Clubhouse, Home Island

Poptropica House Tour: Spotted Dragon

house tour sd

Remember Slanted Fish’s House Tour? Well, I’m here to continue the series and give you guys a look into my Poptropica Worlds house! While the other PHB authors frantically do some spring cleaning to make their rooms presentable, we encourage all readers to join in as well. Send in a guest post to feature your house on the PHB!

Anyway, make yourself feel at home! I don’t have membership to make the place real fancy, but I do have some pretty cool decor if I do say so myself.

The first thing you’ll see when walking in is certainly the chandelier over the front door. Gotta have something a bit fancy, right? Anyway, keep walking and you’ll find the main living area, where my friends and I most commonly hang out. This is where I keep my drum kit and arcade machine (complete with a stool for spending hours on a high score), despite my lack of skill in both areas. There’s also some wall art (to make the place more spiffy), my closet (near the front door since I’m lazy when it comes to quick outfit changes), and a soccer ball (for any quick games).

house tour 1

On the other end of the first floor, we have the kitchen for all my snacking needs. You got a fridge, table, trashcan, mounted microwave, basically everything you’d need. And with this place all to myself, I can’t eat a meal without watching some TV on the big screen.

house tour 2

Going up either set of stairs, you’ll pass some of my favorite photographs, both taken on some wild adventures across Poptropica! It’s not Spotted Dragon’s house without some photography.

On the second floor is where the magic happens. It’s a creation station! An easel for painting and a piano for playing. Complete with windows for some natural lighting, and a fan because I need a number one fan to boost my self esteem for when it gets hot. And who doesn’t love house plants? Let’s just hope I remembered to feed the one on the far right…

house tour 3

Going to the third floor, to the left is my trophy room! You may call it self centered, but I call it self love. Awards from every island are kept here (which continues to grow), along with some cool statues I’ve collected. Of course, I have another photo hung up, but I also have a tapestry I bought from another island.

house tour 6

Lastly, we have my bedroom! It’s got everything I need on a late Saturday morning. My cozy bed of course, my dresser, but let’s not forget about my books and computer! The latter I do need for work, though I admit I get distracted with video games all the time.

house tour 7

My bathroom is behind the door in my bedroom, but there’s no need to go in there on a tour… TMI. The rest of the doors in my house are mainly for storage and clutter.

Welp, that wraps things up! Good thing I showed you everything when I did, because a glitch keeps moving my stuff around and sometimes even removing it from my inventory. Ah well.

I hope you enjoyed this behind the scenes glance into my life! Who knows, maybe we’ll be able to interact even more with some of our furniture in the future?

Remember to read about Slanted Fish’s aquarium house if you haven’t already, and be sure to check out how to submit a post of your own! Until next time!


25 thoughts on “Poptropica House Tour: Spotted Dragon”

  1. Nice house. My house is just really cluttered, because there’s a lot of stuff I want. Any suggestions?

  2. Dude, everybody knows to baricade the front door with everything you got… I currently got a wooden chair.

      1. If zomberries can ride boats or planes… can they?

        BTW, don’t ask how I get in or out of my house, it is very complicated.

      2. I literally just had this conversation. They can walk across the floor, since they don’t need to breathe, although it may quicken their rotting process.
        Here’s the real question, if a shark are a zombie, would it be zombified?

      3. Then I’ll just either make the see shores steep since zomberries are to dumb to climb. Or just have sharks with laser guns guarding my island (they have been genetically modified so the zomberries can’t bit them).

      4. That time when your comment to be moderated (for some reason), and all of the sudden, someone like LW comes in who has a comment of which is kind of ironic to your’s.

        BTW, what does trigger the moderator to activate?

      5. A variety of things could trigger comments to be auto-flagged for moderation: certain words, lengthy messages, too many emojis or punctuation, etc. In your case, it might’ve been the word “dumb” (not that that’s a bad word, but we want to make sure it’s used non-offensively).

      6. The Zomberries have been wiped out. There is a cure our Poptropicans used to wipe them out. We are safe from Zomberries.

  3. Hmm I might send my house tour in. I am a non member so I have barracaded all the extension doors with furniture!

      1. NONMEMBERS RULE! WE DONT NEED NO HOUSE EXTENSIONS! I’m going to Disney World with my friends Cheerful Cheetal and Feirce Lion on Friday!

      1. It’s not that GHD sucks (I didn’t thought it was that bad), it is just that it is just like that thing when they were “advertising” MOTM which was something nobody cared about because it was not news.

        Same goes when they…

        Oh for crying out loud; the other PHB post before this one.

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