App, Glitches

iPad Handheld, Children’s Book Week, and Luckiest Guy

(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> Hi Gs, <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)

I hope you liked my last post featuring a bunch of interesting Poptropica-related stuff compiled together, because this time it’s even more exciting! 😀

Return of the iPad Handheld

PHB viewer raqk recently found the item card for the rumored iPad handheld, or Poptropica App Tablet! I guess this proves that it is in fact real (or, that the Creators got the idea from us? 😛 ).


Anyway, we don’t know how to get it yet (is it an ad? a promo code?). Blake says you can get it from watching an ad, but this does not seem to work for the SUI video ads. (thanks for the pic, Pixel)

Blake tab

If you have found a way to get it, please tell us in the comments (and be specific)! 😀

Children’s Book Week

You may have noticed that there is a new section in the update carousel on your Home page. It’s for “Children’s Book Week” and the Children’s Choice Awards, where you can vote for your favorite illustrators, authors, and books of the year!

On the list is Poptropica’s very own Jeff Kinney (author of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books), Rick Riordan (who wrote the Percy Jackson series), and more. Jeff is in 2nd place, while Rick is in first.


You can check out the polls and vote for yourself here — remember to vote for Jeff (or Rick 😛 )!

Longer Ad Streets

Has anyone else noticed that ad streets (those small pages in between scenes that house an advertisement) have become bigger? Check out the picture below for an example.


Download the “Luckiest Guy” Font

So what, you say. A new font. I don’t care. Now wait a second! The “Luckiest Guy” font is a nearly symmetrical alternative to the renowned (and expensive) Ghost Kid AOE font, which if you didn’t know costs $20. Why Ghost Kid AOE? Well, it’s the typeface used on the Poptropica logo.


The one on top is Luckiest Guy, the one on the bottom is Ghost Kid. There are some differences, but they are very similar, and you can download Luckiest Guy here. 😉 Credit goes to Pixel for finding the font. 🙂 Btw, check out the PHB’s Poptropica Fonts page for more fonts Poptropica uses!

New Smilies

As you may have noticed, WordPress has updated their smilies to a more modern style (although I personally still like the old ones better). There’s a few new ones, however. WordPress has compiled a little chart showing all the different smileys and what they do!

Also, check out the PHB’s Typing Tricks page for a list of the smilies and more ways to type. 😀

So, tell me — do you like these kinds of posts, with more content less often, or the old posts, with less content more often? Tell me in the comments. 😀


32 thoughts on “iPad Handheld, Children’s Book Week, and Luckiest Guy”

  1. Hey, I think Blake has the promo code ,for think cause his Poptropican has one.

      1. Nameless tells me that Blake got it from an ad. However, I’ve yet to find this ad – the video ads for the iPad app on SUIs don’t give you anything after you watch them, and I haven’t seen any on non-SUIs. Anyway, thanks for the pic, Pix – I put it in the post 🙂

      2. An author of PHB, his profile is right of the blog in the author list.

      3. So, when you find out, everyone else will be able to know as well, right?

  2. I think the new emoticions are pretty cool, but I like the old ones more. The old ones had little animations to them! That’s what I really liked about them! I really like these kind of posts, it catches me up on what’s been going on lately. 🙂

    1. I agree with Brave Sky; the new smilies are cool (and cute!), but they aren’t animated like before. :c

  3. Yeah! Go Rick Riordan! Best author EVER! I love the Percy Jackson, Kane Chronicles, and Heroes of Olymlpus Series! I also like those three books of the 39 Clues series he wrote. I vote for Rick! Who else likes him? What’s your favorite series? What’s your favorite book in that series? (That he wrote of course! :P) Love ya Rick! ❤

  4. Nice discovery, but I’ve been using Luckiest Guy as a free substitute for the logo font (didn’t know it’s name though, thanks) for close to a year, on my own website. Also, that card doesn’t look like a handheld, it’s the type that you get for a limited time from an ad space or when you log in. Notice how it says USE rather than PUT ON. Anyway, just my thoughts.

  5. Guys look at your bag in poptropica then click store things you store gold cards are Gold the ipad is Gold So there it will be a code

    1. The Poptropica tablet isn’t in the Store, and we don’t know of any promo codes that will give us the gold item card. There have been reports that you can get it from an ad, though this has not worked for the video ads I’ve seen on SUIs. If anyone has any info on this, please share. 🙂

  6. I quite like the “Luckiest Guy” font; it’s pretty cute. So are the new smilies! In case any PHB commenters were unaware, we have a list of them (plus how to use different text styles) on our Typing Tricks page. :mrgreen:

    (in other Poptropica findings: Non-members will want to check out the PHB’s Cheats page for something awesome. Hopefully this glitch survives… 😎 )

      1. You know on the card it say Ad it might from one but not sure

  7. What if I told you I hacked the game? JK, I got it from an ad on Skullduggery. I just don’t know why it doesn’t show up for most. OK bye gonna go complete Nabooti a bunch of times because Nabooti Island is best island

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