Web Development

Golden Eagle

It’s me, Golden Eagle! Scary Tomato kindly invited me to work here at this awesome blog! I’ll be posting Creator’s Blog updates and other stuff that even I don’t know about. I live for Soupwords and that’s the only game I play, and I’m always looking for a challenge. I’ve beat all the islands, too.  I also have a bunch of Poptropicans, about eight of them (was seven, but Sanzulines on the PHF convinced me to have an even number). I usually check on all my Poptropicans once a day, and pick a random one to play with. All my Poptropicans have at least four stars.

I live in the USA, but in the East, so I live in Eastern Standard time (EST). Those of you who live in America will see me more often than some of the other blog staff that live across the world. But anyway, I’m on summer vacation until August 26. When I start school I promise I’ll check up when I can.

I’m 12 as of right now, and my birthday is on April 14. I also work on one more blog, Poptropical Thunder’s Blog, and I am a active member of the PHF.

I hope you will like me!