Red Dragon Island, Sneak Peeks

Kanji: Secret Revealed

The Creators have posted a new video and it is titled “Coming Soon to Poptropica: Kanji Secret.” On YouTube, the description is:

A new island is coming to Poptropica! What will the name of this new island be? The kanji holds the answer!

And here is the video:

Dragons, patterns, and… some Japanese words. If anyone is able to read it, we could have the secret of the next island! According to our readers’ comments, it seems that everyone can agree that the Kanji reads “Red Dragon”!

29 thoughts on “Kanji: Secret Revealed”

  1. Hi! We sent you an e-mail about a possible new island, but we’re posting a part of it below just in case. Thanks! 🙂

    Hi Poptropica Help Blog,

    We have maybe some latest news about Poptropica you might be interested in – about a possible new island. Our younger sibling reads the series, “Magic Tree House” books, and a few of the posts on the Daily Pop point to an island relating to the Magic Tree House series. For example, one of the pictures on the Daily Pop shows the Frog Creek Library. The kids on the Magic Tree House books live in Frog Creek. Also, there was a picture of a ‘magic’ tree house, which obviously relates to the Magic Tree House series. These posts could be pointing to a future island concerning the Magic Tree House books. We weren’t sure if you knew about these clues, or if you knew about the Magic Tree House series, so we just wanted to let you know!

    We really like your website and keep up the good work!
    Thanks for all your help!

    ~Some Poptropica Fans

    Hijuyo: I have actually read those books; sounds like a great island for Poptropica. 🙂

    1. OMG I love those books! I read, like, 25 of them, maybe even more. I was excited when I saw the sneak peek of a “magic” tree house. For anyone who’s never read the books, the tree house is magic b/c when you choose a book (sometimes the book is chosen for you) you travel to that time and place. 😀

    2. I loved those books. And the sneak peek on the daily pop showed somebody taking notes, like Jack does.

  2. Hmph. Re-taking Japanese classes in High School. I MIGHT help, but that is only if I might be interested in Poptropica ever again. I’m Chinese too, btw.

  3. I’m really excited! When do YOU think it will come out, Hijuyo? 😀

    Hijuyo: I don’t know when yet, but hopefully in the near future. 🙂

  4. Perfect. I just finished the Asia Unit before Spring Break. Kanji, is a written language based on Traditional Chinese. I assume that from the Daily Pop I can see ties with Shintoism. Shintoism orginated in Japan and is by technicality, a polytheistic religion. It believes in ancient Gods and Spirits. It is based around that every being and object has a Spirit, or Kami. Followers often have shrines for their ancestors. It has 3-4 million followers mostly centered in Japan. In Japan they have a ceremonial Emperor who though is a leader, he has no real power. He is believed to be the decendent of the Gods. Many should be familiar with the Torii, which is a gate that usually repesents the entrance to a shrine. In short, it a two parallel sticks with a stick on top of it and another stick below the stick on top.
    There are two books in the Magic Tree House about Japan currently. one is Night with Ninjas and the other is Dragon of the Red Dawn
    I hope it comes out soon! 🙂

  5. I think the island is based on the Magic Tree house book Dragon of the Red Dawn! The book is in Japan too(Edo(now Tokyo)). Proof with the Sneak peaks: Peak condition(they go on a mountain), In Bloom(a chapter in the book is called Imperial Garden where Jack and Annie land in the garden), World Warriors (a chapter is called Sushi and Sumo and Jack and Annie watch sumo wrestlers), Tire Pressure(the tree house), and Reading(cause they live in Frog Creek.

  6. Well, my mom isn’t Japanese, but she said that the first character meant “red” and the second meant “turtle” . . . Either, my mom is really wrong, or the Poptropica creators don’t know what they’re talking about. 😀

  7. Kanji’s a form of traditional Chinese characters used in a little of the Japanese system. And the writing doesn’t seem very Chinese despite what Kanji is, since my mom, who’s Chinese, couldn’t read it…but it’s also an era in Japan, so, who knows? Maybe the next island is set in that historical period! *cough* nerd *cough*

    I haven’t read any of the more recent MTH books, but I think everyone’s been talking about how it’s about Magic Tree House…

      1. Lol, still Neat Turtle, sust diff name….Umm, maybe thats what you are? the ISLAND is red dragon, and YOU are the red turtle trying to become the red dragon? also, a seahorse in japanese also can mean dragon- maybe its linked with that? just a guess..

  8. FOUND IT! Hooray! Apparently the kanji translates into “Red Dragon”.

    In my opinion, this is going to be an awesome island. 😀

  9. Hello Hijuyo,
    I went to an online chinese dictionary, and Kanji words in Japanese are derived from Chinese, so I typed in those words, and I think I found the answer!
    It wasn’t an exact definition, but it contained words like Imperial, Dragon, and Red! The most it was able to translate was ‘Red Dragon’. I think it could be ‘Red Imperial Dragon’!
    Here’s the link for you to see:
    Hope it Helps!

  10. I think that the island is going to be about MagicTreeHouse’s Dragon of the Red Dawn! (look at Shorty/Shiny Mosquito’s comment!)
    It all makes sense, doesn’t it?

  11. Red Dragon Island is coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check out the Poptropica’s Creators Blog! It’s magic tree house, just like we suspected. If you go to the sneak peek you are a fat sumo wrestler….check it out!
    ~Poptropica Fan

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