Ask Poptropica Siri

Ask the Joker #6: Furry fave, freedom, and flying

Ask the Joker is a Q&A segment here on the PHB where you, dear readers, are invited to send in your Poptropica questions to have them answered, with wit, wisdom, and wisecracks, by one Incredible Joker.

I noticed that you have a Dr. Hare costume on your Poptropican, do you like Dr. Hare or are you a fan of someone else? ~Smart Icicle

I don’t really use that costume too much, but I actually also have another account with the same outfit in white. 🙃👍 I think that Dr. Hare leaves an impression on most players, and I think that’s because he’s usually the first villain people face. (Unless you count the spider from Early Poptropica 😂).

I don’t really have a specific reason that I like him so much, aside from that and his general story. Some villains you just want them to have a (somewhat) happy ending!

Hi my question is what do you love most about being a staff writer on the PHB? ~Dangerous Dragon

Fan art! 👍😂 I’ve never had art drawn of me before now. 😛 But really though, it’s nice to help out with this blog and like I’ve mentioned before, to have the freedom that I do with these posts I make. (In fact, I wrote part of this one while eating lunch at work! 😅)

I have a few other ideas for PHB posts in the works, that Slanted Fish has been helping me with 👍 (and being very patient with me 😂😅). I suppose that’s another part of what I enjoy about being here: how much the other PHB staff care about the blog and the game.

What was your favorite Poptropica (Flash) glitch? ~Greedy Shadow

There have been many, many glitches over Poptropica history. Unfortunately many of them are not helpful to the player. 😂😅 But I suppose my favorite one would have to be the small “flying” glitch.

It might not work now, but back in the Flash days, you could “fly” by using any spacebar-activated item action while walking off a building, and would keep going until animation was done. Here’s a YouTube video that captures it in action:

If done right, the glitch could sometimes help you get to places you weren’t supposed to be at yet. Of course it, like all glitches, it was kind of iffy on working most of the time.

How can you send in your questions to Ask the Joker?

That’s a great question! You can use the following methods:

  • 📧 Send an email to justaskthejoker (at) gmail (dot) com. This way, you’ll get to keep your questions a surprise when they get answered on the blog.
  • 💬 Comment on the latest Ask the Joker post. Your questions will be publicly visible before they appear in a Q&A post, but this allows others to interact with your question if they so choose. If you don’t have an email address, you can enter a fake one in the email field when you post your comment.

See you all next time, and remember: You can’t spell Poptropica without letters.

Ask Poptropica Siri

Ask the Joker #5: TMI: Tail-wagging Moments & Islands

Ask the Joker is a Q&A segment here on the PHB where you, dear readers, are invited to send in your Poptropica questions to have them answered, with wit, wisdom, and wisecracks, by one Incredible Joker.

Tell us about your Poptropica pet! Name, species, items of clothing, personality, likes and dislikes? You might be able to collect them all, but how many pets should one Poptropican really have? ~Slanted Fish

Well while that is technically more than one question, since you are my boss so polite about it, here we go. 😂😋 I got a pet literally just to have answers to this, so these were made by my tired, not thinking creatively, mind. I have gotten myself a pink/purplish dog 👍.

His name is Coney (try figuring that one out people 😜) and he has his fedora and yellow dead eyes. He likes: Being a dog, having a fedora, dog food, and naps. He dislikes: Losing his fedora, running out of food, and alarms. I mean I think you’d agree on this, but can you really limit your love to only one pet at any time? Gotta catch them all give them all nice, loving homes to enjoy!

What is your favorite moment playing Poptropica? ~Pegs

My favorite moment is probably not one that most people would see as a big deal, but I just really enjoyed it and I am easily amused 😅. I was really happy when I ran across the violin playing on Ghost Story.

Violin Ghost Story

I probably played that part over again a dozen or so times. I really like the tune (even though I have no musical talent myself) and I like those small things we get with sound in the game. The ‘rare’ and somewhat off feeling fit the creepy vibe of that island.

What do you think should be the next island to be ported to Haxe? ~Silver Horse

I really miss Spy Island. I always liked the feeling of it and the dark colors. And using the bowtie to almost fly around the place, and using the chameleon suit to talk to the enemy guards. 😂 I used to stand just far enough from their stop point to be able to bring up a chat bubble. And whether they do bring this one back soon or not, I would also like to see maybe a sequel or just a similar concept? Maybe the agency needs you to help again? They could introduce new gadgets, maybe some James Bond type stuff?

How can you send in your questions to Ask the Joker?

That’s a great question! You can use the following methods:

  • 📧 Send an email to justaskthejoker (at) gmail (dot) com. This way, you’ll get to keep your questions a surprise when they get answered on the blog.
  • 💬 Comment on the latest Ask the Joker post. Your questions will be publicly visible before they appear in a Q&A post, but this allows others to interact with your question if they so choose. If you don’t have an email address, you can enter a fake one in the email field when you post your comment.

See you all next time, and remember: You can’t spell Poptropica without letters.

Ask Poptropica Siri

Ask the Joker #4: Islands, islands, and more islands

Ask the Joker is a Q&A segment here on the PHB where you, dear readers, are invited to send in your Poptropica questions to have them answered, with wit, wisdom, and wisecracks, by one Incredible Joker.

Which new island are you most excited for, and why? ~Pegs

I am not fully sure about which one I want to play most quite yet. Both Fairy Tale and Goofball Island are interesting concepts, and they still may have one or two more winners of the Dream Island contest to announce.

Fairy Tale reminds me a bit of Time Tangled but with more complexity to it. So I think it will be fun to find the things that are messed up and figure out where they go, and to see how true they stay to the classic fairytales. Or maybe they will even decide to make a few of their own versions.

I am also excited to meet the new villain they will introduce with Goofball island! Though they didn’t say whether this island would also come out in 2021, I hope it will be sometime soon with everything going on. (Also I am quite the fan of color by numbers, and the concept is pretty similar! ☺️🙃).

What is the hardest island? ~Genius Pink Lightning

I suppose this answer is probably going to be different for everybody, but mine would be either Nabooti or Time Tangled. Mostly because of having to find the right order to do things in, and then figuring out how to place all the gems in the right places.

Both those islands did have some pretty cool easter eggs though, like the phone on Nabooti and hidden Viking outfit on Time Tangled. Figuring out new codes for the phone was exciting each time, getting to see what they added to my character.

Even after you have played through them once, they can be pretty fun to replay to see just how well it flows with the right order of events!

Is there any way after the end of Flash to play more islands than are currently available in Haxe? ~Arnav K.

Yes, you can! 😄 You can play a handful more of them on the mobile app. If you can somehow get Flash to still work on your computer, perhaps with an older not-updated browser, a membership lets you access all the classic islands. Still, I can understand not wanting to buy membership to play classics that used to be free.

There is another unofficial way to play some of the classics with a little setup. Using idk’s Old Island Directory, you can play around 34 of them on Flashpoint, a Flash game preservation platform. I would list them here but I am lazy sure you will enjoy their organized list at the bottom of their page!

I wanna know, what is your My Place In Poptropica story? ~Emuuuuuuu

I plan to write a post for this story sometime in the future! 👍

How can you send in your questions to Ask the Joker?

That’s a great question! You can use the following methods:

  • 📧 Send an email to justaskthejoker (at) gmail (dot) com. This way, you’ll get to keep your questions a surprise when they get answered on the blog.
  • 💬 Comment on the latest Ask the Joker post. Your questions will be publicly visible before they appear in a Q&A post, but this allows others to interact with your question if they so choose. If you don’t have an email address, you can enter a fake one in the email field when you post your comment.

See you all next time, and remember: You can’t spell Poptropica without letters.

Ask Poptropica Siri

Ask the Joker #3: Handles, hitches, and happiness

Ask the Joker is a Q&A segment here on the PHB where you, dear readers, are invited to send in your Poptropica questions to have them answered, with wit, wisdom, and wisecracks, by one Incredible Joker.

Name any weird Poptropican names! ~Cheerful Comet

Not exactly a question but here you go 😜. I mean, most names are pretty unique on Poptropica to begin with. Especially now that we have a bit more choice in the matter with the Custom Name Genie. But I guess the weirdest one to me would have to be Lizard. I know that may seem like an odd choice, but there use to be a glitch that I have not checked out in a long time with that name. Every now and then I would make a character just to look at all the different names, but sometimes I would come across ones with only a single name. Whenever that happened, it filled in the last name as ‘Lizard’. I still have an account I never used with that as the name 👍.

How do you think the devs would react if they found out about glitches and our poptropicans with uncustomizables? ~Silver Horse

And speaking of glitches, onto our next question. Honestly, I am not certain how they would feel. With all the other things they have on their plate, I do not believe they would fix anything as soon as it was seen. It would probably take some time to find out how it was done and how to keep it from happening.

And even then, there will always be people who find ways around it all to do things that nobody expects or has thought of before. I myself found two glitches recently (unless someone else has talked about them and I just live under a rock 😂😅):

1) If you have the Poptropica app, you can still spin the daily wheel there and then get your login bonus on Haxe, and both will count towards your account.

2) On Kira’s Island’s matching card game, I accidentally won with only two cards 🤣. I found one match and kept spamming it, and it counted as all the matches I needed, and gave me the reward for the game like it usually would. And for anyone still curious, we do have a page for this type of stuff with glitches and secrets on it!

I see you’re a permanent author now. How do you feel being a part of the PHB? ~Soda

Weird. (Honestly I make most of this stuff up as I go 😛). I am pretty sure that as of now I have written every post of mine the night before it was supposed to go up 😅. It is nice to be a part of it and help out fellow fans even if I have not actually given out too much advice yet. And to any aspiring writers reading this, remember that all it takes is a thought! I sent in an idea to the PHB and was invited to make it myself. So don’t be afraid to send in an idea or submit a guest post or just ask about tips to write an article. Personally I thought some of my ideas were stupid or not original, but I have been told otherwise so 😂😅 if I can do it, then anybody can.

The two incredibly lucky Jokers of the PHB, drawn by Lucky Joker

And as they say, third time’s the charm! Thus ends part three of (to be determined). I’ll see you all next week (or sooner? Hint hint?) and I will try to answer more of your eager questions. Now take whatever advice you will from this, and hop to it! 🐰

How can you send in your questions to Ask the Joker?

That’s a great question! You can use the following methods:

  • 📧 Send an email to justaskthejoker (at) gmail (dot) com. This way, you’ll get to keep your questions a surprise when they get answered on the blog.
  • 💬 Comment on the latest Ask the Joker post. Your questions will be publicly visible before they appear in a Q&A post, but this allows others to interact with your question if they so choose. If you don’t have an email address, you can enter a fake one in the email field when you post your comment.

See you all next time, and remember: You can’t spell Poptropica without letters.

Ask Poptropica Siri

Ask the Joker #2: Me, myself, and I

Ask the Joker is a Q&A segment here on the PHB where you, dear readers, are invited to send in your Poptropica questions to have them answered, with wit, wisdom, and wisecracks, by one Incredible Joker.

Welcome to the second ATJ where you will be learning about the Joker himself! (Whether you want to or not 😂). These three questions were actually asked by the same person, Pegs. So thanks for taking an interest in me! And if anyone wants to mention their answer to any of these in the comments, go ahead. 😁

What is your favorite island? ~Pegs

That is a bit hard to pick between. You might guess 24 Carrot and yeah that one makes me pretty hoppy to play it, but each has its moments. I like ones with multiple parts like Arabian Nights and PoptropiCon. I liked on Counterfeit having to travel to another island and wish they had expanded on that idea. I did get really spirited about Ghost Story Island, for a few reasons. To be a stereotype, I am from a relatively haunted state and I have heard many, many ghost stories over the years so I like that type of thing already. I was pretty excited when they announced the island.

Who is your favorite villain? ~Pegs

Binary Bard. 😐

How many medallions do you have? ~Pegs

If I counted it up right I would say 48? That is not counting any I may have replayed, or the slightly modified 24 Carrot Island. The two islands that I have not completed are Back Lot Island and Lunar Colony, so maybe if they do add the old ones back then I can bring my count up to a perfect 50. Of course hopefully that count will go up soon anyways with two winners of the Dream Island contest being announced so far! Fairy Tale and Goofball Island! Unless I procrastinate and never finish the new islands. 😅

And that’s it for the second Ask the Joker! Remember to ask more questions and I’ll get to each one when I can. If this gets more popular, I may do more than three per post. More work for me but more fun for you all. 😅👍

How can you send in your questions to Ask the Joker?

That’s a great question! You can use the following methods:

  • 📧 Send an email to justaskthejoker (at) gmail (dot) com. This way, you’ll get to keep your questions a surprise when they get answered on the blog.
  • 💬 Comment on the latest Ask the Joker post. Your questions will be publicly visible before they appear in a Q&A post, but this allows others to interact with your question if they so choose. If you don’t have an email address, you can enter a fake one in the email field when you post your comment.

See you all next time, and remember: You can’t spell Poptropica without letters.