Community Creations

Community Creations: March 2021


Hello once again everyone! Spotted Dragon here bringing you the March recap for Community Creations! March’s theme was Ancient Egypt (and the featured work is not in any particular order). Be sure to check out all the featured artists!

No clue what’s going on? Go see our intro post.

Top 5 Picks

Grave Robbing by Midnightoilstudios

Kicking things off with Copy Cat, Moreau, Director D., Black Widow, Octavian, and the Booted Bandit! An unlikely group perhaps, but maybe just the team needed for this dangerous sort of job… or perhaps just the team to spell future betrayal. The setting in unmistakably Egyptian, perfect for our theme, and the lighting is wonderfully dramatic. I really appreciate the attention not only put towards the characters, but the environment as well. I feel like everyone could fall into a trap at any moment! I’d love to see where this story goes. Find the artist on DeviantArt.

The Lost Pyramid of Wawa-‘aww (Woo-oo!) : Duck Tails 2017 Tribute by Barefoot Knuckle

Ooooh! Or, should I say, woo-oo! Any DuckTales fans in the comment section? If you aren’t familiar with the show, its series finale recently aired, so this submission is the perfect tribute. Though Poptropicans may look a little bug-eyed at first from the perspective of the McDucks, I think both groups of adventurers would get along just fine. And just think of the adventures that would be had! This cartoon is no stranger to visiting Ancient Egypt, and I think that Annie Perkins from the Cryptid Island novel is a perfect match. Next to Annie is “Samir Badawi,” the main character of Barefoot Knuckle’s own Arabian Nights fan-novel. You can really tell how much thought and love was put into this idea! Excellent work. Find the artist in the comment section.

Pop Creators in Egypt by Smart Icicle

One thing I like about this submission is its representation of different Ancient Egyptian occupations. And it turns out that they correspond pretty well with three of our favorite Poptropica villains! Dr. Hare being a carrot farmer makes perfect sense, along with Captain Crawfish as a solider and Black Widow as our artistic scribe. Hmmm… I wonder what Binary Bard’s role would be? Anyway, this is a pretty neat submission! Find the artist on DeviantArt.

Egyptian Villains by AdventurersNHunters

In this submission, we have a classic display of Poptropica’s four biggest villains. But with an Egyptian twist, of course! I love that this design isn’t just about dressing these Poptropicans up in Egyptian clothes, but instead has a little more story to it. AdventurersNHunters says that “Dr. Hare, Binary Bard, Black Widow, and Captain Crawfish impersonate Egyptian royalty and grab the diamonds!” That simple description makes it all make sense, just like that. Quite the clever composition! Find the artist on DeviantArt.

Egypt by Dangerous Dragon

Alright, I think we all knew that we couldn’t get through our Ancient Egypt theme without showcasing the Pyramids, right? Out of mummies, tombs, pharaohs, and hieroglyphs, pyramids is definitely the next association on the list. Though this composition is fairly simple, it matches our theme well and utilizes a great color scheme. The yellow orange of the sandstone and the blazing red of the sun give off lots of visual heat, and it’s interesting to see those colors continue in the Poptropican in the foreground. I also like how the rough texture of the pyramid is balanced by the soft texture of the sky/background. Neat work! Find the artist in the comments section.

Honorable Mentions

Aaaaand, as a mummy would now say, that’s a wrap! You guys had fantastic submissions as always, so I’m excited to see what you’ll to next!

April: How Do I Participate?

Community Creations is a cool series for anyone in the Poptropica community to join in on. To sum up what it’s about, it’s basically a chance to show off your artwork, creepy fan-fics, Pop clubhouses, costumes, and anything else that pops into your mind.

If we really like the piece you submit, we will feature it here on the PHB! As long as it relates to that month’s theme. So what is April’s theme? April’s theme is…


Last month, we celebrated the upcoming Secret of the Jade Scarab Island with our Ancient Egypt theme. Why not continue the trend? Let’s take the “scarab” part of the Dream Island contest winner a bit literally, with the theme of bugs! Though creepy crawlies can be a bit, well, creepy, they don’t necessarily have to be! However you decide to incorporate them is up to you.

Obviously Poptropica’s Nightcrawlers Tribe has already taken our theme to heart, but they’re not the only ones getting the spotlight. Aside from the aforementioned Jade Scarab, there are actually plenty of bugs in Poptropica! Er, well, there are also plenty of bugs in Mocktropica too, now that I think about it! Dr. Hare’s nightmare about ants comes to mind, for one. And yes, we are counting things like spiders because we’re dealing with bugs, not necessarily insects! That makes Black Widow fair game. If only we got to encounter Moth Man on Cryptids Island, huh? Anyway, I’ll stop bugging you so you can get to creating!

  • Comment below with a link to whatever you’ve created, email it to the PHB team on our Contact page, OR share it with me (SydVC aka Spotted Dragon) on DeviantArtTwitter, or Discord.
  • Results: I will feature 5 of the submissions as well as some honorable mentions.
  • Limitations: Nothing NSFW, and make sure you relate to the theme.
  • Due Date: I will take any entries before the end of this month. Submit as many things as you’d like!

I will be sure to let you know I have seen your creation. While quality counts, I’m mainly looking for something to simply catch my eye, so don’t be afraid to join in!

So what are you waiting for? Go make something awesome!


20 thoughts on “Community Creations: March 2021”

  1. So we can draw anything, as long as it include bugs? If so, then I might take a shot this month.

    1. Anything that relates to bugs and Poptropica. Other than that, you can be as creative as you want! And it doesn’t just have to be a drawing, because we accept stories, costumes, songs, videos, food, you name it!

  2. Yes! Thank you so much! I had a blast putting this together. It’s basically a love letter to two things I love: Ducktales and Poptropica! And I am always up for including Samir in any Poptropica art I do. Arabian Nights for the win!

  3. Congratulations to everyone who won!
    I’m so excited for this month’s theme. I know exactly what to do!

    1. As the bottom of our posts say, you can “comment below with a link to whatever you’ve created, email it to the PHB team on our Contact page, OR share it with me on DeviantArt, Twitter, or Discord.” Basically whatever method is easiest for you is fine with me!

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