Guest Posts, My Place in Poptropica

My Place In Poptropica: Lone Axe

This is the My Place in Poptropica story of Lone Axe, a young adult looking back on memories of playing Poptropica while growing up. See below for details about sharing your own MPIP story!

Hello! My name is Lone Axe, and this is the story of my Poptropica experience. I am perhaps a little too old to still be enjoying this game, but at this point, I don’t care. Do what you love, even if people think you should not enjoy it. That said, let’s begin the story…

Elementary school days

My story begins many years ago, when I was in elementary school. A friend introduced me to this game, and it was unlike anything had I played before. If I recall correctly Counterfeit was the newest island at the time. Me and my friend would play the game a lot and talk to each other about how to beat the tricky parts, as well as how we can design our characters. Eventually he moved away from the game, but I didn’t. I often find myself fixated on games I like for a long time.

Counterfeit Island was released in late 2009.

Fun fact: my old account was my school ID. I ended up ditching that account to make one more in line with my other account names, so I could remember it more easily. That is when Lone Axe was born.

Some fond memories

I have beaten almost every island (except Steamworks and Astro-Knights, but don’t tell anyone about that… shhhh).

Two islands that hold a special place in my heart are Cryptids and Twisted Thicket. These islands are most likely why I have such a fascination with cryptids and fae creatures. Mythical beings living in our modern world alongside us in secret is such a cool concept to me.

Have a Sprite: Could one of these dryads be coming to Poptropica?

To this day I still remember getting scared off my computer because of Poptropica. If you remember the Jersey Devil sequence from Cryptids Island, you know why. When it popped up in the window in that old house, I quite literally fell off the chair I was sitting on. My mom thought I lost my mind for a second.

Steamworks Island has been one of my greatest roadblocks in getting all the medallions in this game. I got stuck at the end and refused to try again for years. The island is one of my favorites in story and visuals, but wow, it’s hard.

Thoughts on the game now

With the death of Flash, the game feels gutted and many of my favorite experiences I can’t revisit now. All the chapters of Survival Island (except for one), Monster Carnival, and more are gone. I do have hope, though: hope that things can be restored and more people can experience the old feeling and wonders I had as a child.

I am an adult now, but this game will continue to be a part of me for years to come and I hope to see it improve. If you liked this and want to add me as a friend on Poptropica, my username is LogicBomb404. I hope you continue to have fun in this game as I do!

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~the Poptropica Help Blog

17 thoughts on “My Place In Poptropica: Lone Axe”

    1. Hi, I have been replaying all the islands in flashpoint recently and as of now its ether ghost story or cryptids.

  1. Man, for the loneliest time I was roadblocked at Shrink Ray and even longer at Skullduggery. Doing Shrink Ray was simple enough, but I guess little me didn’t know how grinding works or it was just that it took too long. Grinding for money in Skullduggery wasn’t so bad in the long run though.

  2. This is so fun, and tbh I never finished Twisted Thicket because I wouldn’t even get past the part where the tiny dryads carry you away 🤣 also Cryptids, gotta be my fav

  3. Psssttt…play all survival at Poptropica app all episodes! More islands too! Especially Lone Axe play it!

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