Uncategorized, Wimpy Wonderland Island

‘Wimpy Kid’ Author on His Day Job

Jeff Kinney, the writer behind the best-selling ‘Wimpy Kid’ series, doesn’t have to work again in his life, but the thrill of influencing 10 million kids per month at Poptropica.com keeps him working.

Uploaded by AssociatedPress on YouTube. Thanks to Popular Dragon for sharing the video with us!

In other news, there have been reports that many handheld items on Poptropica are now Costumizable. Can’t guarantee this for all cases, but check it out while it lasts!


15 thoughts on “‘Wimpy Kid’ Author on His Day Job”

  1. i know of one handheld item you can customize, there may be others, but you can customize the wrench from that creepy dude in the bathroom in new jersey on cryptids island

  2. Has anyone else noticed how quickly were getting islands now? We used to have to wait about a year between islands! njow we only have to wait about a month!

  3. You can costumize most items, except for guns on Skullduggery island. Maybe the creators made a mistake in the programming for Poptropica. I don’t know, but I’m searching for the best hand item possible right now. Hades’ staff is cool, but icking with the axe off of Astro-Knights.

  4. in super power island you can customize the tongs from the pretzel guy and the pretzels and hot-dogs from the cops šŸ™‚

  5. Most handheld items can be copied except guns, shop items, non-action items(except some items).

    Peace out!

  6. thank you creators! i think it is so cool that we can now copy the handheld stuff

    1. i know… oh it was too good to be true forever. I miss it sooooo badly! at least i got athena’s spear, a greek spear from a warrior on time tangled island, and an awesome sword.
      Creators, if your reading this, please turn the customizing hand-held items feature on!

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