Contests, Poppies

Poppies 2015: Announcing the Winners

Hello, Poptropicans. Welcome to the most fabulous night in Poptropica, maybe even awards, history. Tonight, your winners will be revealed for the first ever Poptropica awards ceremony, The Popp- oh, it’s already the day after the show? Okay.

poppies winners blake

Anyway, what’s popping, Poptropicans? Blake here, with no Poptropican news this time; more of a recap. As you can see by the title, today I’ll be recapping the winners from last night’s awards phenomenon, the Poppies. Let’s head straight into the awards, shall we? Please welcome, to present our first award, Thinknoodles and- wait, what do you MEAN none of our presenters were invited? I’m going to have to announce the winners BY MYSELF?!

Well, as you know, HPuterpop did also host a livestream announcing the winners, along with several other PHB authors, which you can view here…

But if you don’t want to sit through two hours of talking, don’t worry – Blake’s here to announce the winners right here in one post. For the first award, Best Creator, please welcome Blake!

*room full of snazzily-dressed people clap*

Thanks, it’s great to be here tonight with all of you.

A Creator is someone who puts everything into their work. Zeus, Captain Crawfish, they all work to keep Poptropica running. Tonight, we honor one of those Creators with the first Poppie ever. And the winner for Best Creator is… *opens envelope* Captain Crawfish! Your Poppie, along with everyone else’s, will be along to you sometime soon. For our next award, Best Dialogue, please welcome Blake (again)!

Thank you, it’s nice to be invited. If anything shapes an Island into a classic, it’s the dialogue. And tonight, we determine the best dialogue of Poptropica. You guys have voted, and tonight the winner of Best Dialogue is… *opens envelope* “And you! You set me up! Man, I can’t stand anyone in this room.. well, except for me. Me, I like,” spoken by your player on Counterfeit Island!

Now, in typical awards shows, you don’t have time to announce every single category with a presenter and everything. So, to imitate these award shows, I will now rapid fire seven winners in one go. Seriously, there are like 18 of these.

  • The winner for Best Dressed NPC (Male) is Director D!
  • Poptropicans voted Aphrodite for the Best Dressed NPC (Female)!
  • Best Island, with PoptropiCon Island winning over Mystery Train by a single vote!
  • Golden Dragon was your pick for Best Poptropican Name! If anyone can prove to us their Poptropican name is Golden Dragon (via screenshot, Avatar Studio link, or username), let us know and we will send you (via email) a Poppie paper craft made just for you!
  • The soundtrack Poptropicans everywhere voted into the winner’s circle for Best Soundtrack is the Monster Carnival Main Theme!
  • You guys spoke, and we listened. Ghost Story Island is your winner for Best Storyline!
  • It’s so good to be bad, and Zeus proves it by winning Best Villain!

Now, onto our next award, Best Fanart! The winner for this category is… MasterPinpey’s “Poptropican Villains” from Issue 23 of the Popcorn!

Only 7 more categories to go, and next up is Best Fansite Outside of the PHB! Now normally, you would all vote for us here at the PHB, but you chose… hey everyone, it’s your friend Thinknoodles!

Now, on to Best PHB April Fool’s Prank! And the winner is the Omegon Takeover!

Now for another rapid fire! Categories 14-18 coming at you, and then I’ll see you back here for the final award, Best Author!

  • The votes are in, and Issue 23 was the fan-favorite issue of The POPCORN!
  • Readers like you voted Poptropican as the Best Wiki Article!
  • Don’t tell anyone, but I actually agree on this one. Galactic Hot Dogs Island was voted as the Worst Island!
  • Poptropicans decided on Big Belly as the Worst Poptropican Name!
  • Everybody seems to hate many moments on Poptropica, but it was decided that 7 Islands becoming Members only was the worst!

And now, for the final award. The role of an Author is to be loved by many, and to be angered by few. To work and make the blog the best it can be, and to have fun doing it. Tonight, we honor the BEST of us seven with the Best Author award. And the winner is…

IT’S ME, EVERYONE! Just kidding, it’s actually Slanted Fish! You deserve it, Fishy!

Well, that’s all the awards we have to give out! Click here for further Poppies-recapping, with pictures from the party (and after-party), right here on the PHB!

Okay Timmy, now that that’s over, call Francisco to cut me out of this tuxedo.

*Sorry boss, but Francisco’s out for the day!*

So I have to stay in this for tonight? I already lost a bet that I’d win Best Author, and now I have to wear this dang princess outfit for a week longer!


40 thoughts on “Poppies 2015: Announcing the Winners”

    1. This blog shows the time in HKT (Hong Kong Time), in which it is the 27th. The reason it’s in HKT is because that’s where the founder/head of the PHB, SlantedFish (or Fishy), lives in Hong Kong. Hope this clears up the confusion. 😀

  1. the party was great! we talked about harry potter, my forever-long-lost-amazing-super-secret crushes, and disney.

    1. Which other post? We had a post stickied that gave out the details for the time of the livestream and parties (here), but un-stickied it from the top of the homepage now that it’s over. Also, we’ll be making another recap post for the pictures, so stay tuned for that. 😉

      1. This is that post. It was just edited to add in the picture at the top, embed the livestream video, and to give it a more descriptive title.

  2. New Promo Code: surprizeme Don’t Use Internet Explorer I tried It And The Daily Pop-In doesn’t Show Up.

  3. Aw yeah,Zeus is the best villian!! And I came to the after party and I was the last one to leave like literally.

  4. Yes! I voted for the best dialogue first,so that thing is practically my baby now (what) and I also voted for Thinknoodles,GHI,and Fishy! = D

    Can’t believe Mystery Train lost to a subpar island like Poptropicon though.

  5. Congrats Fishy on being number 1! I guess you have been with this blog for a long time and have been helpful to others. Even though all the authors here are AMAZING!!!

  6. I think the “Best Villain” award should go to Black Widow… I agree that the “Best Storyline” should go to Ghost Story, but I think the best island is Mystery Train. I should’ve voted and then it might have tied. Add me if you feel like it my username is otissandra. 🙂

      1. I hate it how whenever I go into a common room everyone customizes me and then five minutes later I go back in and everyone’s wearing the same thing as I am! I can’t go into common rooms very often anymore because I don’t like people looking exactly like me. I try to wear store items that people can’t customize, but I don’t like the look of them as much as the customizable ones.

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