when the daily newspaper had pages and pages devoted to comic strips. I know what you’re thinking: “What’s a daily newspaper?”

Used to be that somebody brought a stack of folded papers to your house every day early in the morning, which had all this information about news and sports and things that had already happened, and to read it you had to turn the pages instead of swiping a screen, and — well, it’s not important.

Anyway, we at Poptropica still think that the funny pages are worth your time and attention. That’s why, for some time now, we’ve been publishing some of the very best comic strips in the Daily Pop.

Make sure to check it out (again)! My personal favorite is Peanuts! 😀

3. Dryads

What you might be thinking: ” What dryads?”

What I’m saying: The ones that are involved in the new island in some way! On Thursday, the Creators posted up a picture of this unique creature:

How do you know it’s a dryad? Look at the original link, and it says dryad in the link! So what do you think this little guy has to do in the plot? Leave your suggestions in the comments!!

4. Vespers!

Who’s familiar with The 39 Clues series? It’s a brother(Dan) and sister (Amy) who discover that they are part of the biggest family of history with a secret! They go around the world in search of the 39 clues, which, when mixed together, uncover a treasure! The series went up to 11 books, with a companion book. Now, in this sequel series, Cahills vs. Vespers, six of their own have been kidnapped, and it’s up to Amy and Dan to rescue them by doing tasks for a mysterious fellow known as Vesper 1. The card that you will receive is about the 3rd installment of this series: The Dead of Night! I highly suggest that you read it! I myself will be getting it on Saturday! 😛

Last but not least…

5. Ads

A new ad has stopped by the Poptropica world! Goldfish: Team Xtreme!

Basically, what you do is shoot hoops, and at the end you get a basketball!


Here’s LS with a video walkthrough:

Another ad is also on Poptropica called Dizzy Dancers (credit to Scary Catfish for the info and pic!)

"All you need to do to complete the ad is walk in and click the photo booth. This will take you to an area where you can design your own Dizzy Dancer. After you finish designing it, you receive two items… A “Dragaloo Follower” (What a lovely name…) and Dizzy Dancer hair for your Poptropican. A sign inside the ad says that you can come back March 19 for a special quest.." ~ Scary Catfish

March 19? Don’t they usually put the quest in when they put the ad in? Hmm…

Also, there’s some new things in the store for St. Patricks day coming this Saturday! They are a leprechaun costume and Shamrock Gum! (Thanks Lewis for the info and Flamez for the Goldfish and store item pics!)


So, until your next post, this is ST logging off! 🙂