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Gnomeo, Gnomeo, wherefore art thou Gnomeo?

Help little Gnomeo, the lovestruck blue gnome of the new movie Gnomeo & Juliet, send the red gnome Juliet his love by avoiding obstacles and other red gnomes. The easiest way to do this, of course, is to fly (either with Super Power or Early Pop jetpack). If that’s not the option, here’s a video walkthrough from YouTuber secretscp to help you out:

At the end you can win two prizes! You can dress up like one of the gnomes with the costume (Gnomeo outfit for boys and Juliet’s for girls) or plant cute little garden gnomes anywhere on the ground with your space bar.

In other news, the PHF (one of our affiliated networks, the Poptropica Help Forum) has been replaced with DigiTalk, a new forum with a broader range of topics to discuss – which includes but is not limited to just Poptropica! It’s still targeted towards Poptropica’s age group, so you’ll probably love it. Click here to sign up or here to learn a little more from PHB guest poster iPrepKid.

11 thoughts on “Gnomeo, Gnomeo, wherefore art thou Gnomeo?”

  1. When I read the title I thought. Umm people from the west don’t talk like that I just noticed the red bandana in the video. People from western island wear bananas. After I relized its the Gnome movie.

  2. Gnomes are cool! I have one in my yard! Maybe I could buy another, and then dress then up like Gnomeo and Juliet! 😀

  3. Hey, has anyone noticed that Gnomeo Poptropican has eyelashes because i thought that on poptropica,girls only have eyelashes. Well do you think it was a mistake or on purpose?

  4. when I watched that video I did the maze right away.But they say you win a costume of Julliete but I won a Gnomeo costume. Is that right?

    Hijuyo: If your character is a boy, it should win the Gnomeo costume; and if you’re a girl, then you should win the Juliet costume.

  5. Heres something fun i like to do:
    Either If you are a member, use the minimizer, or if you are a non-member and managed to do the Gullivers Travels ad, the use the Lilliputianizer to make yourself small.Either use you Gnomeo outfit if you are a boy or Juliet outfit if you are a girl. Then Costumize whichever you have and add the little blue hand gnome that you can use.You are now a gnome! (Feel free to use a different hair or get rid of the hat).
    Its fun and funny, and you can go on Mini adventures….Teeheee, get it? ‘MINI adventure’!!! And Gnomes are mini….Hahaha, yeah thats funny. Anyways have fun!!!! 🙂

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