Contests, Livestreams, PHB Parties, Poppies

Join us for the Poppies 2016 Party and Livestream!

Hey Poptropi-ladies and Poptropi-gents,

You’ve nominated, you’ve voted… and very soon, it will be time to reveal the winners of this year’s Poptropica Community Awards, or as we affectionately call them, the Poppies!

Like last year, we’ll be celebrating with a party on the PHC while announcing the winners via a livestream. Everyone’s invited to attend, and here are the details below!

poppies16 party

As detailed in the invitation above, the party is this coming Tuesday, July 26, the date of the PHB’s anniversary – which had the most votes during the voting round!

It’s going to be the PHB’s 8th birthday, so I guess you could say that makes us the PH8 (because 8 looks like a B, get it? ha, ha). But despite our pH level, I promise it’ll be anything but basic.

The party begins at 7pm EST (that’s 6pm CST / 5pm MST / 4pm PST) on our chat, the PHC, and the livestream will also begin at around that time. If you live in a time zone that’s not listed, use a timezone converter to figure out what time that may be in your area (in some places, it may be Wednesday morning). We hope you can make it, or at least pop in at a later time!

The livestream link will be posted on the PHC during the party, so check there when the time comes if you’d like to watch along! Don’t worry about missing it, the video will still be viewable later. The awards presentation will be hosted by us PHB authors, so be sure to check it out if you have the chance!

At the same time, you can also chat with Poptropicans on our Poptropica Help Chat on Discord, meeting up in Multiverse party rooms and having a good time! We’ve seen a lot of awesome Poppies formal outfits from many you guys, and now’s your chance to dazzle everyone on the big day! Dress up your best in tuxes, ties, dresses – and of course, the 8th birthday balloon (if you have it) to celebrate the PHB’s 8th birthday! It’s going to be a poppin’ time, so see you there!

If you have any questions at all, comment below and we’ll answer them for you!

– the Poppies Help Blog –

91 thoughts on “Join us for the Poppies 2016 Party and Livestream!”

  1. How many of you will be in the multiverse rooms? The chat? Voice in the live stream?
    Do you guys know for sure yet? Thanks! 😛

      1. The rooms will be announced on the PHC, and you can always ask people on the chat to tell you what the codes are if you miss it. We’ll repeat them every so often so people who are just popping on can join.

        We usually try to update the PHB with the codes as well, but your best bet would be to go to the PHC first, as rooms tend to fill up.

  2. Sadly,once again I won’t be able to come since the PHB parties seem to favour literally the other side of the world more.

    Either way,that was a really subtle chemistry joke. I doubt it would’ve gotten a reaction outta most people.

    1. Sorry to hear that – I do empathize, since I also live on “the other side of the world” and have to get up early for these events. However, most PHB readers and authors do live on that side of the world, so we time it that way for maximum turnout.

      Also, I see what you did there, and props for getting my joke. 😉

      1. There’s no set time for it, but last year’s was about two hours long. However, we’ll try to be mindful of announcing results in a timely manner. 🙂

  3. Gahhhh…. I’ve got violin lessons at 7 pm… AND I LIVE IN NEW JERSEY!!! Oh well… hopefully I can come before or after the party…. *sigh*

  4. Oh man, can’t wait to see the winners!!! 😀 I should be able to make the chat and multiverse rooms. Gotta get my suit ready for the Poppies!!! Will the PHB Authors be on the multiverse rooms?

  5. I can’t wait! I might be able to make it to the party on Multiverse and the PHC. P.S I am a new commenter on the PHB. I can’t wait to become a part of the community. – Cuddly Brain a.k.a CB a.k.a Captain Cuddly a.k.a CC

    1. Working on some new features – it shouldn’t look too different by the end of it! Thanks for your patience in the meantime.

  6. Hrmmmm… I commented earlier in the day.. (well..kinda yesterday since it’s midnight) but the comment isn’t there…and it says ‘Your comment is awaiting moderation’ over the comment I just posted but.. that will probably happen with this comment too… cri

  7. I spent an hour selecting my costume, set an alarm for 4:00 AM in the morning, and still missed the party!

    1. Oh! Made a mistake in my calculations! The party is tomorrow! (There is a good chance I will still miss it 😦

  8. What is up with these new user pictures anyway? What happened to the site? How come yesterday I couldn’t get in at all? Fishy, what is going on?

  9. Working on bringing some updates to the site – don’t worry, it’s under control. Thanks for your patience during the downtime.

    Commenting without a Gravatar (picture) has always resulted in an auto-generated image, I just changed the style of it.

  10. It’s kind of hard to believe that was over two hours. Somewhat disappointing that all the multiverses that Slanted Fish were full, and she wouldn’t battle when she joined the one that I was in. I guess she didn’t carrot all about battling. ._. (Get it? ‘Cause I was going around dressed as a carrot? Okay, I’ll leave now…)

    1. I’m veggie (very) sorry we didn’t get to battle! I Multiverse-hopped during the party, so I appeared in multiple rooms and tried to see as many Poptropicans as I could. I played some games with people, but with everything going on (chat, livestream, Poptropica) there was only so much I could do. I tend to prefer games of Soupwords or Star Link, if that helps next time you see me. 🙂

      1. Well, the next time I decide to turnip at a party (assuming I can remember) I’ll keep that in mind. You’d get a really easy win out of Soupwords, though. xD I am just beyond terrible at searching for words on there and when I’m actually doing good, my opponent has 50 million words already put in

  11. SO MUCH EXCITE!!! Honestly, I’m not really that nervous because I’m not in the ballot, but I feel you Tall Cactus. All I’m really looking forward to is chatting on Discord, getting shoutouts in the livestream, and playing games in Multiverses with the PHB Authors!

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