Guest Posts

Pop Puzzles: What’s Missing? Round 3 🧐

Hey Poptropicans, this is a guest post by Dizzy FeatherEnjoy!

Smoke and Mirrors: It’s all just a big show, isn’t it?

Hello everyone, Dizzy Feather here with round three of “What’s Missing?” Here’s how the game works:

I’ll show you screenshots from Poptropica with a detail covered up, and you try to guess what the missing piece is. Leave your guesses in the comments of this post, and in about a week I’ll share the answers and shout out those who got any of them correct! A couple of rules:

  • No cheating! Don’t go in-game to the area shown to find the answers, and don’t copy someone else’s answers (best not to look before sharing yours). Not only would that be cheating others, but you’ll be taking the fun away from yourself!
  • Have fun! It’s just a game. Don’t pressure yourself to get them all.

Now that we’ve got that down, let’s begin with this Fairytale Island/Rumpel’s Challenge edition puzzle! You may need to click on images to view them in full.

So what’s missing? Share your guesses in the comments, and if you’re right, I’ll mention you when I reveal the answers. Good luck!

Hope you enjoyed this guest post by Dizzy Feather. If you did, you might also enjoy previous rounds of “What’s Missing?”: Round 1 and Round 2.

The Poptropica Help Blog welcomes interesting Poptropica insights from anyone in the Poptropica community with thoughts to share. Interested in writing for the PHB? We’d love to hear from you!

Guest Posts

Pop Puzzles: What’s Missing? Round 2 🧐

Hey Poptropicans, this is a guest post by Dizzy FeatherEnjoy!

A Grave Mystery: Perhaps a new perspective would help.

Hello everyone, Dizzy Feather here with round two of “What’s Missing?” To make things a little easier than last time, I’m including a hint and Hangman-style placeholder with each one. Here’s how the game works:

I’ll show you screenshots from Poptropica with a detail covered up, and you try to guess what the missing piece is. Leave your guesses in the comments of this post, and in about a week I’ll share the answers and shout out those who got any of them correct! A couple of rules:

  • No cheating! Don’t go in-game to the area shown to find the answers, and don’t copy someone else’s answers (best not to look before sharing yours). Not only would that be cheating others, but you’ll be taking the fun away from yourself!
  • Have fun! It’s just a game. Don’t pressure yourself to get them all.

Now that we’ve got that down, let’s begin with this Jade Scarab edition puzzle! You may need to click on images to view them in full.

So what’s missing? Share your guesses in the comments below, and be sure to check back next week to see how many you got right! Have fun!

Hope you enjoyed this guest post by Dizzy Feather. If you did, you might also enjoy her clubhouse tour, or a similar puzzle series from the PHB, Stolen Snapshots, featuring scenes from classic islands.

The Poptropica Help Blog welcomes interesting Poptropica insights from anyone in the Poptropica community with thoughts to share. Interested in writing for the PHB? We’d love to hear from you!

Guest Posts

Pop Puzzles: What’s Missing? — Answers 🔑

Hey Poptropicans, this is a guest post by Dizzy FeatherEnjoy!

Falling to Pieces: Let’s see if we can rig this guy back together.

Hello everyone, Dizzy Feather here with the answers to “What’s Missing?”, my Pop puzzle from last week, where I obscured items from in-game scenes for you to guess “what’s missing.” If you missed it, play the game on the original post before scrolling down for spoilers!

Since it might have been a bit hard, I also shared riddles for each one:

  1. It brings you light but melts away.
  2. It holds what’s write.
  3. Red, Orange, and Yellow will turn to grey after it touches.
  4. Fruit from legend will make your heart beat.
  5. Villain from an unfinished story. This may hint at the return.
  6. Shake it and a seasonal weather shall be copied.

How many can you figure out? While I didn’t get many guesses on the original post, shout-out to Smart Icicle and Purple Star for getting a correct guess each! Anyway, here are the answers:

I hope everyone enjoyed this guessing game! I may do another soon, perhaps changing some things up to make it a little less challenging. Let me know in the comments if you have any feedback!

– Dizzy Feather

Hope you enjoyed this guest post by Dizzy Feather. If you did, you might also enjoy her clubhouse tour, or a similar puzzle series from the PHB, Stolen Snapshots, featuring scenes from classic islands.

The Poptropica Help Blog welcomes interesting Poptropica insights from anyone in the Poptropica community with thoughts to share. Interested in writing for the PHB? We’d love to hear from you!

Guest Posts

Pop Puzzles: What’s Missing? 🧐

Hey Poptropicans, this is a guest post by Dizzy FeatherEnjoy!

Falling to Pieces: Let’s see if we can rig this guy back together.

Hello everyone, Dizzy Feather here, and I’m going to introduce to you a little puzzle game called “What’s missing?”

I’ll show you screenshots from Poptropica with a detail covered up, and your job is to guess what the missing piece is. Leave your guesses in the comments of this post, and in about a week I’ll share the answers and shout out those who got them all correct! A few rules before we start:

  • No cheating! Don’t go in-game to the area shown to find the answers, and don’t copy someone else’s answers (best not to look before sharing yours). Not only would that be cheating others, but you’ll be taking the fun away from yourself!
  • Give as many details as you can. Some of the hidden objects might be obvious, but tell me what’s special about them. 
  • Have fun! It’s just a game. Don’t pressure yourself to get them all.

Now that we’ve got that down, let’s start with the pilot round:

So what’s missing? Share your guesses in the comments below, and be sure to check back next week to see how many you got right!

Hope you enjoyed this guest post by Dizzy Feather. If you did, you might also enjoy her clubhouse tour, or a similar puzzle series from the PHB, Stolen Snapshots, featuring scenes from classic islands.

The Poptropica Help Blog welcomes interesting Poptropica insights from anyone in the Poptropica community with thoughts to share. Interested in writing for the PHB? We’d love to hear from you!