Fanfiction, Guest Posts

Fanfic: It’s the Seriously Good Show 🎪 Ep. 1: Gold Bird, fashion store owner

Hey Poptropicans, this is a guest post by Serious Heart. Enjoy!

Hello! Serious Heart here, with the first episode of It’s the Seriously Good Show! If you didn’t read the prologue, I think you should probably go back and read it here. Now, let’s begin!

Fireside Chat: Pull up a chair.

Serious Heart walked into the room. “Howdy, people of Mythology Island! Welcome to the first episode of It’s the Seriously Good Show, the chat show where I interview famous and/or smart people! The first person I interview is…”

The audience waited in suspense.

“Gold Bird, owner of the fashion store!” Serious Heart said. The audience clapped politely as Gold Bird walked in.

“Welcome, Gold Bird!” Serious Heart said.

“Thanks, Serious Heart!” Gold Bird said, beaming.

“Well, Gold Bird, how did you become the owner of a world-famous fashion store?” Serious Heart asked.

“Well, I got the job because, I applied, and since no one else wanted the job, I had it! Isn’t it funny, Serious Heart?” Gold Bird exclaimed.

The audience stared at her. Serious Heart looked a little shocked.

“Hahahahahahahaha very funny.” Serious Heart said. He did not look like that was funny at all.

“So, anyway, here is my new outfit! I got it at the Poptropica Department Store!”

“Wow, that’s—” Serious Heart tried to say before Gold Bird cut him off.

“So, my BFF said, ‘Gold, you have to buy that outfit! It’s awesome!’” Gold Bird said.

Some of the audience left. Finally, Gold Bird stopped, due to exhaustion from talking so much. Serious Heart seized his chance to talk.

“What are your favorite clothes?” Serious Heart asked.

Gold Bird looked delighted.

“My silver dress! It costed… 1,291,836 credits!” Gold Bird bragged.

Serious Heart looked pleased that he has finally gotten a chance to ask a question.

And Gold Bird rambled on and on and on, like that, for the rest of the interview, until Serious Heart cut her off before it got too boring.

“Well, that’s it for today! Tune in next time, Poptropicans!” Serious Heart said.

अच्छे समय के लिए चीयर्स,
Serious Heart

Hope you enjoyed this guest post by Serious Heart. If you did, you might also enjoy other fanfictions we’ve shared.

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