Pranks, Web Development

Poptropica Fools!

April Fools Day, 2009


April Fools day. A day for foolery and miscious. And PHB had a go at it.

The logo used in the PHB April Fools, 2009 Prank.
The logo used in the PHB April Fools, 2009 Prank.

For 3 days before, during, and after Aprils Fools day, the PHB team changed the whole site to appear as if it was now serving another online game called “Club Penguin”. And boy did PHB fool alot of people!

Crying, thrashing, tearing, yelling, “WE WANT PHB BE BACK! WE WANT PHB BACK!”. We got dozens of comments and emails of pure panic that the site had mysteriously changed over night.

Not only was it the readers that got fooled but the Poptropica Creators Blog (PCB) got fooled too:

Rest In Peace – Help Blog

We wanted to acknowledge a certain “Help Blog” for Poptropica that recently changed formats. They had a lot of talent, and we’ll miss them terribly. Good luck guys.

Whether or not this was the creators just joining in on the foolery, or maybe they were just completly fooled, or maybe they were just talking about another site (unlikely 😉 ).

So what on earth did we do to make it look so much like we had changed.

Heres what the site looked like.
Heres what the site looked like.

First off Codien designed the header, making it as real as possible as if we were really a help blog serving Club Penguin.

Now we had to write the posts and pages.  We were stuck. We had to write lots of posts and pages in less then 3 days. We couldn’t do it. So we emailed a very good friend of ours and asked her if we could use her posts for the prank.

This person was Happy Pippi – Happy Pippi owns a  wonderful, amazing, well organized blog involving Club Penguin. Her blogged is filled with amazing posts and pages.

When we asked she was very happy in letting us use her posts (Suggesting the name 😉 ).

We would like everybody to give a very big thanks to Happy Pippi. THANKS HAPPY PIPPI!

Please visit her amazing site by clicking on this link:
Or you can access it by clicking on the link button saying Happy Pippi in the right hand bar.

We will add more stuff to this latter. With a more detailed explanation and behind the scenes work.

April Fools!

-PHB Team-

Scary Tomato