Contests, Fairy Tale Island

A fairy whimsical walkthrough with fashionably late fan art ๐Ÿงš ๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ

Hey there everybody! Purple here with a couple tidbits of news on Fairytale Island; and the long-awaited winners of its own fan art challenge. Let’s pop to it!

As you’ll see on their official YouTube channel, the Poptropica Creators recently posted a brand-new video spotlighting none other than good old Fairytale Island itself! In this video, Silent Frog from Poptropica HQ brings us on a full walkthrough of the newly released island. (For a written walkthrough, check out the PHB’s Fairytale Island Guide!)

It’s the first time we’re hearing the name Silent Frog, but it’s possible she’s posted for the Creators before without using a screen name, since her character looks familiar. ๐Ÿธ

Silent Frog speaking with the prince on Fairytale Island.

If you watched all the way to the end of this YouTube walkthrough, you’ll find something especially exciting waiting in store. As it turns out, the Creators didn’t entirely forget about the Fairytale Fan Art Challenge, and decided to showcase three promised winners at the end of the video! Congratulations to criahacesium, v.a.m.p.y.r.a, and elisabethian1912 for winning the art contest. (And check out more fairytale fan art features here, here, and here!)

Silent Frog tells us that there was so much talent in the art submissions that the Poptropica team ended up having to randomly pick three winners from a hat, which brings up some suspicions about the delay in announcing the winners (which were originally meant to be revealed on April 23). How did picking names from a hat take such a long time?

We get an answer from an email that the Creators sent to one of the official blog’s guest writers, Invisible Ring, who asked them directly. Ring shared the message with us on our Discord server, the PHC:

As it turns out, they waited to release the winners in their walkthrough video instead of posting it on the date they’d promised. This isn’t the first time they’ve deserted us and only bothered to explain why after a fan directly asked them about it, but at least they apologized for their mistake and are aiming to do better!

Finally, to wrap up this post, the Creators mentioned briefly on their blog that a new fan challenge will be making its appearance sometime soon. I wonder what this one could be? ๐Ÿ‘€

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you all next time!


9 thoughts on “A fairy whimsical walkthrough with fashionably late fan art ๐Ÿงš ๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ”

    1. I saw your drawing for March’s Community Creations, and I think it looks great! So, don’t get down on yourself for thinking you don’t have good art. Everyone draws differently!

  1. the pop creators picked the winners out of a hat?? that’s the laziest thing they could’ve done, and yet, ironically, it took them what felt like ages to release the winners. lol

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