Guest Posts

Who is your favorite Poptropica creature? 🦇

It’s time for a Poptropica popularity contest! As requested through this guest post by Smart Icicle, share your favorite non-Poptropican creatures from the game in the comments, and we’ll see who comes out on top.

Animal Kingdom: Come to me, jungle friends.

Hello! This is Smart Icicle. Now you may have recognized me from my poll on favorite villains (and its Pop 5 follow-up) or from a post on cultural connections of a famous Poptropica villain, Captain Crawfish.

This time, the focus is not on any villains, heroes, or islands.. it is going to be on animals. Allow me to ask a question: who is your favorite creature from Poptropica? Since there have been so many, instead of doing a poll, I’m asking everyone to share your faves in the comments of this post. To get you thinking, here are a few of mine:

There are lots more creatures listed on the Poptropica Wiki, but be sure to pick ones that aren’t also human Poptropicans!

So comment down below about your favorite creature(s) from Poptropica, and I’ll tally them up for a future Pop 5 post! Comments must be made by April 30 to be considered, and the top creatures will be announced sometime in May. See you soon, Smart Icicle out! 📚❄️

Hope you enjoyed this guest post by Smart Icicle. If you did, you might also enjoy another one of her posts: Pop 5: Popular Villains of Poptropica.

The Poptropica Help Blog welcomes interesting Poptropica insights from anyone in the Poptropica community with thoughts to share. Interested in writing for the PHB? We’d love to hear from you! 📰✨