Web Development

Counting Down!

It seems like years ago when the PHB first hit the 10,000 mark.

It felt like months ago when the PHB hit their 100,000 mark.

But never did Scary Tomato, a kid from Hong Kong, ever believe that a simple passion for helping people on Poptropica, would become what it is today.

So today we are celebrating. The PHB’s biggest moment (besides their first year aniversary 😛 ).


1,000,000 Hits!1000000!

 And as of today, we have exactly 10,700 comments in the whole blog!

Help us count down to the huge milestone in the comments below.

Because it is you, the viewers, that made the hits.

The PHB Team

Scary Tomato |  Smockers

Codien  | Grumpy Wolf