App, Mission Atlantis Island, Survival Island

Mission Atlantis & Surival Ep. 2 coming soon, plus iOS app to iPhone/iPod touch this week!

Hey everyone! This is just a quick post informing you that the Creators just released the description for Mission Atlantis,ย Episode 2: Fortress of the Deep! Here’s what it says:

You’ve discovered something amazing at the bottom of the ocean! Now, you need to find a way inside…


Hmm, the description is clear you need to go into Atlantis! So this might be fun!

Also, if you didn’t know, Mission Atlantis (Ep .1): Into the Deep comes out for everyone next week!

Also, I checked the files for Survival,ย Episode 2: Hook, Line and Sinker, and they’ve already uploaded the whole island! It has all the areas, dialogue, items, and I already know what’s going to happen at the end of episode 2. ๐Ÿ˜› Look forward to a post soon by HP, which contains all these details from behind the scenes! I think Episode 2 of Survival will come out this week or next week! Stay tuned for more info when it’s available!

In other exciting upcoming releases is the official Poptropica game app (currently only on iPad) which will be available to iPhones and iPod touches starting THIS week!

The Poptropica app is also expected to debut on the Google Play store sometime in the coming months. Stay tuned to the PHB for more news!


4 thoughts on “Mission Atlantis & Surival Ep. 2 coming soon, plus iOS app to iPhone/iPod touch this week!”

    1. Well, it’s really hard to explain, there’s a link to behind the scenes for poptropica and u have to do changes in html code to see it.

What's popping, Poptropicans?