Web Development

Resignation note of Neat Whale/WhispersSecret.

…Yeah. Believe it. NW signing off.

As you might have noticed, I haven’t been posting for a while. That’s because I’ve…I’ve kinda lost control. I’va become more interested in other things such as like being of the Zone and just chattign with my friends (and DeviantARTing). I’ve completely lost interest in everything…and hey, well, what is there to it if you’re not enjoying it anymore?

But I do want to thank of course, Hijuyo for being my best friend, Coskit, HS, CW, and so many other people on the PHF and PHB for being there and supporting me, the rest of the Poptropica Help Team for…err, being my teammates, the idiots ( ๐Ÿ˜› ) awesome people on the PHF for making me laugh, that includes EVERYONE,ย and a huge thank you to MF/GB (Maroon Fire/Golden Butterfly) for being awesome and always lending an open ear, and being like me and sticking it in with your dreams…which is why I recomend right out here in the open that she becomes a moderatorย on the PHF, instend of me.

I’ll still be on the PHF, but I want Motion to make me just a member. I’ll be on the Zone. I’ll still be playing Poptropica. I’ll still be on DeviantART. I’ll be on YouTube occasionally.ย And I’ll comment here from time to time; I’ll never leave completely.

See you soon.