24 Carrot Island, Creators' Blog Guest Posts, Social Media

Verify your villainous side with a varnish

Hey Poptropicans! Today in the Poptropica universe: a tag yourself challenge, petition to get Pop verified on Twitter, and mixing refreshing drinks. Let’s pop right to it!

On social media, the Pop Creators posted a collage of various Poptropica villains with the charge to “Tag yourself!” The lineup—Rumpelstiltskin, Mordred, Betty Jetty, E. Vile, Myron Van Buren, Dr. Hare, Black Widow, and Ringmaster Raven—misses some other iconic villains like Captain Crawfish and Zeus, but there’s only so much space. And hey, looks like Poptropica remembers Betty Jetty after all. 😌

Also on Twitter, Poptropica started a little petition to get their account verified with the tag #verifyPoptropica. We’re not sure why their account isn’t already verified, especially after over a decade’s experience as a well known site, but it’s up to Twitter to make it happen. In the meantime, plenty of Poptropicans have been liking and sharing their tweet to demand the coveted blue badge for this charming blue brand!

In other news, after a long while, there’s a new guest post on the Pop Creators’ Blog! A new guest writer, Golden Wolf, shares a neat trick hidden within 24 Carrot Island: you can change your hair color by mixing a drink in the Carrot King Diner with your desired color. 🥛🥕

What you might not know is that this Easter egg was part of the original 24 Carrot Island released back in 2008, but was removed in a re-release in 2013. When the island was ported over to Haxe (Flash-free Poptropica), the hair-dyeing drinks returned!

For more fun tips and tricks, check out our 24 Carrot Island Guide. You might learn something new from the trivia section, which is something we have for all of our island guides!


7 thoughts on “Verify your villainous side with a varnish”

  1. I’m really honestly like raven. I wouldn’t even trouble anyone if they didn’t do something to me. I stand for justice and REVENGE from those who trouble. Like seriously. RavenDidNothingWrong!

  2. Ahhhh this post brings back so much nostalgia of the villains… I think I’m most like the Ringmaster and the Binary Bard combined.

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