Virus Hunter Island Guide


Somewhere in Poptropica, an unknown citizen harbors within his bloodstream a dangerous new virus. Your mission: locate Patient Zero, and eradicate the disease before it spreads. Prepare for a perilous journey to the most far-out place of all — inside the human body!

For walkthroughs on Virus Hunter Island, scroll down.

Released: August 30, 2013 (for members)
or September 26, 2013 (for all)
Common Room: Town Hall
Preceded by: Back Lot Island
Succeeded by: Mocktropica Island

Resources on this page: Island Extras | Synopsis from Poptropica | Video Walkthrough | Written Walkthrough | Album Photos | Trivia

Island Extras: Map | Videos | Official Tour | Nano-Combat Training MiniQuest Guide | Champions Map

Video Walkthrough

For a written walkthrough with pictures, scroll down on this page!

Written Walkthrough

Walkthrough written & pictures taken by Samwow5 (Tough Icicle)
Special thanks to: Strange Cat,Weirdo & Slanted Fish

When you land on Virus Hunter Island, go to the right of Main Street, past the video shop, and into the fitness center. Now, go to the left, past the pool, and click on the stretchy bands next to the weights. One will snap and give you a Resistance Band.


After you get thrown out, go to the bus stop. Climb up onto the nest and use your Resistance Band. Now, climb up and talk to the weird guy.


He says he thinks the government has set up shop where he’s at, and he wants you to go check out one of their vans. Leave the guy and go to the left, past the apartments, and over the brick wall.  Talk to the guy in the “Pizza Delivery Company aka PDC” truck. He’ll run away, and you’ll get a bag of Shredded Documents.


Now, run right and go back to the person on the roof. Piece everything together and go to the video store. Here’s what all of them should look like:


When you finish putting the shreds together, use the PDC ID badge that the guy on the roof gave you.


Enter the video store, show your badge, and go into the Staff Only area. Go down the elevator and talk to the lady with the goggles, Dr. Lange.  Um… what’s wrong with Dr. Lange’s assistant? Is she doing the Gangnam Style? Just kidding – she’s only typing.

Is she doing the Gangnam Sytle?

Anyway, talk to Dr. Lange, who will tell you your badge is a phony, but she wants you to volunteer to help stop the virus. So you say yes, she shows you what the virus can do, and it’s REALLY creepy. She’ll type up a Dossier and also give you a Camera to record Joe Stockman (Patient Zero).


Leave the video store and go into that apartment building again. Rummage through the trash bin, and click on a couple of different letters addressed to “Joe Stockman”.


Head over to the falafel place to the far right, past Main Street. (Go right two streets until you see it at the very end.) The guy there says he’s gotten a huge order for Globochem.

Now go to the Globochem Chemical Lab on Main Street. Run behind him when the panels open and go to the top floor. Talk to Joe and use your camera.


Now go back to Dr. Lange. Follow her, and she will reduce your size so small you’ll be able to fit inside Joe’s body. All in the name of science!


A quick tutorial will show you how to navigate and use the various weapons on your ship, the Panacea. Click on your ship to change your weapon.

  • Laser (red blade): used to cut through things/attack
  • Electrobolt (lightbulb-like): press spacebar to split objects away and clear paths
  • Coagulant (knob-like blob): spacebar to shoot green stuff that will block open areas where blood cells are flowing
  • Gun (has two prongs): spacebar to shoot and attack

After the tutorial, you’ll be ready to enter Joe’s body! Watch as he gulfs down his Chinese food… taking you right along to his stomach.

Now maneuver over to the bottom right of his stomach and shoot at the open area with the coagulant. His ulcer will be cleaned.


Now click a muscle in thin air near it and go to his right arm where it’s infected. Go look for the viruses.


The viruses attack you and take almost all your weapons, except for your gun. We’re going to need to get those weapons back if we want to survive in here!


Go back into the bloodstream, click the stomach (below the heart), and go up the esophagus.


Since it’s too narrow here, you’ll have to get out of the ship and go on foot. Ride these bubbles up to the top and head right.


Keep walking right until you reach a gold tooth at the top. It has your shield on it!


Now, go back to your ship and enter the stomach again. Go all the way down to the bottom left corner and enter the intestines. (You may have to wait a while for the opening to unblock itself.)


Once you reach the intestines, you’ll see a lot of blockage. Go through the intestines, shooting the blockage away by pressing the space bar.


When you reach the end of it, go down… and you’ll come across this big virus! To defeat it, wait for its arms-with-yellow-blobs to come out, then shoot at it by pressing the spacebar. Do this a few times, and the main virus (green part) will be weakened. Shoot at it, and it’ll be gone.


Once you defeat this virus, you’ll get your laser scalpel back, which means you can cut through things!


Go right and cut through some fat/tissue, and you’ll be back in the bloodstream. Click on the heart and cut through some tissue when you get there. You will encounter another virus to fight! Make sure you’re using your laser scalpel, and rush to stab the virus when its “legs” are wide enough for you to go through. Be careful, you’ll lose health if you let the legs touch you. You can regain your health by hitting the blue or red cells.


Keep moving in and out and when you’ve stabbed it enough, it will run off. Follow it and cut through some more tissue, and keep stabbing it. After a certain amount of hits, the virus runs off again. Follow it again, cut through the tissue, and keep stabbing him. It’ll run off a final time – keep stabbing, and it’ll be gone. You’ll get your coagulant back!


Now, go back into the bloodstream and visit Joe’s right hand. Use your coagulant to seal up all the tissue hemorrhages.


After you do that, go back into the bloodstream. Go into the right arm and shoot at all the tissue cuts with the coagulant. When you finish all of them, go right at the end.


Some viruses will come after you, and you’ll need to fight them off and continue sealing up tissues with the coagulant. The viruses care about hurting the tissues more than hurting you, so shoot the tissues until they turn green, then shoot the sacs where the viruses come from (there’s two). You can use either the laser scalpel or gun to attack.


When you finish shooting the sacs, kill the remaining viruses that are trying to hurt you. Then shoot all the sacs again, and you will retrieve your electrobolt.


Once you get the Electrobolt, shoot the blue nerves while you’re leaving. It relieves Joe (Patient Zero) of his pain. Now go back into the bloodstream.


From there, go to the brain. When you get there, use your Electrobolt to get rid of the blue nerve. You’ll see this beastly virus that looks like it came out of a horror film.


Now here’s the tricky part. Your weapons don’t hurt the big virus. (However, you can defeat the little viruses it sends in your direction with your laser scalpel.)

Go left and use the Electrobolt (remember to press the space bar) with the blinking neuron. After it lets go, it will follow you. Connect it to the next one and so on until it reaches the virus and shocks it. Each time the big virus is shocked, it will move to a different area, and you’ll need to keep connecting the blinking neuron to the neuron the big virus is sitting on.)

Shock him 5 times and you’ll get the Gravity back. Now, use the Coagulant and shoot the tissues. After that, go back into the bloodstream, and into the mouth.


Once you’re inside the mouth, go down under the bottom teeth. You will reach the cavity. Keep poking it with your laser scalpel and the cavity will go away.


After you do that, go into the bloodstream again, and return to the heart. Use your electrobolt and press spacebar on the blue nerves to ease the muscles out of the way, and keep going until you reach the end. Enter the last area – the lungs.

When you get inside the lungs, another virus will be waiting. To defeat this one, keep hitting its arm while it’s on the alveolar sacs. The arms will eventually fall off, and the virus will be contained.


Joe will then sneeze you out, and you’ll get your island medallion from Dr. Lange! Congratulations – you’ve completed Virus Hunter Island!

Bonus Quest (members only)

Go to the Knave’s landing. A dog will run away from its owner. The owner will say that her dog, Belle, has been acting strange ever since she ate rubbish from the trash. She’ll ask you to help her dog, and you will get what she ate out of – it’s something with the PDC’s initials on it!

Go to the PDC lab and talk to Dr. Lange. She’ll tell you about why the dog has been acting in a frenzy. It seems as if she ate the PDC’s heartworms, which were thrown away! (Ugh,not again!)

So you get out and go to the falafel place.The guy will give you some leftovers. Feed them to Belle, and you’ll be in the dog’s body. Now, near her upper canine teeth, there’ll be some wounds. Cure them with your curing thingy. Go right. There will be two green long swiping things, probably a result of the heartworms. Speaking of the very devil, the heartworms are blocking a tunnel down right.

You will have to hit the thingies first with your gun to make them disappear, then the heartworms will go. But not all of them! Continue right through a tunnel to a stomach. Use the laser to go through the fat, and go through the ‘Pop Chow’ by shooting it with your gun. Soon you’ll reach a tunnel for the intestines. Go through it.

You will be in a maze of nerves. There will be nerves of different colors which will open paths with the door of their same color, but may close another one with the same color. Go through that and experiment with it. Kill all the green swinging things with your gun. After you reach a dead end, go back through it and exit. Then go and exit the stomach.

Then the heartworms will stop blocking the passage, and you can go into the lungs (yes, already). There will be smaller lungs with—YA!!!! GREEN SWINGING THINGS EVERYWHERE!! THEY MOVE THEMSELVES FROM ONE HOLE TO ANOTHER!!! YOU’VE GOTTA STOP ‘EM!

So you shall have to shoot at them from near their holes. They may escape from one hole to another, but then just switch holes! After you shoot all of them, a small tunnel will open up. Go through it for the final final battle, this time in the heart. When you enter, you’ll meet the center of the heartworm. Shoot at its four parts till it sprouts.

Shoot at the sprouts from a safe distance. Then the white cells will finish it off! The heartworm is contained! A blue tunnel will open up which will take you back to the mouth. Then, exit the mouth, and you’ll arrive back safely on Main Street. The girl will thank you, and Dr. Lange will reward you with the Ace Pilot costume. Congrats, you’re done!

Looking for more walkthroughs? Check out our Island Help page! 🙂

Album Photos

These pictures appeared in a former feature known as the photo album.


  • Virus Hunter Island is Poptropica’s 35th island. It was released on August 30, 2013 for members with a demo for non-members, and everyone could get a free Hazmat Suit on Main Street. The login screen featured two viruses chasing the kids that usually run across the screen, then someone in the round body-travel vehicle shooting them away. It will be released to everyone on September 26, 2013.
  • Virus Hunter Island was re-released for Steam on May 25, 2022.
  • The name of the island was discovered through a post on the blog of Poptropica artist Nasan Hardcastle, where he showed images of characters he designed for Poptropica, including the unreleased anatomy-themed “Virus Hunter” island. The island was confirmed by Poptropica on May 15, 2013.
  • Common room: Town Hall
  • This is the first island to be released with music and bigger navigation (excluding 24 Carrot BETA Carrotene, which was the first to be upgraded from its lesser version).
  • There is a letter in the trash for a “Nasan SoftFort,” a pun on Nasan Hardcastle’s name.
  • This is the first island to have a world champions player map which shows the rankings for finishing the island.
  • There is a poster on the outside of the GreenSquare video store for Revenge of the Zombie Carrots, which is the sequel of the Zombie Carrot movie shown on Zomberry Island.
  • Waist Not Fitness Center has a logo similar to The Biggest Loser.
  • In the fitness center, you can open the lockers without locks. (One has a picture of a dog!)
  • Bucky Lucas of Reality TV Island is frequently referenced throughout the island, including when you trick Joe into taking his picture.
  • There are computers in Globochem on websites Funbrain, Fact Monster, and even what appears to be Poptropica. Also, there’s a screen on what looks like Facebook as well as a game of Solitaire.
  • In GreenSquare, the cardboard cutout for a movie called ‘Stuck in Detention’ is a reference to the 1985 movie The Breakfast Club, and the boy shown parodies the character John Bender.
  • GreenSquare is a parody of the DVD rental company Redbox.
  • The plot of Virus Hunter Island may have been inspired by the 1987 science fiction movie Innerspace.
  • My Boyfriend is a Martian is a reference to the TV series My Babysitter’s a Vampire.
  • The gag with the “Pizza Delivery Company” van being a cover for the PDC was directly ripped off from a joke on the Simpsons. There’s a truck parked outside the Simpson’s house called “Flowers By Irene” that has FBI agents inside, and the second Marge notices it, the van takes off and is replaced by one that says “Pizza Delivery” with police officers inside.
  • The name of the company that Joe works for, GloboChem, was a reference to a joke on the TV show Mr. Show.
  • Virus Hunter was the culmination of Pop Creator Mitch Krpata‘s years-long quest to make a Super Metroid-style adventure on Poptropica. He says, “It didn’t go well, and I apologize.”
  • During Early Access, there was a vending machine on Main Street where you can come back every week to collect a new free prize. When a new prize was released, the previous ones would be ‘Sold Out.’ The prizes so far were a Hazmat Suit and Scifi Doctor costume, available to everyone. The next prize (a helmet) will be for members only (available Sept 12). On Sept 19, a final mystery prize will be available to everyone.
  • Bonus quest: Poptropicans are feeling fine, but man’s best friend isn’t so lucky. Now, a sick dog needs your help. Head back into the fray to take down a new threat: the vicious heartworm!
  • Previously, members would get an additional Virus Hunter Island gear pack, which includes Virtual Virus costume, Inside-Out power, and Sneezing Powder item. The Virtual Virus costume was only available during Early Access.
  • Members could also play a Nano-Combat Training Game to prepare for Virus Hunter, which was available in the Store.

an apple a day keeps the doctor away

304 thoughts on “Virus Hunter Island Guide”

      1. Mine just lost her ears and her bow shoots constantly. It won’t stop. xD

      2. samwow5 is funny because he said: this beastly virus looks like it came out of a horror movie!

      3. Im playing in 2014 August, the boss battle was too easy. The other viruses were harder than the last guy in the heart. And how do you get sneezed out when your in a heart?? Shouldn’t you have to go into the mouth first?!

      4. Er, I can’t get past the first part since there’s no guy in the truck with documents. I hop the fence and it’s just boxes and dirt.

      5. Hi I loveeee your guide but could you help me I have like no idea where the nest is LOL

    1. Thanks for making this but what angers me is that my Moms Toshiba is to slow. My pod thing moves around to fast and uncontrolled and the virus creatures are to fast so im stuck in the bit before you go into the mouth.AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!

      1. How do you get back to the bloodsteram after you got your coagulant back? Because I went to a new tab then suddenly I was in (what apperared to be) the lungs WHERE IS THE BLOODSTREAM??!!

    2. Hey y”all! I finished Virus Hunter Island, and I found a much shorter way to do this. Do all the beginning steps, go to the heart blah blah blah. After you defeat the heart virus, go down to the lungs, and defeat the Big Guy without doing all the extra stuff! Hope this helps!

    3. i got stuck on a part so i had to restart the i got stuck is because when i completed a boss, i had to go but when i logged in the entrance to the boss area was closed and could be only opened from the outside. i got stuck where you had to hit the blue nerves i think?this happened 2-3 years ago.its been so long i had to restart the island pleas fix this glitch by putting a exit way when killing a boss in the boss area pls?

      slantedfish: Contact Poptropica support so they can help you and fix the glitch.

      1. i keep restarting the part where joe gets a cramp because after that the virus pushes me into the breathing thing and i cannot get out and that is the beginning.

    4. One lady at GloboChem (The one who said, “I can feel it; today is the day we achieve synergy.”) looks just like the reporter lady you chase around the hallways in the PoptropiCon.

    5. Uh, when I was in Joe’s right arm and I had to heal the two cuts when these virus’s kept attacking me, I turned invisible and I couldn’t move and the virus’s vanished… I can’t just let Joe’s health bar get lower and lower! How do I fix this?

      1. r u sayin that the sneeze you didn’t even see the boogers and stuff is grosser than all the food and body parts and stuff?

      1. I am in the area where Dr. Lange is first teaching us how to cut stuff, electructe muscles and go to the fan inside the body…..Now we are stuck, where should we go now???What do we do??

      1. This is one of the hardest guides to write in Poptropica easily, I had to study anatomy before this island came out to get ready for it.

      1. it is kinda gross how it makes squishy noises when you bump into a vein, or when you have to cut the fat, or fill the ulcers with that green stuff… but I don’t care. I like science.

      1. Hello! How do you defeat that thing in the arm? I guess ya go around it? ill try that, if it does not work please comment to help me!!

        Slanted Fish: You can attack viruses with the laser scalpel.

  1. Ahh! Before this guide was made, I actually beat the brain virus, but then I wound up finding Pop not responding, and now I’m not in Joe’s body anymore!!

  2. I mean I probly wont need it but im not a poptropica member (my mom wont let me even though she promised 4 the last idk like 5 yrs) but I just LOVE learning about the human body and im the only kid who inmy class who knew what a ‘doll head’ was its a type of virus shape and a lot of the viruses ur showing are doll heads. im such a geek 😉

  3. im frustrated because when I enter the heart it gets stuck and I cant get out its making me really angry another glitch im annoyed about is sometimes my poptropican moves by its self. I really hope they fix these glitches so I can pass the island.

  4. thankyou so much for this awsum walkthru ….but when i go to the apartment trash building nd find the documents even after finding the document needed nothing happens !!! PLZ HELP

      1. Yeah, Joe needs to brush his teeth AND see a dentist because he has 3 supersharp teeth, 1 gold tooth, and 1 tooth growing down in his gum!! EWW!!

      1. yeah i can’t get out of the lungs. I don’t have the gravity thing and how do I get out?

    1. There is a cut sort of thing in the lungs (right side about two inches up). It looks sort of like the things you put coagulant in, and it’s dark purple. It will take you back to the bloodstream.


  5. im stuck in some place where it says “unstable air currents, cannot proceed without gravity center” i dont know where i am or how to get out! it wont let me go up, i just keep getting blown back down.

    1. That means you’re in the lungs, and you haven’t finished the other “levels” in the other parts of the body. Check and see if there’s a part of the body you haven’t been through. And there’s a little slit in the right lung near the bottom to get out. 🙂

  6. yay I just finished that last virus with the 4 arms made me so mad my dad threatened to kick me off the computer if I didn’t stop yelling stuff like “DIE, STUPID FREAKING VIRUS YOU ARE KILLING JOE!!!! AND I LIKE JOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  7. its weird in 24 carrot the peoples names are crazy comet and shy sky but in virus hunter his name is joe stockman

  8. When she tells me to get on the platform, my computer freezes and wont let me character move. Any ideas on how to pass it? Should I try a dif. computer?

    Slanted Fish: You can try using a different web browser (eg. Chrome) or maybe a newer computer.

  9. I cant get my shield off the tooth HELP?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    Slanted Fish: Keep trying to reach it/click on it.

  10. Anyone else have a glitch at the end of the island when you go to beat the final virus and then it just freezes?

    1. Does anybody have a glitch where in the mouth you go past the teeth and into this light blue void and can’t get back up? That’s what happened to me so I logged out then in and then I had to get the shield again. 😦

  11. I only had like a quarter of the island left and then there was a MASSIVE glitch and when I tried again there was another glitch. I think I will just give up on the island.

  12. i need help i cant exit the hand everytime i try it just takes me to the outside of the hand out of the map. please help what can i do

    1. Just keep clicking the vein that leads out of the hand. My game wouldn’t let me out until I clicked about a billion times.

  13. P.S there were alot of glitches like when joe was doing the weights, he stopped and woudent start so i reloaded it but the glitch was still hapening :l

    1. same!!!!!! im stuck in the ship, and i spent like, 20 minutes trying to get through the esophagus and then when im through, i cant get out!!! ugh!!!

  14. How do I get past the first big virus?!?! (the one after the intestines) do I, like, just keep killing the rope things with the claws on the end or what?!?! PLEASE HELP

  15. never mind I did it lol sorry. it was a glitch that made the claw things regenerate over and over until I killed like, 20 of them! lol sorry

  16. i actully discorved a glitch

  17. hi. Please note that i'm made of chocolate,so that means i'm edible. PLEASE DON'T EAT ME because i'm actually your candy god angel. but you can call me magic snowball since that;s my poptropican's name is. says:


  18. Every time I enter the apartment it says it’s loading ,but then it won’t stop loading. Any Idea how to fix this?

  19. Um, something is wrong. It won’t let me talk to Joe or take his picture… I did everything right, I don’t understand. Please help.

  20. hey, i beat the brain virus, but then when i went to leave, the muscles at the brain stem are closed, and they’re the only way out. in all the tutorials i watched they are open but in mine im stuck in the brain!! PLEASE HELP

  21. hi. its me, your candy god angel! Poptropica is being updated (Mocktropica) and so am i! Magic Snowball in the House! says:

    Woah, it must be a glitch. I cant help you. Sorry!

  22. hi. its me, your candy god angel! Poptropica is being updated (Mocktropica) and so am i! Magic Snowball in the House! says:

    P.S i hate glitches 😛

  23. i just opened viryus hunter…
    all i can see is this huge BLANK TV screen-no island. wats going on?help….

    Slanted Fish: It may have difficulty loading since Virus Hunter has the new “bigger screen” upgrade. Try refreshing or contacting Poptropica.

  24. I’m in the brain where you have to use the nerve things to kill the virus and I’ve shocked it 4 times but now the nerve that’s supposed to be lighting up isn’t lighting up so when I connect them nothing happens!! I’ve tried shocking it with my tool thingy but it doesn’t work!! PLEASE HELP!!!!

    1. You are supposed to shock the ball things (left side on the first one) and drag them over to another neuron’s star-shaped thing to connect them.

  25. how on earth can i get out of this guy…….i cant bear the fact of my poptropican getting stuck in this guy….it’s too gross 😦
    i can bear the fact of getting stuck in a cave
    on a island
    in a cage of flesh ripping panthers
    but not in some person’s body
    tips to escape please ………….x(

    1. If you want to get out to the map just go into your menu thing in the top right corner of the game and click on the blimp.

  26. It’s weird. I finished getting the Coagulant back, and went straight to the heart. I defeated that virus and got the island medallion. I didn’t have to do all that stuff between that. Anyone else get this?

  27. After I defeated the virus in the heart, I went into the center of the heart, and defeated the boss there, and then Joe sneezed me out. I didn’t have to defeat the boss in the brain, or go in the mouth again… I think I found some sort of shortcut!

  28. Help! I accidentally left the center of the heart after defeating the virus and now Joe won’t sneeze so I can’t get out.

  29. I have a problem so I left the heart after defeating the virus and then when I came back, where the virus’ were I couldnt pass because the tissue is swollen I dont know what to do 😕

  30. heyyyy
    i just cant get into joes body .he just keeps saying,”um who are you?” again and again and something replies just a pilot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    wats goin on?????

    1. you have to talk to the felafel guy at lunchtime he’ll deliver lunch and they’ll accidentally leave the gate open, even if you leave the room

  31. Thinknoodles/Insiders Network says that Virus Hunter Island is based on a movie that he loved when HE was a kid:”Inner Space”. (he Said so in his Think’s Peeks video for the Island.)

    Slanted Fish: Thanks for the trivia! 🙂

  32. It won’t give me the cutting tool back! How do I? I defeated the virus! I’m stuck on this :(((

  33. Lol! Really big glitch! As soon as I got inside the body, the final boss came! I defeated that and finished the island :):):) That’s what I call no mucking around!

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