Galactic Hot Dogs Island, Mystery Train Island, Popstorms, PoptropiCon Island, Realms

Coming soon: GHD Island, Realms, & more

Hey guys! There’s a lot of Poptropica news to cover, so let’s get right into it.

First off, the Creators have announced that Galactic Hot Dogs Island will be coming to Poptropica in 15 days. That is January 29, a Thursday. They also mentioned that a Galactic Hot Dogs book will be coming to bookstores in 110 days. That is May 4, a Monday. (Click here for more GHD peeks!)

Second up, check out this awesome “bubble universe” sneak peek for Poptropica Realms!

pop realms

Third up, the Creators tweeted this cool layout of all the train carriages on Mystery Train Island – a glimpse into a planning stage of the past. Pretty interesting! 😛

mystery train layout

They also tweeted another PopStorm (#11) – this one is a bunch of little jumping jellybeans. Cute! :3

popstorm 11

Lastly, PoptropiCon: Episode 2 (Spoiler Alert) is now available for iOS, and it’s free! The Creators tweeted this image along with it, which HP posted earlier as an unreleased carousel slide for the redesigned Poptropica layout, so although it’s not on the front page, it looks like it still served some purpose after all.

popconSlideThat’s it for this time around! 😀


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