My Place in Poptropica

My Place in Poptropica: Grumpy Wolf

This is the My Place in Poptropica story of Grumpy Wolf, a longtime Poptropican with an affinity for glitching. See the bottom of this post for details on sending in your own MPIP!


Who am I? Well, let’s take it back to when I was a young boy…

Fall of 2008 | Discovery

Back when I was much younger, there were many kids in my after-school program who had a great liking for the game Poptropica. I had an interest in technology and computers even then, and I decided I’d like to give the game a go. Every time I played the game, I would make a new character.

The first few times I played, I just went in to common rooms, walking around, maybe chatting a bit and playing a few games. However, I eventually decided maybe it was time to step it up a notch and try an island. The first island I ever played was 24 Carrot. I never made it very far into the island, but I still enjoyed it a bunch. Eventually, I branched out to new islands, but again, never really progressed far.

2009 | The PHB

Well, eventually, after I was tired of doing nothing productive with Poptropica, I searched up a tutorial on how to beat 24 Carrot. Guess what site I landed on? Yep, ’twas ye old PHB. Funny thing is, I’ve always preferred reading island tutorials over watching them. I know, call me crazy. But after I had beaten 24 Carrot, I was ecstatic, because it had been unfinished for such a long time, and now I had completed it.

I didn’t comment on the blog at the time, but I enjoyed reading up on the island tutorials that were available on the website, even without a WordPress account. For a while, I got bored of Poptropica, so I strayed from it for about a year.

2011 | Membership & My 1st Account

Well, one day, minding my own business, Dr. Memory knocked on the door of my head and sparked the idea center of my brain into remembering Poptropica again. I hadn’t played it in a while, as stated before, so I thought I’d give it a go once more. This time, however, since I was older, I understood the concept of writing down a username and password. So I created my first Poptropica account and decided to get membership for it.

Although this was not my current Grumpy Wolf account, it was the account that I got membership for and that I liked for a long time. Considering there were many new islands released, I headed back over to the PHB, (surprised at the major changes to the site) and looked up more island tutorials. I played for a long while. Sadly, yet again, I left Poptropica one more time.

2013 | The Return & Poptropica Glitches

At this time, I was on vacation for the summer, and Dr. Memory, again, sparked that same old idea again. Since I had brought a laptop with me, I hopped on Poptropica again. But this time, I discovered Keith Sammut’s Weebly site and became completely fascinated with the concept of Poptropica glitches. I remember emailing him in the beginning asking for ASG usernames.

Keith asked me to join him on this chat website called Xat (which is also home of the PHC), which is why I am still on there talking to a few different friends even now in 2016. Anyway, Keith let me in on one or two ASG usernames to start me off, and so began my trail of trading to obtain other glitches and grow my closet to an interesting, fun assortment of brightly colored costumes that were not intended for people to have.

The following year (2014) continued on that path. The only things that happened were me continually expanding my glitched closet and making new friends. I also found out about a bunch of other games that I like to play today.

2015 | The Friend CEG and “The Method”

First, to clarify, CEG means Customize Everything Glitch. Second, to clarify, I will not be talking about how to perform these actions in-game as they are very private secrets. 😛

In mid-2015, I learned from my old friend Keith Sammut (who’s stuck with me for 3 years and counting) about how to do a glitch called the FCEG, or “Friend Customize Everything Glitch.” The glitch allowed you to customize anything off of anyone, as long as they are in your friends list. Alas, the glitch is patched now.

Towards the end of 2015, I was recruited as one of a few people to help out with the PHB’s Avatar Studio Gift while it was in progress. The PHB had been given a secret method by a retired player called Dr. Snowball that allowed one to get any clothing item in the game, and could even given custom names, which is what was used to start the Name Genie. Using this method, I along with a few others worked to make more ASGs available to everyone.

2016 | And Beyond?

Since I discovered the secret method only weeks before the start of 2016, and since this year is very young, there isn’t really much to talk about. However, what lies beyond is a great mystery. I can’t wait to see what the PHB has in store for the future, and also what Poptropica has for us in the coming years.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this very much (I put a lot of effort in this! 😛 ), and I encourage you to post Your Place in Poptropica too!



Hope you enjoyed this “My Place in Poptropica” story! Feel free to send in your own (please include a minimum of 550 words, type with good spelling and grammar, divide it into labeled sections, and include your username). Look out for more community MPIPs in the future!

~the PHB.

4 thoughts on “My Place in Poptropica: Grumpy Wolf”

  1. Sweet! 24 Carrot was also the first island I played, because, hey, everyone likes a good play on words in an island name! 😛

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