Advertisements, Membership, Mystery Train Island

It’s elementary, my dear Watson.

Hey guys! 😀 Another weekend to rest up! And another weekend to post about the new item that membership gets you! This is a special costume promoting Mystery Train Island! It’s called the Mystery Train Inspector! Now you can dress up to look like Sherlock Holmes, or something close to it. Credit to HT and SG  for pictures! 😀

"The game is afoot!"
What the costume looks like on a Poptropican.
Its special action!!

The special action of this costume is cool! When you press spacebar, you lift the magnifying glass to your eye! 😀 Looks awesome! Congrats to all you lucky members out there! Remember Mystery Train releases Sept. 9!!


There’s also a new ad in town: Family Game Night ad! It’s a quest building where you get to go in and compete in a game called Connect Four basketball! You have to shoot basketballs into the gameboard so you get four of the same color and win! If you win, you get the Yatzee Bowling card, which is an animation of bowling ball and pins when you use it! BUT THE FUN ISN’T OVER YET! If you go to the far right of the ad, there’s a door, where you have to solve a slide puzzle to gain entrance! When you get the code, enter it in and the door shall be opened! You get to go into the room and get two more prizes: The Hub Outfit and a Sorry Sliders costume!! Thanks to LS for the ad walkthrough!! 😀


And one last thing! PHB reader Aang has found another Poptropica Creator named Nasan Hardcastle! On his LinkedIn Profile (click here or check the comments: ), it says he is a “Designer and Illustrator for characters, environments, games and toys on Poptropica!” And his profile picture is that of the Wild West villain El Mustachio Grande! What more proof could we need? 😀 IT will be added onto the Creators’ Database when we have time.


Well that’s all for tonight!

Have a great day, stingray! And I’m howling out. AWOOOOOOOOOO!

30 thoughts on “It’s elementary, my dear Watson.”

  1. The weird thing about this costume was that when I 1st saw this costume in the store…….I was able to get it on like 5 of my accounts before the creators fixed this(for the girls it was only showing red lips,white muscle shirt and black shorts)and I’m a non-member. I got back on later and this costume was still there.

    ST: That’s interesting…. Maybe they forgot to make it members only at first.

    1. Yea it’s true, if you’re not a member on Club Penguin, you don’t get all the cool clothes or games levels.

  2. Pretty cool outfit. I got it. (:

    What I find weird is when you do it’s special action, your other eye is facing the way your arrow is, when the one eye is staring straight at you. It’s creepy. o_o

    1. I knew that, I just was trying to find him on linking

      Hijuyo: Thanks, but it’s better posted on the Creators’ Database page. 😛


  4. O_O i just went to play reality tv thing like u can over and over again and wen i got there it said ” Sorry you have been voted off! ” wat is going on?

  5. just so you know, for the ad where the locked door is, you dont have to unscramble the puzzle. all you do is type in the hub where it says code and it will let you in. glad i could help!

    1. XD I LOVE HIM!!!! *turns on charlie chapling* W8… O_O *turns on Sherlock Holmes* – runs around with magify glass –

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