
You’re a Firework

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?

Make ’em go “oh, oh, oh” with the new Poptropica Store item… FIREWORKS!

From now until Labor Day (September 5th this year for the US), use this Gold Card item from the Store and let the colors burst as you ignite the night with a firecracker flash!

While you’re making the sky explode with this fun item, don’t forget to come party on the PHC with the rest of the Poptropica Help community on July 26th, where we’ll be celebrating this blog’s 3rd anniversary and hosting the 3rd author night at the same time! Check out the post below to get all the details (or just click here).

11 thoughts on “You’re a Firework”

      1. I hate Katy Perry and cannot stand her music. Please no more of this torture.

      2. ikr I always say that to people when there is no topic or I go up to and say. Do you ever feel like a plastic bag? WHAT??? I wonder how you can FEEL like a BAG…

    1. You know what’s torture? Being outside the hospital while they play really bad, really cruel, really torturous opra music really loud on really loud speakers

  1. Nice Katy Perry reference!
    I’ll try to be here for author night.
    By the way, the wall won’t work on my computer. It keeps saying that Piratepad has an error.

    Hijuyo: The PHC Wall doesn’t work well, so we won’t be using it anymore.

  2. Wasn’t the fireworks item already here? Since the release of Skullduggery island?

    Hijuyo: Yeah, the fireworks item was already in existence but I guess the Creators wanted to re-introduce it for people who didn’t know it was there.

  3. I love some of Katy Perry’s songs [E.T. especially- number 4th most played on my Ipod 😀 ] but some of her songs….. Fruitcake, I simply can’t stand the sound of them!!!![I’m talking about her songs like peacock and ur so g…y. They are SOOO annoyingly stupid!!] But very clever Katy Perry reference. Love that song. (Man, everyone’s using Katy Perry references these days!!! aahh! I gotta stop saying Katy Perry!!! 😉 )
    I finally finished wild west island (computer kept slowing down at shoot out train bit) so with my credits I went and bought the fireworks. It’s made pretty popular with the boys in the multiplayer rooms. Seriously, instant I set one off they want to play hoops or starlink or something with me. You know if set them off in rapid recession, it looks really, really cool.

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