Poptropolis Games Island

The Games Begin!

Non-members, you’ve been forced to sit on the sidelines, watching as members bring honor and glory to themselves.Ā  And, though you wanted to compete so badly, you could only just sit there, slowly nibbling the only cookie that Super Thunder would let you have.

But!Ā  That all just changed.Ā  Because, now, Poptropolis Games is out for all!Ā  Now, non-members, you have a chance of getting the title of champion of Poptropica for yourself.

Poptropolis Games is now available to all!

Poptropolis Games is now available for everyone to play. Visit Poptropica now to play Poptropolis Games.

We’ll see you on the medals stand!

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…Of course there’s always the chance that you’ll do something like trip over ten hurdles in a row, or power-up your javelin just a little too much and end up doing a face-plant in the sand.Ā  But, if that does happen, try not to smash your computer into a million pieces.Ā  You’ll get it eventually.Ā  It may be a hundred years before you get it, but you will get it…someday.

11 thoughts on “The Games Begin!”

  1. omg this post was on the same day of mah birthday! HOW did I miss this post?! XD

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