Member Gifts, Membership, Social Media, Store

Stylin’ and dreamin’

Hello, everybody! Gentle Dolphin here with news of recent Pop updates!

It may be the middle of the month, but we still want to highlight the January member gifts! This month, members are gifted six exclusive items: two outfits (Stylin’ Oufit and Cool Outfit), two pet accessories (Bling Glasses and Bling Collar), and two furniture items for your clubhouse (Cinema Lightbox and Classic Record Player).

*Special thanks to Osmium for providing the clubhouse picture!*

This is definitely a cool member pack, but there are a couple small things I want to address. First, the Stylin’ Outfit looks incredibly similar to an outfit from Poptropica Worlds. I mean, just look at these two photos and try to tell me they’re not the same:

Second, the Pet Barn has been updated to include the Bling Glasses and Collar. Strange that two exclusive items are being sold in an in-game store, made even more so by the fact that they are marked members-only in said store.


Along with new member gifts, January also brought a store update! Like last month, the January update features many older items and costumes. That’s cool and all, but 11 of the 34 items are for members only.

What’s also unfortunate is that the prices of these items have gone up and I mean WAY UP! While most of the items are within the normal 250-350 credit range, a few of them are now worth up to 500 CREDITS!!! Yikes! Your dreams of owning that Mini Dr. Hare follower may seem impossible, but don’t give up hope! Speaking of dreams…

In case you missed it, January 13 was National Make Your Dreams Come True Day. Poptropica celebrated by sharing words of encouragement on social media along with an inspiring illustration from Blue Tooth.

follow ur dreams day (1)

You heard right!! Here’s a word of encouragement from the Poptropica Creators to you! No matter what it is that makes you happy, big or small, chase it until it’s yours!

Work hard! Take breaks! Learn from your mistakes! Be patient with yourself! Most of all, stay hydrated! Very important. WE’RE ROOTING FOR YOU!!

On the Instagram version of the post, several people have commented some dreams that they want to come true. One dream that a lot of people mentioned and agreed with was to bring back all of the old islands. Hopefully, that wish will come true soon

Thank you for reading, and have a good day!

—Gentle Dolphin🐬

5 thoughts on “Stylin’ and dreamin’”

    1. The old islands were removed from the map because they were made in Action Script 2 and started causing problems for players. The Creators are working on bringing back the old islands with the new tech once the game isn’t running on Flash. You can read more about it here:
      In the meantime, you can play the old islands via this link created by idk:

  1. My big dream from “national make your dream come true day” would be to make my Youtube Channel “Supertalkcam” get very popular ans successful and have lots of views and subscribers.

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