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PoptroporteX- ASTROBOY AD, HO!!!

Motionman95 has made a new App!! The Poptropica Help Team introduces to you- Barney The Dinosaur PoptroporteX!!! (Or the PPX for short.)

The PoptroPorteX may not work. We apologize for any inconvenience caused if it doesn’t, but it’s always worth a shot!

Clicky! >>><<< Yay!


This amazing creation takes you to old and new ads on Poptropica. All you need to do is:

  1. Log in to Poptropica.
  2. Select the advertisement building you want to go to from the dropdown list and click on it. 
  3. You will be teleported to that ad place. You’ll also see a funny joke while you’re waiting.

If you want to Costumize a costume from any of the ads, follow these steps:

  1. Open Poptropica, and log in.
  2. Open PoptroporteX, and go to the desired ad.
  3. Costumize any costume.
  4. Save your game in POPTROPICA, then log out.
  5. When you log in again, your character will be as you Costumized it.

Also (prepare yourself for a big long list!) here are all the advertisements you can visit using the PPX:

  • LEGO Racers
  • Cinnamon Toast Crunch
  • Froot Loops Underwater Adventure
  • Pink Panther 2
  • Yogo Bucks
  • Disney Space Buddies
  • Froot Loops Arcade
  • Froot Octopus
  • WOWP (Wizards Of Waverly Place) Stone of Dreams
  • Race to Witch Mountain
  • Bedknobs and Broomsticks
  • Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (CWACOM)
  • Froot Loops – Color Laser
  • LEGO Bionicle Glatorian
  • Tinker Bell Lost Treasure
  • Rats of Nim
  • Tinkerbell Movie
  • Goosebumps
  • Open Season 2
  • Wizards of Waverly Place/Phineas and Ferb
  • Sears Clothes
  • High School Musical 3
  • Astro Boy Ad

Ok, wow let’s talk about the Astro Boy ad. Here’s a pic of it (We’ll talk about the hairdo later!):

That poptropican is ME!!
That poptropican is ME!!

It’s new, in case you haven’t heard of it. There isn’t really a quest. The quiz game is so easy, you can figure it out just by guessing. Or, just forget THAT, and go up using those cool flying hovercrafts and you admire the costumes.  I just costumized Astro Boy’s hair. And, did you know that Astro Boy releases on my BIRTHDAY!!?? Well, that’s pretty much it. 😛 Brilliant.. NO QUEST, FREE COSTUMES FOR ALL!! We thank TOMZILLA, a PHF user, for the update.

And on other news, my birthday is coming up (October 23rd), and I got an early birthday present- An iPod Touch!!! GO ME!! 😛



116 thoughts on “PoptroporteX- ASTROBOY AD, HO!!!”

  1. It won’t work unless you’re logged in on poptropica at the same time on another tab or browser and if you also don’t have javascript, it won’t work for that either.

  2. Congrats Gazek on the Birthday! Pssst. Don’t tell Motion! I have already gotten my wand on this.

  3. Thanks a lot! now i can get those outfits that i missed 😀 :offtopic: motionman95 I need help me and bubbles are banned of the phf! 😦 my user is lightning and bubbles is bubbles. Thanks! : sorry this was of topic 😦

  4. Awesome for the iPod Touch!!!!! I have an iPod Nano but would really like a Touch…although the iPhone would be the coolest! Poptroportex looks cool as well. Mind if I put that on my site under Poptropica Posts and Poptropica Links? I’ll give you full credit…cause it is awesome. That must have been hard to make an app like that…

    -Fierce Panda

    PS: Try playing Poptropica on the Wii from the Internet Channel! It is fun!

    Sent from my Nintendo Wii

    1. Oooh…motion is jealous. I though motion made this post before and I was gonna thank him for the ipod touch but I’d make it worse when it should’ve been Gazek’s!

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! CONGRATS ON THE iPOD TOUCH! off topic: I have the 2nd generation iPod touch (it’s the second oldest but i have the newest software) This might also be off topic but if the 23rd is your b-day and the day astroboy comes out well its also the day The vampire’s assistant comes out too. ( it’s on Darren Shan’s saga) I’ve been waiting for it ever since i found out they were making a movie. the books rock but I wonder if the movie’s just as good.

  6. Hey, Motionman… when you get items from the ads, they don’t go into my items icon… now I cant dress up a a Frootoctopus! What’s wrong?

  7. When I try this, the app just opens up a new tab with a ‘Name unknown’. Yet, I’m sure I followed all of the instructions! Any idea what this means?

    1. it does that to me too. i ‘m logged in on another tab and i have javascript but it says that and doesn’t take me there! i’ve tried every room and not of them work. i think the creators disdabled it or something.

      1. To GR:
        The Age shouldn’t matter with the app but the creators fixed it….As I said..”Look’s like we’re being watched!”

  8. im so glad. I was upste when my younger sister got the fairy. All i wanted was the lips. i got them. yay. my outfit is complete!!!

  9. Motionman95, do you have to be a certain age or on a certain island for this to work? I tried it another three more times, not working. It just sits there and I’m going nowhere.

  10. Motion, motion, motion. You shouldn’t have posted about it on here. We all know the creators read this blog and stop all the glitches that are posted on it.

  11. I can tell the creators threw the “Forbidden” page together in about 30 seconds by the formatting. XD They should change it to “A message from the creators: Stop cheating!” :p

  12. see this is why cheats dont work.creators find out and destroy!map:i the bet creators found out about that!hacked it so it wont work

    1. To creators:
      OOHh! You just got told by the brilliant genius mind of motion only 13 years old that brain but that old thing can still work! Why’d I say that?

  13. Sweet new app motion! And you’re lucky to have and iPod. My best friend at school got a touch last night. 😉

      1. I used to have a pretty lame MP3 player, but it broke. Now I’m really hoping my parents will get me an iPod for my birthday or Christmas.

  14. Gazek, youre so lucky!! I could get an ipod touch from a fundraiser but u have to sell 125 items…

    Andwhat was the Rats of Nimh ad? Never saw that in all my life on Pop b4…

  15. Only the AstroBoy ad works! Any others and it loads the pop screen but says “That room is not available right now” or something like that.

  16. …It seems that the ad has been replaced with an Exercising ad. The reward is somewhat good, but I won’t spoil anything.

    1. Please excuse me, It’s only been replaced in some places, such as Super Power. I’m not sure what the ages are, though. I’ll check on my sister’s acount.

  17. First, and foremost, happy early birthday Gazek! I hope its a good one! On a more serious note: motion, I probably shouldn’t be telling you this (my darned sister got me grounded) but I want to warn you because I consider you as a friend and a great person. The Binary Bard was on the forums today and i’m worried that he’ll put a stop to Poptroportex. Please be careful, and if Mom asks, I wasn’t here. The teleporter is awesome, and I don’t want to see it gone

  18. Hmmmm Thiss is wierd.
    I found a weird glitch shortly after I used the PoptroporteX. My clothes were relaced with the froot loops clothes for no reason. Including the octopus hair. Ugh, and I had the dog ears (from spy island) too!

  19. I won it the have cool outfits and mouths there is a smile one and a alien one and normal.

    I love the milk I look like the guy near te chip sign yellow shirt and blue pants with red belt.

    1. did u kno if u press spacebar with the milk it has a special action dat makes ur poptropican drink the milk =)

  20. Hey, MM, the PPX keeps deleting people’s accounts. We keep talking about it on the chat page and we don’t know why it happens. Also, when I tried it, I couldn’t get any costumes! I tried both of your links. Please help…

  21. Noo! The creators stopped the glory that is Barney th- *slaps self* PoptroporteX! WHY? *bangs head against table repeatedly*

  22. Wow – that’s like MY birthday present (although my birthday was months ago).
    Happy Birthday Gazek!
    Sorry, it’s a bit late.

      1. Yes, if you want to use the PopTravel on your account, log in to your Poptropica account first, then open another tab for PopTravel and close the first one.

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