Graphic Novels, New Islands

Mystery of the Map Island is on its way!

Hi Gs,

Quick post to let you know that Mystery of the Map Island is coming out today for members, but more importantly it’s coming out at 3pm EST. Get ready for an adventure like no other!


And, just to make it that much more enticing, you can listen to the unreleased theme for the island here – magical! Now, you may not be able to view the audio at first, but once loaded, flip one of the slashes in the url backwards (i.e. game/music to game\music). It’ll fool the barrier, and you can get past.

Tell me what you think about this new island! It’s the first full and original island in a while…



13 thoughts on “Mystery of the Map Island is on its way!”

      1. wow, what a cliffhanger! anyone else played the demo yet?

What's popping, Poptropicans?