My Place in Poptropica

My Place in Poptropica: Brave Dolphin

This is the My Place in Poptropica story of Brave Dolphin, an avid Poptropican who’s played a role on several blogs and on the PHC. See the bottom of this post for details on sending in your own MPIP!

mpip bd

Late 2008 – early 2009 | Finding Poptropica

Hey there, Poptropicans! I discovered Poptropica at the beginning of second grade. At the time, we’d go to the computer lab to do online school assignments. When we completed our given assignments, our teacher would let us play on Since I enjoyed using Funbrain, I may or may not have sped through my work just to play on it. 😛

Anyway, one day, I noticed an ad on the side of the website. This ad was for a wonderful game you all know as Poptropica. Being curious at the time, I clicked it. I was actually pretty nervous, since I’d been told not to click ads before. But back in second grade, I was pretty rebellious. The minute I clicked it, a classmate of mine (let’s call him Jack) sees me and immediately shouts, “YOU CAN’T PLAY THAT! IT COSTS MONEY!” I was pretty alarmed, so I decided to just close it.

But, I was still curious as to what this mysterious, blue-screened game was. I decided to wait until I got home to play it – no one could stop me there! Later that day, I got on the computer at home, and went on the Funbrain website. I see the Poptropica ad, and, of course, click it. I found out that it did not cost money to play. The next day at school, I informed Jack that Poptropica did not cost money (HA, in your face, Jack!), and soon, several of my classmates began to play it.

Late 2010 | Exploring Poptropica

I took a bit of a break from Poptropica halfway through 2009, but I soon came back in late 2010! This was mainly because I forgot about Poptropica and was busy with lots of other stuff. Before my break, I’d always play islands on new accounts, rather than play on one account and save it.

Once I came back to playing Poptropica, I finally made and saved an account. I don’t quite remember the username or password of it (and it’s long gone anyway), but I do remember the name: Cuddly Wolf. I remember clicking “Change All” so many times when making my account, just to find a cute Poptropica name. I played as Cuddly Wolf from late 2010 to early 2013. I took another break from Poptropica, and unfortunately forgot my login for Cuddly Wolf. Goodbye, Cuddly Wolf.

2013 | Creating Brave Dolphin & Finding the PHB

I’m not quite sure about the date Brave Dolphin was created, but I believe it was shortly after I lost Cuddly Wolf, so it would’ve been late 2013. At this point, I focused on completing islands. With the help of my brother, we completed tons of islands, and he soon made his own account (Wild Hawk).

After a while, I decided to see what Google had to offer about Poptropica. I began looking up Poptropica and things related to Poptropica on Google. Then, I found Poptropica Secrets, the first Poptropica blog I read. I began to view it more frequently, and shortly after, I found the PHB. After discovering that there were many Poptropica blogs around, I decided that I wanted to blog on one.

2014 | First Blogging Experience

After lots of asking around and trying to be on a Poptropica blog (I asked so many people ^^;), I finally got invited to a blog. It was a blog many of you know as Poptropican Awesomeness. Every time I look back on my first blogging post, I realize how much I’ve changed. (I mean, my grammar was pretty weird back then…)

2014 Brave Dolphin was pretty odd. After this, I began commenting on lots of blogs, and soon after, began working on many more. I even made my own blog, but I deleted it. I think I worked on about 7 or so Poptropica blogs that summer. I also began going more frequently to the Xat PHC, where I met lots of friendly community members. As that summer came to a close, I left blogging, but continued to comment on blogs and chat on the PHC.

At this point, I had been playing Poptropica for quite some time, and I decided that I deserved membership. :’) So, after a few weeks or so of pestering my parents, I was allowed to get a renewing membership on both my and my brother’s accounts! This was such a great day for me – my reaction when I saw my inventory after buying all the store cards with membership was priceless.

2016 | Now, and The Future

In 2016, I returned to blogging! Unfortunately, I didn’t stay for long. School preparations (yes, I’m a nerd), homework, and studying are super important to me, and I’ve decided to focus more on that. But I do still play Poptropica! And now, I’m proud to say I’ve completed all the islands, and Brave Dolphin is still my current main Poptropica account. I am also proud to say I’ve never made a Club Penguin account of my own.

After years of Poptropica, I’ve finally gotten to where I’ve wanted to be. This year, the PHC on Discord was created, where I’ve also met lots of new people, and made some good friends. Nowadays, I can be found frequently on the PHC. I don’t play Poptropica as often as before (I used to play it so much every day), but I do still enjoy playing through new islands (and critiquing them with friends), creating new costumes, checking out awesome Poptropica blogs, and occasionally Multiversing with fellow Poptropicans.

Poptropica has made up a big part of the 14 years I’ve been alive. It is the game that I’d sneak to play on the computer, when I was supposed to be asleep. The game that made me rush through my schoolwork, just to play when I finished in class. And, it was the game where I met the awesome community that you are all a part of. The community has grown so much – I never imagined we’d have something like Poptropican Meme Face Mondays (which, by the way, are awesome!). I’ve made friends along the way – you guys know who you are! I’m not sure when exactly my time in the community will end, but when it does, I definitely will not forget it. If you read this, thanks for reading! 😀

–Brave Dolphin ❤

Hope you enjoyed this “My Place in Poptropica” story! Feel free to send in your own (please include a minimum of 550 words, type with good spelling and grammar, divide it into labeled sections, and include your username). Look out for more community MPIPs in the future!

~the PHB

19 thoughts on “My Place in Poptropica: Brave Dolphin”

    1. Yeah TC, the last day she was on was when I told her a secret and it spammed her until I realized she was quiet…. I remember when we all were on it happen around the summer or July 4th and I asked “Is it weird that BD wasn’t answering or talking like she usually does?” There was also drake happening and no one cares and the next day she blocked me with no reason and she wasn’t in the discord anymore. Short Feather and another person told me that she didn’t answer them or talk to them too and when Perfect Star and You made a server TC she just joined for what felt like a minute then later on another person left… It was Mighty Gamer. Lots of our pop friends left and it kept piling up 😦

  1. She did?! That’s so sad, *grabs tissue box, starts tearing up* Why did that happen?!😭 *grabs tissue, wipes tears*

  2. This was a pretty good My place in poptropica wow Brave dolphin was a old poptropican.Also nice to see she bloged on so many blogs.Hey guys keep a lookout for my MPIP coming out on October 22

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