Membership, Store

Not everything is free in this world…

But these stuff are in the Poptropica Store! New post from PCB right here (Sorry Dr. Hare but no carrot flavored gum for you xD):

I want to be free

That’s not true: I want everything else to be free. In the Poptropica Store, I mean. Even though most of those sweet, sweet Gold Cards cost me my precious Credits, there are plenty of free items to go around.

Like mini-quests!

The avatar studio!

Candy canes!


(What is it, bubblegum week around here? Wake me up when there’s a carrot-flavored gum. Sheesh.)
Of course, for Poptropica Members, everything in the store is free, even costumes. But you knew that already.

Did you guys notice that he left out the free graduation day outfit? The first ever free outfit?! *pauses for a moment and thinks back on who gave the post* Dr. Hare?!?! ZOMG!! How’d he come back from space!??! 😮 But might as well stay cause i’ll make some gum for you! 😀 Bye guys! *waves*

*Goes into secret lab and makes carrot flavored gum, then disappears with a poof, leaving behind a faint smell of carrots :D*

12 thoughts on “Not everything is free in this world…”

  1. Are the creators running out of ideas O.o ?
    because there has been a lot of posts about old stuff •_•

  2. i know how he got back. i remember back on the first multiverse picture there were most of the poptropica creators and in it was Dr. Hare. i think he somehow got back by finding that code used the exit and got back into poptropica

    Shaggy: Nice one! 😀
    Hijuyo: Actually, he’d just exit to where he came from, which should be space. 😀

  3. What does ZOMG mean?

    Shaggy: Zomg: An emphatic (intentional) use of the acronym OMG; An exaggerated form of OMG, sometimes used in a questioning, curious way. Apparently, it started as a typing error and people started using it as almost like a joke. Eventually, like many things, it spread. Hope this helped 😀

  4. 😛 I hate that post because I feel like the creators are trying to sooth those who don’t have membership or something. Bleh.

What's popping, Poptropicans?