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Bear-y amazing hats and costumes!

Hey guys! Slip here, your bear-er of amazing news!

WARNING: Be pre-beared. This post contains a lot of bear puns so bear with me. 😛

This is bear-ly the beginning, okay?

First off, there’s a new advertisement around Poptropica’s Main Streets featuring the newest Cartoon Network series, We Bare Bears! You just need to watch a video and you’ll get a Bear Stack hat! There’s too much bears, I can’t bear it. We’re bear-y sorry but this is only for younger players.


If you can still bear the puns, better prepare for a panda-monium!

Next up, there are two new bear-y amazing cards over at the Store! Let us paws for a moment and celebrate. They’re the Hat Trick and the Capes ‘n’ Cowls! They only cost 75 Poptropica credits and comes with three different variants (Hat Trick hats are different for girls and boys).

Meanwhile on Twitter, Poptropica has recently made a bear-y relevant reference to the movie Mean Girls and a Poptropica remake of Taylor Swift‘s 1989 album cover! Oh it’s unbearable.

The voting round for the Poppies is still on and you can’t bear-ly miss the post. I can’t paws-ibly win Best Author because Fishy, HP and BT are bear-y amazing. I bear-ter stop. 😛

That’s the end of the post (made with my bear hands)! Thank you for bearing with me and being my bear witness. Now I’d bear-ter go hi-bear-nate before I go bear-serk.

Leave a comment and enjoy this gif of a bear dancing!


– 🐻

32 thoughts on “Bear-y amazing hats and costumes!”

  1. I BEAR-y much loved the puns! They were so punny XD The gif at the end made me and my sis laughing and the stacked bear hat is BEAR-y cute! 😀 Now I can BEAR-ly stop! xp

  2. why cant i find the video? all i can find is the shaun the sheep movie ads and when i click free bears in the map there isnt any ad. where can i get the prize?

      1. seriously? i’ll trade you.
        Dang it! i thought having an account since 2012 was a good thing, i’d much rather have Shaun!

  3. The ‘We Bare Bears’ ad bugs me. why? well, i was trying to find an ad so i could see the “Skull Cowboy” that’s in the corner, supposedly, and all i got were the ‘We Bare Bear’ things. Then i managed to glitch it with a pie. That was funny.

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