
#FreeThe15: finally free!

Slip here. Congratulations, Poptropicans! We’ve won free stuff!

In honor of the #FreeThe15 Challenge, the Creators have released, as promised, a whole bunch of new home decorย you can find in the Home Store. Check out all the stuff!


ICYMI, the recently-concluded challenge had Poptropica fans takings snapshots of their ice cream machines inside their homesโ€”quite peculiar, but free items, yay! A lot of players have joined in the challenge and this is what we get in return, which is pretty sweet! (pun intended)

Moreover, because of the fans’ unwavering and overwhelming support, the Creators decided to add 5 more home decorationsโ€”making it a total of 20 items! Here are the newly-added decors in the Home Store (click to enlarge the images):

Interestingly though, I’ve counted a total of 21 sweet new decor items for the house instead of 20. In spite of that, it’s still really cool to have new stuff: we’ve got a drumset, a shower, a chandelier, a shark statue, a baseball, and even a pet iguana!

Why don’t you play Poptropica Worlds to get your hands on the 21 brand new items on the Home Store! Time to redecorate our houses! What do you think of the #FreeThe15 challenge? Don’t forget to leave your thoughts below!

Random theory:ย  I don’t know if you’ll believe me, but don’t you think that the Skullduggery Island painting foreshadows something? Are the Creators remastering Skullduggery, one of the hardest Poptropica islands, in Poptropica Worlds? What do you think?


Anyway, stay awesome!

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