Web Development


Hey guys, Scary Tomato posting:

You probably know me as Scary Tomato, or ST. But like how Gazek was once Speedy Ice, I’ve also decided to change my internet name into something that might be easier to remember. You can still call me ST (many are used to it anyway 😛 ), but I’ll be changing my display name around this website too. Please try to refer to me with this name in the future:


So, “hi” comes from the greeting word hi; “Ju” and “Yo” come from parts of certain names. [Original paragraph rewritten for personal reasons..] I know, the name change may take some getting used to. I wanted something that wasn’t a generic Poptropica name that some other Poptropican might also have.

Already using this name for other sites, such as Webosaurs and the new PHF.

Also, the International Blog of Poptropica (IBOP: http://theibop.wordpress.com/) has discovered a new item coming to the Poptropica Store. It’s called the ”Follower” and looks like this:


A slight mistake, Creators – ”funner” is not good grammar. 🙂 Also, this isn’t a fake; you can check out the item SWF here: http://static.poptropica.com/items/item3051.swf. Wonder what’s going to follow us? Non-player characters (NPCs) like the mayor from 24 Carrot, or randomly generated pets like kittens? 😀

70 thoughts on “Followers”

  1. Hi, Hijuyo, I’m guessing people will call you
    HJY or something for now. Anyway, it would be cool to do astroknights with a kitten following you into the bosses (Maybe you cat/NPC will get a shield to when you fight the Tigercopter!)
    Well… bye!

    Hijuyo: That’s a cool idea, Sharklionjay! Having a follower could be made beneficial in certain areas or make the game easier. 🙂

      1. Websters Third New International Dictionary, if you really wanted to know…actually, it’s listed under “fun”.

    1. Yeah, they always prowl the forums and the PHF Chat. We kept wondering why the hacks and glitches we posted kept getting fixed, the days after we posted them. That’s why our “Glitches and Cheats” section is password protected.

  2. Aw, why’d you hafta change your name, ST? I liked you as Scary Tomato! 😦

    Hijuyo: You can still call me ST; I explained why I changed my name in the post. 😉

      1. It’s a bit weird how you changed your name, Hijuyo.

        Hijuyo: But I like my new name. 🙂

  3. *smacks head*
    Now I’m the only one here with a generic Poptropica name….I need to find a nickname fast!
    I do like my Poptropican name though….and Golden Eagle is actually the name of a species of eagle….

    1. That Okay. Besides I Like Scary Tomato Better that Hijuyo (Which I Don’t Know How to Spell and Sounds Chinese) And Actually I Like Gazek more than Speedy Ice. Weird? I like Golden Eagle. I Like Motionman95 More than Beefy Brain (No Offense But thats Sounds Weird)

    2. you’re right! I’m known to some ppl as “Stella”… You know.. a Star is in space.. Stellar is kinda space-y then take away the R in stellar and you get Stella! lol It’s complicated.. Am I off topic?

    3. My Poptropica name is Shifty Crush, and I don’t care if I’m the only one left. If you’re talking about staff, I understand, but if I were you, I would not care what my name is on this blog and NOT change it, maybe you should D.O..

      I like some girls, even though I’m a boy, and I don’t care if I’m being laughed at. Really, I don’t. 😆


    4. I have Poptropicalthunder, and I used to be Zany Thunder…
      I don’t know how I thought of that name, but I thought about “Tropical” and put the pop in, and I decided to use it, along with my last Poptropica name. And everyone is used to Poptropicalthunder, or PT, or Thunder, or Poptropical. I can reconize who they’re reffereing to. (Me!)

      1. I don’t think so, it says create, so I think you create a Poptropican to follow you.

  4. So You Mean To Tell us that When We want Someone will Follow Us They Will Be Right Behind Us?

    Even the Creators?!
    Even in the Multi-player Rooms?!
    Even in the Games?

    I’m so Gonna make Shark Boy Come With Me Anywhere I Go! He’s My Fav!

  5. and i like both names but i like scary tomato better than hijuyo but hijuyo’s a cool nickname and i was getting used to calling you scary tomato, st,scary,tomato.

      1. Eek! We’re being watched! If I every find anything I don’t know where I could post it without the Creators discovering it and/or changing it!

  6. Hijuyo? that’s gonna take a while to get used to

    Hijuyo: Yep, but I hope we’ll all eventually get the hang of it. 😛

  7. It’s not on the PCB yet, but there is a limited amount of Popstars on Poptropica, with different hair and in gold. I hope they put the Follower on Poptropica soon!

  8. Here’s my Poptropican-http://www.poptropica.com/avatarstudio/avatar.html?a=bUGlWYlc1UEVwaGEyVXZZVzVwYlhKbVBnPT0%3D

    You’ll have to copy and paste the link into your adress bar for it to work, though. Pretty cool, huh?

  9. Hi I’m metsfan21 I just created a wordpress account, but I’ve visited this blog before. Anyway, I think the followers are animals. Like the cats from Spy Island and 24 Carrot or the dogs from Spy Island. There could be monkeys too,which were seen in an earlier post.

  10. Well i think from the create button like on multiverse i think this is what it could be like: You press create then you custimize a journey or select one. Then you like… click on some one and they are sent into the journey or you could send a code to people to enter. then you might have like a mini quest and maybe there is like a mini game or something in the journey. Maybe it is something related to the quiz game or track and find in it. Thats what i think sorry if some one else had the theory.

  11. I actually planned to change my name every year, so I’m coming up with some cool names for me to use in the future. But I had change my name to Poptropicalthunder back a while ago, so I won’t have to wait a full year.

    And the creators just released the Angel and Little Demon costumes in the Poptropica Store! I just bought them with one of my other accounts.

    And also, I just came back from my cruise today. It was pretty fun… But considering that I only had 10 minutes of computor a day, it made me stressed. 😆

  12. Hey PHB! Do any of you know what the follower does?

    Hijuyo: My guess is that something will follow your character around (based on the item card’s description).

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