My Place in Poptropica

My Place in Poptropica: Young Singer

This is the My Place in Poptropica story of Young Singer, a young and enthusiastic Poptropican who frequently comments on the PHB. See below for details on sending in your own MPIP!

mpip young singer

Hey, PHB Poptropicans! I’m Young Singer, and my username is NachaaRules! (With the exclamation mark, yes. Don’t judge! 😀 ) Anyway, this is my story. Enjoy! :3

| How I Found Poptropica… and Lost It.

For me, it started when I was talking with a boy at school in kindergarten. He liked a game called Poptropica, while all the other kids liked another game site. Anyway, I decided to try out Poptropica, and… I fell in love with it instantly.

I forgot the username I chose, but I completed 6 Islands on my first account, and I had at least 45 friends on there. I played Poptropica so much that I got in trouble for doing just that!

Then, summer came, and it felt like I was in Poptropica heaven. I completed 14 more Islands! My main costume looked like a normal girl… brown hair… some freckles… blah. I did a lot of “MiniQuests” like Shrink Shot, the Sumo game (Prepare for Impact!), and so on.

However, after a few years, school got harder, and so did finding the time and effort to play, and so… I basically gave up on Poptropica for a while.

| I’m Back! / Finding the PHB

One day in third grade, our teacher let us have “ indoor recess”. I went on the computer, and at that moment, I remembered Poptropica. I decided to make a new account. I loved to sing back then, so my Poptropican’s name became yours truly… Young Singer.

I couldn’t figure out how to beat Spy Island. So, I looked it up online, and I came across something called the “Poptropica Help Blog”. And because of the PHB, I gained my 15th medallion! From then on, I was a fan of the blog.

After half a year of commenting on the PHB with no WordPress account, I made one called Unicornz100 (don’t ask why…). I went by many names… too many, in fact. And that was the beginning of Young Singer. To this day, I still like to comment on the PHB.

Yes, I know this sounds a little like a fairy tale, but who cares? Let’s get on with it!

| Why I Love the PHB

First of all… the PHB staff (authors) are so generous… they always answer your questions and keep you updated on Poptropica news! Then, there’s the commenters. Shout-outs to:

Popular Wolf , Muddy Kid ^_^ , Lucky Wing, Some Guy, and every awesome commenter out there!

All the support is amazing, I can always count on you guys to help us. I can’t start chants, but I’ll do it anyway. PHB! PHB! PHB! No? Fine…

And lastly, I love the art! The PHB’s DeviantArt collection is amazing!

| Present Time: Who I Am

Now, I’m just a random commenter on the PHB, someone you probably have no idea about.

Until now, as you read this. So… I am 11 and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE art, food, and Poptropica.

I also like to make jokes. Sometimes. Mostly, they’re jokes about myself… I cri everitiem. (poetry book falls from the sky, into my hands) {reads} “I cri everitiem ~ Young Singer” Wow. They make books about EVERYTHING. That’s why I love ’em!

I’m about to move on to middle school. Oh, wait! I’m not! I’m getting homeschooled until high school. Yay me. I’m also a book freak. Once a book is in my face, it STAYS in my face. Seriously. I think I have a few pages up my nose. The doctors call it “a cold”. I think not. Too far? I can keep going. I also love cooking, but so far, all I can make is scrambled eggs and PB&J. I’m learning how to make a cake, thanks to Mom. I also am a big anime lover. Naruto, Attack on Titan, you name it! I used to play a game called “Animal Jam” when I forgot about Poptropica. Until… I got hacked on that game.

Well, it’s time to say goodbye. So… here it goes…

Farewell, Poptropicans! (bows as flowers hurdle towards me)

“AHH! ROSES! THORNS!”  (runs offstage)

(mic drop)

Stay poppin’, Poptropicans!

Hope you enjoyed this “My Place in Poptropica” story! Feel free to send in your own (please include a minimum of 550 words, type with good spelling and grammar, divide it into labeled sections, and include your username). Look out for more community MPIPs in the future!

~the PHB

24 thoughts on “My Place in Poptropica: Young Singer”

  1. Nice story! I noticed you didn’t find out about Poptropica from funbrain…
    By the way, I like your avatar’s look.
    Whatever people call it.

  2. This is a cool story! hey.. waitaminute…
    i was referenced.

    Thank you so much! i think this is the first time, and…
    I don’t know what to say! *Eyes fill up with happy tears*

  3. My Place in Poptropica: Teal Wings
    2010-2012: Early Days
    I was about four or five years old, when I started to play Poptropica. We were at the library, when I saw my sister playing a game. I asked her about what she was playing and she said, “You are a baby! Your tiny brain of yours can`t do anything!” Those words stung like bees. So when I went home I went to start a Poptropica account.
    My first account was called, Messy Speck. I like that name because, it was so…. Me. When my sister saw me playing on Poptropica, she wanted to help me. She showed me what the icons meant, how to make friends and more. Back then, I did not know how to beat a single island! I needed help, and fast.

    2013: Poptropica Help Blog
    I was searching one day for a website to help me beat the islands. Then, I saw my sister looking at a walkthrough. I always studied it, then I found its name, Poptropica Help Blog. I immediately clicked on it. It gave me so much information! I would spend days on the computer, reading its tips and tricks. I was in love!   Now, I used it all the time to do something.

    2014: Not On a Lot
    In 2014, I was super busy, I only played on the weekends. Besides, Poptropica will never disappear. Right? I was on and off Poptropica a lot, playing other games my friends play. Plus my computer had a lot of virus. So, I quit playing. I had lost interest.

    2015: A New Account
    In 2015, I got a new account, Cool Star. I had more interest in Poptropica. I did not use an account a lot. So, I read the PHB a lot. I could not comment about the stories, because I did not have an email account. So, I wrote about them in a journal. Then, I fell in love with writing. I loved the way you can express your feelings with an anonymous name!
    Pretty soon, I had three journals full of my feelings. Writing did not just become a hobby, but a passion. I wrote fiction and nonfiction articles about anything! I became addicted! Then, I stopped playing Poptropica. My other friends were playing new games, so was I. Then, I stopped playing. Forever. At least, that`s what I thought. I became busy in other things, so Poptropica was the least of my worries. I was still writing. A lot.

    2016: A New Way
    In 2016, I actually found time for Poptropica. I had gotten an email account so, IT WAS COMMENTING TIME!! I actually did not comment a lot. So, I kept writing
    Now, I am in 5th grade. It is a lot of fun writing about things you do not want to write about! 🙂
    Anyways, I loved playing Poptropica! My username is Teal Wings, and my name on Poptropica is Calm Star. I am not calm!!! I have beaten 20 islands, but not on the same account. On Poptropica, you can`t say mean things, I LOVE that! Why do you have to be mean to someone? And you might see me in the common rooms! Anyways, without Poptropica, I would not have loved writing and dance. It is amazing just to think I am writing this just to get this published. SQUEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The End

    1. Thanks for sharing! We do prefer submissions via email, but commenting is fine – it does, however, mean that others can see it before it gets published. Also, please provide your Poptropica username so we can create a graphic for your post – without this info, we cannot make a post for you.

  4. Niiiice MPIP!!! You like books sooooo have you ever read Throne of Glass?? #BestSeriesEver lawl.

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