Astro-Knights Island, Sneak Peeks

Unicorns Save the Day

🙂 Poptropica Help Blog has reached the 750,000+ hits milestone – that’s 3/4 of a million! 🙂
Thanks to Popfan for creating such a unique name for the unicorn in this sneak peek: Sparkles!

Not long after a meteor crashed through the prison of Super Power Island, another disaster struck in Poptropica. The skies darkened into a grayish color. Onlookers were very much afraid and immediately ran home as soon as they heard the warnings from Hazmat Hermit. “Aaaahh! The sky is falling!” somebody screamed into Hazmat H’s ear. Uh oh, thought the hermit. It’s time for… Super Sparkles Unicorn, come to save the day! In a flash, Hazmat Hermit had climbed onto his unicorn, Sparkles, and the two were now soaring high in the air. “I brought my green laser gun, Sparkles, just in case,” HH reassured the unicorn. Suddenly, they both saw it. A menacing red bird, who happened to look a bit stiff, was chasing them at top speed! “YIKES!” yelled Hermit. “Watch… out… ” He squeezed in his last two words, just as the bird came crashing through them.

Can unicorns rescue us in times of trouble? Maybe they can… on Astro-Knights Island!

Blog Post Title: It’s a bird… It’s a plane… It’s…!
Description: Strange things have appeared in the air above Poptropica. This picture was taken a moment before the mysterious rider vanished into the clouds. A large explosion followed soon after. I advise caution as we continue to monitor the situation.
Image URL:
Image Name: watchout.png

The bird might be one from this earlier sneak peek – the Firebird! (Called “Rising from the Ashes…” in case you’re interested.) In that sneak peek, it looks like there are many little birds, which act as missiles, under the gigantic wings of the huge firebird. This new sneak peek seems to show one of them!

Remember to visit the post below for updates on Poptropica’s merchandise!