Sneak Peeks

You saw it here first on Poptropica!

It’s Thursday, July 29, 2010. Yes, the time has come for Greg Heffley to present us the cover for the FIFTH installment in the popular kids’ pentalogy. Of course, you can find Greg on any of the Poptropican islands.  A wise man once said, “I should really shut up,” and I’m going to do just that. 🙂

*fangirl squeal*

Whaaaaat. Best book cover art evar? It’s not the beautiful truth, it’s not the MYSTERIOUS truth, it’s the… UGLY truth. And Greg has an egg in his hand. That’s pretty awesome. Although the book cover art has been revealed, we may have to wait some time before the actual book is released. The ugly truth is that the book comes out on November 9th, 2010 (see what I did there? :D), but fear not, fellow Poptropicans, I’m sure it will be most definitely worth the wait!

In more Poptropica-related news, the creators have presented us two more installments of Poptropica Tips and Tricks on the Creators’ Blog. Of course, these two tips/tricks (Randomizer and Dial-A-Costume) have always been available for viewing on our Cool Stuff tab under Cheat Codes. There you can also find many more Poptropica Tips and Tricks. Enjoy!


"NO! I don't want a freaking police hat, you stupid phone; JUST GET ME TO A 911 OPERATOR!"

18 thoughts on “You saw it here first on Poptropica!”

  1. A purple cover… for The Ugly Truth… sounds about right. xD The book sounds awesome. 🙂

    Smockers: LOL! I didn’t even come to that conclusion xD

  2. I thought it would be black or blue. >_< But purple lol. My friends are HUGE fans of the Diary of the Wimpy kid, I'm gonna show them this, =3 Nice post also ^^

  3. Ohh…the update on my post is unesscisary then, huh? 😦

    Smockers: Not exactly ^_^ I was just making a full post so that more people could see it.

  4. Sorry to break the news but i’ve heard this is the last book for DOAWK. It’s gregs last year uv middle school so probly no more books. 😦 . but maybey they’ll make a new seires like about Manny or Patty or somebody.

  5. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if they did a series on Rowley or Manny? 😀 I really hope they don’t end the series!

  6. WOOOHOOOO! diary of a wimpy kids awesome! huge fan, cant wait. but jeff said this might not be the last one, he said he might have 7 books in the series, so lets hope for the best. if it is the last one then,awwwww I hope jeff keeps using his spectacular noggin to make other funny books. oh and btw noggin is another word for brain… XD

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