Sneak Peeks



And you thought green vegetables were scary…

Here’s a sneak peek at some creepy beasts that might be appearing on a future Poptropica island. Which one do you think is scarier? Vote in our poll on the sidebar!

Plant monster #1

Plant monster #2
avatar image

I’m definitely voting for #2. What about you guys? Also, if this is for “Robot” island or whatever, than why is the plant not…techy? Maybe this is from another island, and not “Robot” island? :O

And for your information, Captain Clueless, I eat my vegetables, thank you very much.


Sneak Peek of a Rusty Robot

I received special instruction to reveal to you this mysterious image. Be wise. With this small piece of information you could save the future of Poptropica. Your mission, for now, is to wait patiently until further notice.


And from the Official Poptropica Facebook page…

What’s this? It seems there’s another new Poptropica island in the works!

Well, these are nice changes! Seems like the next island will be called “Rusty Robot” island. This island actually seems promising, so I feel more inclined to play it than the last three islands – Reality TV, Myth, Skullduggery.

Looking at the PCB post, the first oddities are on the Poptropican – it has a watch and shoes! On the PHF Thread for it, a few members reported the Creators changing the image – removing the shoes, watch, and line underneath the Poptropican.


However, right now it appears to have gone back to what was originally posted. O_O

In the second sneak peek from Facebook, we seek a giant cog-like structure with platforms on it. It seems like perhaps someone has shut The Hub down – and maybe we have to restart it? Perhaps in this island the  wildlife is completely composed of bio-tech like organisms…? What do you think?

Coskit: Also, remember that old PCB post with the sketches of that “Mechanical” Island that we couldn’t make head or tail of? ( It seems that those sketches are linked to these posts. Just in time, too. I’m getting bored with Skullduggery. 😉 (Jk, jk….)

Let us know what you think in the comments!

Closing question: Would you like a section of the PHF that allowed you to have your own pet from Poptropica, complete with upgrades and customizations?

C0D3Rk1D Out!

93 thoughts on “T3kn0l0gikal!”

  1. It would be cool to have a pet on Poptropica! It’ll be nice to have shoes and a braclet or watch for our poptropicans!

    1. Sorry I didn’t include this before: What do you guys think “The Hub” could be? A factory maybe?

  2. I noticed that it appears like the Poptropican is wearing a t-shirt. Also, his arms are shorter than a regular Poptropican’s. Do I smell new outfits, new store items, and a revised Freeze Time item?

    1. Maybe he’s a younger player? I don’t know… But the shirt and pants aren’treally new, Looks more like new animation style…

  3. Can’t wait for this new island. I hope they have one planned to come out this month. The shoes are nice but I hope there are choices and if not I don’t have to have them on. They would ruin my formal outfit. Sneakers with a suit? No.

    1. I would love shoes! Especially if they matched my outfit. If you can customize them it would be even cooler. Ps. the surfer outfit is so cool!

  4. YES! i would love to have a pet! But we should all get our own little houses too. Iw ould get bunnies and puppies and kittens and of course llamas

  5. Hmmm. Would oculd the Hub be? The factory name, possibly? I would love to have a Poptropica pet! It could be like the puffles on club penguin! That would be awesome! We could call them…Dorfkins? Any ideas for a name of a creature that could be a poptropica pet? They could come in all the colors of the rainbow! 😀

  6. Hmm…I got the island idea! It’d be probably how future has gone in a twist end, and the hubble space telescope is broken. Only you can fix it. It’s called the HUB

  7. i cant wait. and yes i want a pet. there should be choices from cat, dog, hamster, bird, and goldfish. can you make your pet follow? i want a black tabby cat.

  8. robot in the picture is a crab-bot and that post reminds me of the one from a few months ago, the “full of hot air” post

    1. carnivorous plants my guess is the first one is the carnivorous sleeping/ waiting and when your poptropican comes by it will turn into plant two and lash out at you like the venus fly traps in spy island

  9. Oh! I think I know know why the plants aren’t techy! In the first sneak peek of Robot Island, there was a picture of a wheel thing with vines growing on it. And now, there are creepy plants. Maybe there’s an island with robots who live there peacefully and then some evil plants come and take over? LOL, just guessing. Not trying to spoil anything!

    1. i actually voted 4 plant no.1 because it is obvious that plant number 2 is scarier. mabey the poptropica creators want to trick us… like this… BOO!!!

  10. Maybe its like GR (no, not green! Generator Rex!)where its a lot of regular poptropicans get turned into plant-like evos and you have to heal the master one and the others

      1. FOP? You think the 2nd plant is a fop?! O_O
        You just hurt its feelings…*mysterious voice* so it will come and get you…(JK, JK.)
        P.S. “Fop” means a man obsessed by fashion and really vain about his looks so he becomes stupid.

    1. >:D I want a Dog….From Spy Island…I think I’ll adopt Fluffy (The big,black, scarier one) 😀 GUARD DOG…Bow wow! (XD)

  11. A pet on poptropica would be so cool!!!!
    But what if you got to chose the pet to help you in the island,and it was mechanical?
    That could possibly be a balance between island and wanting a pet! 😀
    In other words my idea is that there’s some mechanical animals on the island and you get to chose one to help you with the island and you get to keep it as a pet!(by help i mean like how Merlin and the mechanical mouse helped in AK but not that much)

  12. New PCB poll: Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades-themed surfers!!! I like the ideas so far… I can’t wait for this Island!

  13. New PCB post: Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades-themed surfers!!! I like the ideas so far… I can’t wait for this Island! Sorry if this is a double post, I had to fix a typo.

  14. Maybe it is not an island after all. It could be a mini quest to Astro-Knights Island like Dr. Hare’s Secret Lab was to 24 Carrot Island.

    ~Golden Rider- God of Poptropican Islands- Captain Rider of the Narrator- Servent to God.

  15. Any world with potential minions-er, I mean ROBOTIC CREATURES-is my dream world.

    As for the closing question: YES! OH YES, YES, YES!!!

    Sorry for caps, but YES!

  16. First of all I like monster #2 better. The first one looks like a plain old tree to me.

    And second, I think I’d like that feature. 😀

  17. Two things…
    Am I the only one who sees that these two look alike… mabye their the same plant… just in different forms… any way, again, am I the only one who thinks the creators made plant #2 scarier on purpose?

  18. Interesting! Perhaps this is the steampunk-themed island. 8D Which makes me pretty happy since I’m a big fan of the genre.

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