Web Development

A Lifetime of Headers

Dear viewers of the PHB,

Over the lifespan of the PHB I have designed headers for special occasions to lift the mood on the internet.

My style has changed, the quality has improved, and finally all my headers can be showcased on display at my DeviantART Page.


Were you here to see all of them?



111 thoughts on “A Lifetime of Headers”

    1. yes my dear codien, i have been seeing this blog since the very first header with ST…and the next one with ST’s old look…

      CODIEN I LOVE U!!!

      1. Is that just a different version of mine. Because i was going to do some similar stuff like you did in yours.
        I have some good ideas for Christmas. Not going to say much but, make the water frozen ;).

      2. New idea! I’m going to change the header every week, for example by adding the shark in or putting the monument in.

      1. Hm.. Not bad Coderkid… Not bad at all… But just suggestin’ maybe add the PHB staff in there? Just an idea. 😉

  1. Ah… The good days… Happy ones, too… Cool headers, Codien! 🙂 I will never be THAT 😥 good. Great job! 😀

  2. I was here from the second one. That was when Scary Tomato ran the blog on his own.
    P.S. fun fact: the first advertisement EVER on Poptropica was the GoGos arcade. I was here when it came!

  3. i just loved the one for halloween ’09. di you know that when people say the year, 2009 they say it wrong. it should be pronounced twenty o nine, not two thousand and nine. like nineteen ninety seven, its not one thousand, nine hundred, ninety seven. pretty cool huh?

      1. I’m from Australia and i get what hes talking about.

        Everyone says 2009 when they should be saying 20-09.
        Don’t worry you will get it when we enter 2010. 20-10!

      2. I think you say “twenty-“and another number if it’s ten,twenty,thirty,fourty,fifty,etc.I’m not an Australian, but I think that’s the case.

  4. OK I know Off topic but: HAPPY BIRTHDAY HIJUYO!!!!!!!!!! *Give’s Hijuyo Cheese cookies* Sorry about this being off topic….. BUt I love the headers!

  5. I’ve seen ’em all except the first 3…. But i only really started paying attention to this blog when the valentine header came out!!! 🙂 It’s cool to see them all together again!!!!! 🙂

  6. Sigh. Those bring me back to the good old days. Before PHB got 1 million hits, and everyone hated Club Penguin. XD I was here since October 2008, the weekend that the old Halloween items came out. Good times, good times.



  7. I didn’t see the poptropica news and comments and comment until Aug.11 but i’v seen all the header’s before!!

  8. I know BR. anyways: /\ /\
    Happy B-day! Would you like a kitty cat? (=^.^=) Here she is! LIke her? I made it myself! 🙂

    1. Me too…i think. IT WAS SOO new to me. PHB live on…and on…and on…u get the point. when is the PHB’s next birthday?

      Hijuyo: The PHB’s birthday is on July 26. 😀

  9. KOOL! old days…thats awsome! yay!!! Yo i have a quiston, how do u get items from the FIRST item leak.

    Silver Sword out!

  10. The headers are awesome, Codien! Happy Birthday, Hijuyo! It’s the Birthday Bunny! Her name’s Muffin!

      1. It’s not weird! I have a rabbit named Bob and we’re planning world domination together.

      2. I guess Muffin is a little weird, Silver Sword. He was involved in a horrible toxic spill accident, and he was mutilated. His personality hasn’t been the same since then either… Lol. XD
        Oh, and Cheerful Claw, good luck to you and Bob on your pursuit for world domination!
        Happy Birthday once again Hijuyo! May it be filled with happiness, cookies, and mutilated bunnies! ;P

  11. Wow I love all of codiens headers! I also really like motions maybe a little more ^^ I wish i could make cool headers like you guys T^T You by any chance taking requests? xD

  12. Not to be greedy, but can you guys promote my blog, in a future post? Just want a few more hits, that’s all. 🙂


    Hijuyo: We can help promote your blog by listing it in our Poptropica directory if you sign up on that page. 🙂

  13. Awesome Headers!
    Off Topic: Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to Hijuyo, happy Birthday to you. cha cha cha! 😀

  14. Wow,Good Job Codien. I’m actually better than when you first started….but,I’ve been trying for three months…:/. Please teach me how to make cool graphics.

    1. So what I’m getting from this is that Club Penguin is the polar opposite of Popropica? 😛

      Hijuyo: There were a lot of comments on the PHB ranting about how Club Penguin wasn’t as good as Poptropica. xD

      1. Well pop getting sort of like CP now I mean we have to pay to get super awesome stuff but unlike CP there’s another free way to get credits like finishing an island or a quest like haunted house

    1. Psst… You know that you don’t get credit, correct? They always check the PHF so they give credit to whoever posts a thread on the PHF first. 😉

      1. We’ve only had one logo and it’s made by Codien – it’s the blue circle icon that says “PHB.” If you’re still referring to the header image at the top, this post is about the ones only Codien made. Other headers were made by various people and I don’t think I could gather them all in one place.

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