PoptropiCon Island Guide


Everyone is dressed up for the biggest sci-fi and fantasy convention in Poptropica. At PoptropiCon, the most important thing isn’t what you do — it’s how you look doing it!

For walkthroughs on PoptropiCon Island, scroll down.

Note: You can also play all episodes on Steam or with AS3 Flashpoint.

Released: August 28, 2014 (for members)
or September 18, 2014 (for all)
Common Room: Facili-Tee (Ep. 1), Atrium (Ep. 2), Boiler Room (Ep. 3)
Preceded by: Mission Atlantis Island
Succeeded by: Arabian Nights Island

Resources on this page: Island Extras | Synopsis from Poptropica | Quippy’s Store Items | Video Walkthrough | Written Walkthrough | Album Photos | Trivia

Island Extras: Official Tour | Video Playlist | Bingo | Champions Map 12 & 3 | Mighty Action Force Coloring Pages

Quippy’s Store Items

Quippy sells the following items in the Facili-Tee, Episode 1’s common room: Tinfoil Robot, Supernova, Lunar Colony Cosplay*, and Game Show Cosplay*. (* = members only)

Video Walkthrough

Click through the playlist menu to find the video for different episodes. For a written walkthrough with pictures, scroll down on this page.

Written Walkthrough

Walkthrough by HPuterpop & Brave Tomato
Special thanks to: Slanted Fish, Blake, & Yujo

Table of Contents

  1. Episode 1: Line Forms Here
  2. Episode 2: Spoiler Alert
  3. Episode 3: Reign of Omegon

Episode 1: Line Forms Here

Welcome to PoptropiCon! Outside the convention center, a lady will introduce you to the Costumizer feature, which will play a big part in this quest.


Next, find the girl dressed as a princess standing in line, and ask if you can have one of her tickets. She’ll say she’s holding one for a friend, but she doesn’t know where he is. Ask her what he looks like, and she’ll show you a selfie with him.


You’ll have to find all the pieces of his outfit from around the convention. The first piece is just a couple of people down the line. Costumize the girl in the blue top hat and copy the mystical staff on her back.


Next, jump up to the second story of the convention center. You’ll find the beard on a man pushing on a vending machine. Costumize it, then jump up to the roof and costumize the hat from a girl who’s hiding out. You’ll also find some Bottles on the way up.


Once you have the hat, find the final piece of the costume by going to the next scene to the left, on a man eating some pizza puffs. Costumize the robe with the moon sash and then return to the princess girl in line.


She’ll think you are her friend — and asks for “it”. You ask what “it” is, and it turns out that she was wanting something in return for the ticket! First, you’ll need to find her friend, who’s in line for the bathroom (on the far left scene, past the scene with Pepe’s Pizza Puffs). Talk to him, and you’ll find that he accidentally left the thing in the porta-potty! He gives up and goes home.


You’re not going to get anywhere in this line anytime soon, so talk to the guy in front of you to see if you can bribe him in any way. He tells you that if you can remind him of who played Thor in an old movie, he’ll trade you his spot.

To figure it out, go back through to the convention center, and right once more to the alley. While you’re there, pick up the Backpack Straps laying in the “Lost and Found” dumpster bin upon entering the scene. On the far right, you’ll find a poster stating that Bucky Lucas plays Thor. Click on it, then return to the line.


Once there, tell the puzzled guy that it was Bucky Lucas, and he will give up his spot in line.

Next, talk to the girl in front of you. She’ll ask what time the cosplay contest will be held. You’ll find the information on the second story of the convention center on a poster. Click on the poster and you’ll note that it’s at noon.


Return to the girl and tell her the contest time. She’ll give up her spot and you can talk to the guy in front of her. This trippy dude will only give up his seat if you have the “power amulet,” whatever that is. The person who supposedly has it is the “Cheetah Bandit”. Ok then.

You’ll find the Cheetah Bandit atop the bus in the convention center scene. Ask him how to get the power amulet from him, and he’ll say that you’ll have to beat him in a race up a water tower. Accept the challenge to continue.


To get to the top of the water tower faster than he does, you can climb the gutter to the left most of the way, then jump off when it ends onto the clothes line. You’ll spring up on the top of the building, so jump on the purple umbrella and onto the top of the water tower. He’ll take the slower route, and you’ll receive the Power Amulet.


Return to the line and put on the amulet. When you talk to the guy, he’ll be impressed and give you his place in line.

The next guy wants a “Fremulon” mask from the alien-looking booth in the pizza puff area. Pay a visit to the booth, and first talk to the girl on the left. She’ll give you a pamphlet on how to speak the language of Fremulon. Next, talk to the guy on the right. He’ll tell you that if you can have a conversation in Fremulon, he’ll give you the mask. The pamphlet has all the answers to his questions, but here they are in case you want them:

Him: Scrash sumbellugh?

You: Scrum bellazugh!

Him: Crozzy zup bemblex?

You: Bemblex zup amfrozan.

Him: Grofzellux scrumble blurge?

You: Blurge scrashble bellazagur.

Once you finish the conversation, he will give you the Fremulon Mask!


Now, return to the line and give the space dude the mask. He’ll trade places with you in line.

The next steampunk cosplayer will trade places with you in line if you can find her a replacement jetpack, as she broke hers. She’ll give you Jetpack Instructions so you can make one. You can make one at the “Ye Olde Forge of Finery” booth at the Pizza Puffs area.

But first, you’ll need to obtain the clock that’s dangling on the top of the booth. Climb on top of the Fremulon booth and onto the Finery booth, where you can easily take the Watch Parts. Now, you’re ready to craft!


After reading through the instructions, just click on the backpack straps, put glue on them, then click on the bottles, put glue on them, and finally put the clock parts on the bottles. To finish it all off, spray paint it with the two paint cans next to your creation. There’s your Jetpack!


Now, return to the line and give the girl the jetpack. She’ll somehow fly off, and you can finally get to go inside the porta-potty (yay)! You’ll come out with the unknown thing that is revealed to be a Mjolnir, Thor’s hammer of awesomeness. Equip it.

Go back to the girl in line at the convention center. She’ll almost give you the ticket — but then she asks where you got it. When you tell her, she says the deal is off. It looks like you’ll have to find another way into the convention center…


Fortunately, the security guard in the alley way next to the poster of Thor is impressed with the Mjolnir. However, he won’t let you use the catapult behind him, which might just get you inside by shooting you through a window. He says he will only move if Thor were to tell him to do so. So, it’s time to find all the pieces to Thor’s outfit from the poster!


You’ll find the beard on the guy who’s first in line for the convention center. The suit is on the girl hosting the crafting booth, and you’ll find the hat and hair on the guy in the bathroom scene who you told about Bucky Lucas. Thor’s cape is on the girl right next to him, the one you spoke to about the cosplay contest time. Once you have all that Costumized, return to the security guard.


You’ll fool him, and once you tell him to leave, you’ll have access to the catapult! First, you’ll need to set it by jumping off of one of the ledges next to it. Fall onto the platform, and gradually it will be pushed all the way down.


Now, click on the lever to be launched into the air. You’ll receive the Episode 1 Medallion just as you go flying into the air and through a window. Score! The episode ends with you crashing in on the show — and it’s just starting!


Episode 2: Spoiler Alert

You’ll bust through the window and land on the stage of a costume contest — but as great of an entrance as it may be, you’re early. The prize, however, is a walk-on role in the next “Might Action Force” movie!


They’re looking for the best costume of Omegon from the Mighty Action Force series. To start with, Costumize the mask off of the guy in the bandit costume.

Then jump over to the left and up to the platform with the cardboard box on it. Push it aside and click the small card hiding behind it. You’ll collect a “Teen Arachnid” card from the Mighty Action Force card game, which will go into your inventory as a Card Deck. We’ll get to that later, but for now, go to the Expo Floor through the door on the right side of the room.


Once there, head past the Demo Area door and talk to the reporter from Wicked Cool News. He’ll persuade you into being a spy for his website, and in exchange, he’ll help you put together a cool costume. You’ll have to find exclusive photos of what the newest design of Omegon’s costume is going to look like in an upcoming movie. He’ll give you a Cell Phone to keep track of the pictures.


Next, head over to the Demo Area. Talk to the girl at the Mighty Action Force card game table. She’ll offer you a starter pack of cards and a practice match. Let’s give it a go!


Here’s how the card game works:

  • You’ll find 13 holes each on the top and bottom of the screen. These are where gems go. To win, you either need to get 13 gems, or be ahead of your opponent when you both run out of cards.
  • You have 6 cards in your drawing deck. Whichever card you draw from that deck is a card you can use, along with others in your usable deck. You get to draw 1 card before each of your turns.
  • You can either attack your opponent’s gems or add more for yourself with a card. The number on the top right corner of each card is how many gems/attacks the card can enforce.
  • You can arrange what cards are in your drawing deck and your usable deck. Arrange them via the “organize” button in your inventory’s Card Deck.

Some cards have extra abilities, such as Dirt Claude, which will block an attack if it’s weaker or equivalent to the card the opponent uses. These cards will have explanations in their card descriptions.


With that in mind, you can easily take out the girl and win (though this is just for practice). The games are random and different each time, so it’s up to you to figure it out.

After the game is over, you can go over to the next table and Costumize the bow off of the back of a Mighty Action Force fan.

Now, click on one of the balloons tied to the table. The balloon gives you an extra jump boost, allowing you to get to the second floor of the room. Once there, jump onto the table with the bulletin board above it.

Click the bulletin board multiple times, making your character stomp on the table and knocking off sticky notes from the board. The last sticky note will have a “Dirt Claude” card hiding behind it, so grab that — and keep the balloon!


Return to the Expo Floor and head up to the second floor. Costumize the hat from the lady standing by the collectibles table. Then jump off of the second floor on the left side. If you jump far enough, with your balloon’s help, you’ll be able to collect the “Trash Collector” card that was stuck in a window border. Now, you can pop the balloon by clicking on it.


Next, head over to the “Meet Stan Ditko” table, and ask Stan if he has any idea where you could find out what Omegon looks like. He’ll refuse and complain that someone else had just asked him about the same thing!

That someone was news webmaster Sasha Capone, who’s nearby. You can quickly grab a free Elf Archer Comic Book Cover, then follow her into the hallway.


This part is tricky: there are three doors, and Sasha will go into one of them. There are lots of people going in and out of the doors, however, so you’ll need to be quick to go through the right one. After some time, you’ll find yourself in the lobby. She’ll be standing near the center of the room, so go talk to her.


Sasha says she does have a picture, but you’re going to have to give her something in return, offering you her Calling Card. She then rushes into a conference room, putting her phone into a phone bin before entering.


You need to get ahold of her phone, so jump up to the tech lounge on the second floor to the right. First, click the soda machine to get a “Pony Girl” card. Then, costumize the shirt of the swinging piñata guy. Lastly, go into your inventory and use Sasha’s business card. You’ll call the number on your new phone, and it’ll start ringing in the bin. Go over to the bin and take the phone, which will give you the pic of Omegon’s cape.


Now, go back to the Expo Floor and then into the Exhibit Hall. You’ll find two gofers inside who say they’re missing the Elf Archer statue. If you’ve been following along with the Costumizer instructions above, you’ll look just like Elf Archer from your Comic Book Cover!

When the gofers leave, jump onto the empty platform where the Elf Archer statue is meant to be. (Also, you can find a hidden card in the hand of the inflatable superhero! Hit the hand to make him drop the “Fashion Ninja” card.)


The gofers will come back and haul you into the showcase room. Once they leave, you can take a look around. You’ll find the newest Omegon mask on the second floor to the left. Take a picture of it with your Cell Phone, then return to the Expo Floor.


You need only one more picture to complete the Omegon costume, and you’ll find that in the Demo Area. Using a balloon, get up to the second floor of the room and challenge the girl sitting at a table to a match. She’s never lost, so it’s going to be a tough one, but not impossible to win. Go into your Card Deck and put your strongest cards in!


After you defeat her, she’ll give you a rare “Omegon” card that completes the costume! You can return to the Wicked Cool News table and give the reporter the phone back. He’ll whisk away and then return with an awesome Omegon Suit! Put it on and then go back to the Theater.


Once you arrive, the contest will commence. The first two are blunders, but when you show up, the judge is impressed. You’re just about to win when…

…a real life Omegon emerges from a portal! His hench-bot forces the other contestants away, and Omegon shoots the host with a green ray gun. At this point, you’re awarded the Episode 2 Medallion. Congrats!


Episode 3: Reign of Omegon

Time has passed since Omegon interrupted his own cosplay contest. The episode begins with you waking up in a makeshift hideout for survivors underneath the convention building. Tessa Turncoat, the Costumizer tutor, is the seeming leader of this resistance.

After learning that Omegon’s takeover wasn’t a dream, you’ll get up. Tessa explains that we can defeat Omegon by getting the weapons of the Mighty Action Force: Elf Archer’s bow, World Guy’s shield, and Gold Face’s gloves.

They’re in the possession of the heroes’ movie actors, whom Omegon have trapped in cages in three different rooms because he thinks they’re the real heroes. That sucks. Tessa claims that if they gather the weapons, they can summon the big good Alphaon, who can defeat Omegon.

The pantyhose ninja from Episode 1 will then show you a comic page, part of an arc called “Reign of Omegon,” about how Alphaon was summoned. Now armed with knowledge from Mighty Action Force Comic #178 (which you can refer back to in your inventory), you are ready to save the convention!


If you want, you can go to the left and pick up a Card Deck to play Mighty Action Force just for fun. But you do need to grab the Energy Drink from the table, because you’ll definitely need that later.

Rescuing Elf Archer (Exhibit Hall)

Go to the vent labeled “Exhibit Hall”, and you’ll find Elf Archer’s actress a floor above you, complaining. Go right and you’ll find pink lasers that are blocking the way. Go past the ones turning on and off and eventually you’ll find a shield that’s reflecting on of the lasers. Grab it.


When you grab it, a button will appear on the lower left. Click it to equip the shield. Press the space bar to hold up the shield. Direct the shield to the left, underneath the on/off laser that you just picked up the shield from. Wait for the laser to turn on, and the shield will reflect the laser to the pink power source, which will destroy it.


Go to the left and using the laser on the floor, direct it to the power source above to destroy it. One more to go! Go left and up and to the right, and direct that laser to the left to destroy the last power source in the room. Now you can free Elf Archer by pressing the red button on her cage.


Elf Archer returns to the HQ. Talk to her there and she’ll give you her Bow.

Rescuing Gold Face (Expo)

To find Gold Face, go to the vent labeled “Expo” and you’ll find a pair of Omegon’s hench-bots turning convention-goers into hench-bots. When they reach the poor guy who was struggling with the vending machine, his drink shorts out the bot-making machine, but traps him. However, you’ll need Gold Face’s power gloves to help him.

Go to the right and you’ll find Gold Face stuck in a cage above you. To get to him, you’ll need to use the power of both the bow and the shield. The bow has a button on the bottom left and you can quickly change between the two.

Head right, and in the background, you’ll find a wall with arrows pointing to the right. Equip the bow and press the spacebar to shoot the arrow into the green target, which disables a nearby green forcefield wall. Watching out for the pink laser on the floor, go past where the laser was, and go up and to the left.


Push the crate on the upper floor to the lower floor, and down to the ground with more background wall arrows. Stand on top of the crate and shoot the arrow in that direction. It destroys a forcefield blocking another target.

Go back up, head left and towards the second crate. Push it out of the way of the floor opening, and up to the platform over to the right. From that platform on top, shoot an arrow, and it will bring down another forcefield.

Go back down to where the floor laser was and equip the shield. Direct the laser to where you just opened up from pushing the crate, and you’ll destroy the power source there. You’ll be able to free Gold Face by clicking his cage’s button.


Back at HQ, he’ll give you his Unpowered Electron Pulse (power gloves), which he says would shoot sparks if the batteries weren’t dead.


Before you go find World Guy, go back to the Expo and equip the gloves. Also, find the button on the bottom left. Click on the exposed wiring to recharge the gloves into a Powered Electron Pulse.


Now you can rescue the wizard trapped in the machine! Click on the triangle on the machine’s left side while equipped with the gloves to free him. He’ll thank you and give you his Energy Drink in return.

Now go back to the Exhibit Hall, and head right until you find a vending machine. Using the power gloves, power the machine and you’ll get the last of the Energy Drinks. Yes, there’s a purpose behind them!


Rescuing World Guy (Theater)

Head to the theater via the only vent you haven’t gone through yet, and you’ll find World Guy high in the room in another cage. Go left and click on the triangle to activate the floating platform. Quickly change to the bow and shoot an arrow at the green target, which will destroy the forcefield blocking the way.


Go through the passageway and use the shield to direct the laser to the power source and destroy it. Unfortunately, the low-quality shield melts and you can’t use it anymore. Oh well!


Go back down and to the right, activate the right levitating platform, and use the bow to shoot out the other green target. It’ll destroy the forcefield between you and World Guy, and you can go free him.

Head back down to the HQ and he’ll give you his Modern Era Shield. You now have all the weapons of the Mighty Action Force!


Tessa Turncoat

You’ll talk to Tessa again and show her the weapons. She looks at them in wonder, and once she knows they’re real… she summons Omegon.


Yup. It’s another one of those kinds of Poptropica plots.


But Omegon betrays Tessa, who gets taken away. The Resistance seems ready to give up, until the pantyhose ninja brings up how, in the comics, destroying a crystal would send Omegon back to where he came. The information comes from Mighty Action Force Comic #367.

In an uncharacteristically noble move, the pantyhose ninja then proceeds to fight off the hench-bots as you head back to the Theater — also the home of Omegon’s Throne Room.

Boss Battle: Omegon

So you want to stop an otherworldly being and all you have is a shield, a bow and some power gloves. How are you supposed to do this? Don’t worry, we gotchu.

In the Theater, bump into the forcefield a few times to trigger some exposition.


Now head below that, where you’ll see the crystal. Power it with the energy drinks by clicking the generator, or the Energy Drinks item card.

Next, power the three triangular switches with your gloves. Run up to the little slit in the wall, and take the shot with your bow. (Be quick about this: they don’t stay powered forever!)


You’ll be celebrating Omegon’s banishment! Congratulations, you’ve beat PoptropiCon, Epis—oop, no, wait. He’s taking you to his home dimension. After flying through pictures of the Mighty Action Force, you’ll be infused with the powers of Alphaon!


You’ll be taken to this mechanic beast, and you’ll have to deflect the lasers onto the power sources on the hands. This will allow you to jump on, power the hands with Gold Face’s gloves, and ride them up to take out the green targets with your bow. Do this for both sides, and the eyes should turn pink.


And what do we do to things that are pink? We deflect lasers onto them, that’s right! So crouch down, and use your shield to blast his eyes out!


Aaaand everything’s back to normal! Congratulations, you’ve completed PoptropiCon: Reign of Omegon, and won your Episode 3 Medallion!


Looking for more walkthroughs? Check out our Island Help page! 🏝

Album Photos

These pictures appeared in a former feature known as the photo album.


  • PoptropiCon Island is Poptropica’s 40th island, and its first episode was released to members on August 28, 2014, plus it came out for everyone on September 18, 2014. For its release, the login screen featured cosplaying characters running across, as well as text advertising Captain Crawfish’s video guide.
  • Episode 1 was re-released with Haxe in April 2020. Episode 2 joined it on January 26, 2022 for members and June 15, 2022 for non-members.
  • PoptropiCon Island (full version) was re-released for Steam on May 25, 2022.
  • This is the first island for which the Creators have released an official video walkthrough.
  • “PoptropiCon” is a mix of the words “Poptropica convention.”
  • Common room: Facili-Tee (Episode 1 – for the first time, the common room was released some time after the island itself came out), Atrium (Episode 2 – this room has references to Legendary Swords), Boiler Room (Episode 3)
  • The PoptropiCon logo is a spoof on that of the annual San Diego Comic Con — both feature an eye and yellow text surrounding the top and left sides.
  • Bucky Lucas, the name of the actor who plays Thor according to Episode 1, first appears as a retired star on Reality TV Island. When you give this info to one of the guys in line for the restroom, he says he’d been thinking of Kirk Strayer – the cocky actor from Back Lot Island.
  • Fremulon may be inspired by Klingon, an extraterrestrial species from Star Trek with its own alien language, also like Fremulon.
  • Fremulon may have taken its name from the television production company Fremulon, known for producing the long-running TV series Parks and Recreation and Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
  • In Norse mythology, Thor is the god of thunder, and his hammer is the Mjolnir, which you acquire in Episode 1.
  • In the background of the restroom line in Episode 1, there is a sign for Queequeg’s Coffeehouse – first seen in Back Lot Island.
  • The Mighty Action Force could be a reference to Marvel’s The Avengers (2012), as the characters seem to resemble Captain America (World Guy), Hawkeye or Black Widow (Elf Archer – not to be confused with Black Widow from Counterfeit Island!), and Iron Man (Gold Face).
  • The wizard whose costume you rip off from others in Episode 1 looks like Gandalf.
  • When you beat the Cheetah Bandit, you say “cheetahs never prosper!” – a play on the phrase “cheaters never prosper”.
  • The Power Amulet you win from the Cheetah Bandit is made of a bottle cap that says “Hex Cola”, perhaps a spoof of the term “hex color” – codes used to distinguish colors on the web.
  • The jetpack manual instructions are labeled “ström ryggsäck”, which means “stream backpack” in Swedish (styled like a true IKEA product!). The last step, on the back of the sheet, is “färdiggjord” – which means “ready-made”.
  • Some of the movie poster parodies found throughout the island (such as The Hobo for The Hobbit) have been seen on other islands as well, such as Back Lot and Virus Hunter.
  • The lavatory stalls (porta-potties) in Episode 1 are labeled “John Co” – john is also an informal word for ‘toilet.’
  • In Episode 2, the “Pony Bros” poster seen on the Expo Floor is most likely a reference to the “brony” fanbase for My Little Pony. That’s probably why the ponies are male. You can see what is known as a ‘cutie mark’ in the shape of a heart on the pink pony to the left. The left pony strongly resembles Pinkie Pie and the one to the left strongly resembles Spike.
  • The “cosmic paddleboarder” poster in the theater may be a reference to Marty McFly and his hoverboard from the Back to the Future movies.
  • Stan Ditko (creator of Elf Archer), whom you meet in Episode 2, is a reference to Marvel superhero co-creators Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.
  • The “Popular Media Collectibles” table includes toys of Dr. Hare (villain of 24 Carrot Island), Balloon Boy (an ongoing joke since Counterfeit Island), Captain Crimson (of the Skullduggery toy line), and a statue of one of the Daily Pop stand-in guys in a Fries costume (from the Store).
  • The banner of “Proto-13” in the exhibit hall parodies Astro Boy.
  • Many of the superheroes exhibited are parodies of characters from popular culture: Teen Arachnid is Spider-Man, Fashion Ninja is Sakura from Naruto, Dirt Claude is Clayface, and so on.
  • Reign of Omegon (Episode 3) may be inspired by The Avengers: Age of Ultron, which was in the works at around the same time of the island episode.
  • Omegon says “Resistance is futile,” a popular phrase from Star Trek often said by a species that turns others into robots and is bent on world domination.
  • Omegon is parody of Ultron in name only, because that movie was out around that time, but his character is more inspired by “The King in Yellow,” a short story by Robert Chambers. The dialogue exchange where he says “I wear no mask” is lifted directly from the story.
  • The premise of Episode 3, in which we jump ahead in time to a colonized world, was inspired by the game Half-Life 2.
  • Members would previously get an exclusive printable PoptropiCon poster, customized with your Poptropican! Members would also get a customizable Lunar Colony and Game Show Costume, plus a Popzilla Costume.

cheetahs never prosper

437 thoughts on “PoptropiCon Island Guide”

  1. The Good Part about this island is that the items are customizable so if you got a member friend that has ones you can customize it and get it before the island is for everyone 😀

    1. that’s a great idea! what if someone makes an account for all the items that you need to customize, and name them something like popcon1-5. off course you’ll still have to do some stuff for yourself, but it would cut the time by a lot!


      1. well is that any fun to just go buy it instead of going on a a mini scavenger hunt you have no sense of fun

      2. no its not cuz there are small differences plus there is no belt on the robin hood costume and belt s in hand not on your back

      1. After the game is over, you can go over to the next table and costumize the bow off of the back of a Mighty Action Force fan.

        It literally tells you…

      2. How do I get the fremulon mask. I tried going out of the scene then back in and I also closed the ta and made another one and all that happens is the girl says study up and the guy who gives you the mask get 3 dots above his head when I click him.

      1. Hey sushisushi07 I added you so will you please add me to your friends? my username is kira6711

    3. Someone please help! It keeps saying that I don’t have the right archer costume, but I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What do I do????

      1. either you need the bow which is the reason if my suffering or you need the pinata-man dress

      2. The mask is in the very beginning of chapter two, there’s a bandit guy in the theatre, customize his mask, the bow is on the guy with the red balloon, and the hat is on the old lady directly above Stan Ditko. And last but not least the shirt is on the piñata-man.

      3. when i got the energy drink it only gave me two and now i cant finish the island because i dont have the last energy drink and theres no way to get it and im really annoyed

        slantedfish: There are three places to get an Energy Drink – check the guide and follow the steps.

      1. You’ll be taken to the water tower once you accept the Cheetah Bandit’s challenge (this is mentioned in the guide). The tower only exists during this minigame, and the gutter hangs to the left of the tower.

    4. A different good part is the pop culture references. For example, the “Zombie Revolution” thing is a reference to the new 2016 “Pride + Prejudice + Zombies” movie.

    5. When it says ‘STRÖM RYGGSÄCK’ and then ‘FÄRDIGGJORD’ on the jet pack instructions that is swedish and it says ‘CURRENT BACKPACK’ not Jetpack so they got it wrong.

      ‘Färdiggjord’ also means ‘Finished’. :3

  2. Hi Slanted Fish/Friendly Fish I added you and when I checked the Friends THINGY I saw you that you were in a costume…(THE OLD MAN —– THE FRIEND OF THE COSTUMED SOLDIER PRINCESS…) And I guess your finishing the PoptropiCON Island…………. 🙂

  3. Hey guys, did anyone deliberately dress up in a costume before entering?

    Because I dressed up as the Winter Soldier (tied with Captain America for my favourite superhero) before I stole Mr. Gandalf-Hybrid’s costume.

      1. I dressed up as PewDiePie… Heck, some people go to some of the cons as PewDiePie with Stephano and a lantern sometimes.

        It was a bit mind breaking when I had to dress up as that hobo dude. Heheh.

    1. I dressed up as Dan Radcliffe’s character from the trailer of “Horns”. I was so upset when I had to change into the icky Gandalf-knock-off costume, lol.

      1. I dressed up as me, which was essentially a blue-haired (super wavy hair w/big bangs) elf wearing a scabbard, a starry shirt and bat wings.

      2. I have a question. How do you get to the front of the bathroom line, the people keep stopping me?!

  4. i love this island, thank you for helping me with it. i never would have guessed the costumes would be helpful and your walkthroughs always helped me 😀

    1. I found all three of the cans, but it wouldn’t allow me to use the generator thing, it only used two of them and my character kept saying ” That crystal doesn’t look ready to crumble just yet.” Please help! 😦

      1. It sounds like you may not have completed all the steps you need to do before the final battle with Omegon. Please read over the guide to see what you missed. 😉

  5. I defeated the Champion girl on my first try, even without getting the elf archer card from the second guy! O.o how I was able to do it, I have no idea….guess I’m better at strategy games than I think.

    I’m usually decent with twists, but this one legitimately surprised me! O.o I guess that’s payback for figuring out Survival’s twist back in May…

    Anyways I finished PopCon 2 in about an hour, and I still got 19th! ^_^

  6. Wow,I defeated that girl in 3 tries!

    She and I were close,but she was closer,I managed to prolong her,however,with the Teenage Arachnid. Then she used Meow Bot,sure she would win,but then I used Dirt Claude,annihilating that move. WHOOO!

    Also,I tied her on my second try,and she disliked that more than losing!

  7. ~~Possibly unpopular opinion time!~~

    I don’t like the SUIs. I mean, I like the idea of adding sound and background music to Poptropica, ESPECIALLY the sounds that happen when you land on an object. But I feel like the islands lag more and aren’t as smooth. I don’t like how you can’t use the S key to skip speech, and how you can’t use the motions that come with store clothing when you press the spacebar, like chewing gum.

    Side note: The newer islands have more animated scenes, which I don’t particularly dislike. However, the one that happens at the end of Spoiler Alert just made me cringe, especially with the mocking laughter.

    I don’t like the episodic islands, either. Well, I don’t like how we get a medallion for each part rather than the island as a whole. It makes the medallions feel less valuable since for each island there are five medallions rather than one.

    1. Just my two cents, but I think the SUIS have really improved Poptropica. The background music is just awesome, IMO. The added sound efefects are a nice touch that make it feel more immersive. When I have to go to an island or part of Poptropica on the classic client, I cringe so hard….because they have not aged well. Despite the bugs in some of the SUIs at the beginning, they really fixed it up, and oftentimes, the old interface is a lot more sluggish in comparison. Seriously, it is so jarring to go from SUI mode to a common room.
      And I really like that big screen; Poptropica has so much more viewing space now, and now I don’t have to do Ctrl+Scroll to see whats behind that obstacle and see all that weird behind the scenes stuff.

      I really don’t like episodic islands either – whats the point of dividing the island into parts and treating them like they’re separate islands if THEY ARE THE SAME ISLAND?! You can’t visit other parts of the island while doing a specific episode, you can’t access other “episodes'” item cards, and you have to wait for all the island episode to be released, rather than just play the whole thing through. I’m hoping we’ll see

    2. Medusa Moxie-
      Well, at least the islands are full now. I disagree though, with your opinion of SUIs. I think that they have more fluidity than the non-SUI islands (at least on my computer, but it could be different on yours).

  8. Would it be bragging if I said I just about managed to beat the girl on the first try ?

    Also thanks for the tutorial, I thought the elf had to look exactly like how she actually looks like and I was hunting EVERYWHERE for the parts.

  9. 😦 guys this stupid glitch happened… I played the card game with that girl and I beat her and got the Omegon Suit card. Afterwards, I logged off. And now when I enter Poptropica, I check my inventory but I don’t have the card anymore, and when I try to fight the girl again to see if the card would resurface, I beat her again but she didn’t give me the card… Now I have no Omegon Suit card and I can’t have another re-match with her. I’ve already logged in and out of my account a few times, the card still doesn’t appear… What do I do 😦

    Slanted Fish: Try contacting Poptropica for help via this link.

    1. Elf Archer’s bow is on the guy wearing a helmet in the Demo Area. Mouth and hair color do not matter – all you need are the four costume parts to disguise yourself as Elf Archer (hat, mask, bow, shirt). 🙂

      1. Please Help me where is the mask???? I know someone said it was on the guy with a helmet in Demo Area but there is no guy with a helmet with a mask?????? Only a dude with a helmet that covers his entire face and trust me there is no mask on him. Please help!!!

  10. Has anyone noticed that whenever you re-enter the island after completing it, everyone remembers what happened but the evil Omegon is not there? Curious, right? I was about to go mad at them, like “WHAT?! Didn’t you see the evil real Omegon that wanted to destroy the Mighty Action Force just now?!” or something!

  11. There has to be a faster way across the island! I’m being sent back and forth, back and forth! It’s so annoying!

  12. how do i play the game with the girl at the end it wont let me cus i dont have all the cards and i cant find more

  13. I can’t seem to find the bow for the archers outfit anywhere!!!!! Can someone please tell me where it is?

    Slanted Fish: It’s on the guy with the helmet, in the demo area where you get the pack of cards.

    1. wheres the convention center!!?!!

      Slanted Fish: In episode 1, you don’t enter the convention center. In episode 2, you will be inside the convention center the entire time.

  14. I was playing and I played against the girl that has the omegon card and i played against her twice then i couldn’t play again and i never got the card.

  15. I beat the “champion” right after the demo lady before I got my cellphone, but the Omegon card art has not been loaded into my cellphone. I collected all the floater cards, prize cards, and the other two photos of Omegon after that. I played another game with the defeated champion and then checked my cellphone again. No luck. I tried taking it out of my deck. No luck. Is there a certain order events must be done in for everything to work properly, or should I report a bug to the Poptropica staff? I haven’t completed Poptropicon 2 previously, so I don’t know what to expect to happen to me at this point in my game.

    1. After the game is over, you can go over to the next table and costumize the bow off of the back of a Mighty Action Force fan.

  16. For some reason, although I have all the elf archer costume pieces, it won’t work. Maybe it’s because I can’t find the bow. Does anyone know where I can find it?

  17. It says she dosent give you anything in return at the card thing. In return she gives you a world guy card (at least that’s what I got)

  18. I couldn’t find the glue, I skimmed the walk through multiple times. But it never mentions glue?

    Slanted Fish: The glue is automatically included in the scene where you assemble the jetpack.

  19. Errrm I think I kind of can’t play this island because whenever I challenge the girl to get the Omegon (sorry if spelt wrong :P) as soon as I play her her gems start spazzing out in the top and I can’t do anything about it. Help 😦

    1. Never mind I fixed it I just had to go on another computer because apparently some poptropica stuff doesn’t work on a Toshiba 😀

  20. What the flaming ghost???? My poptropican just got purple butterfly wings that are flapping like CRAZY!!! She got them when she finished PoptropiCon Ep. 1 and 2! See for yourself! Julina94m
    PS Don’t add me!!!

  21. My Computer Glitched and now when I try to challenge the champion she just says “my deck is so good i don’t even need to you my Omegan card’ Please Help

  22. Hi guys! 😀

    Serious question: On Ep 1, I can’t get the Viking Helmet to stay on me/ can’t get the wizard hat off. Any suggestions?

    1. Hey Shaggs! 😀

      I haven’t heard of that glitch before – when you’re in the Costumizer view, try taking the wizard hat off, or try costumizing another head/hair “base” costume part to replace the hat. (The helmet should replace the hat, though.) Maybe even go to a non-SUI (non-sound-updated-island, like Night Watch Island) and use the Costumizer there to see if that helps. And don’t forget to click the green checkmark/accept button to save, SUI or not. 🙂

  23. has anyone else noticed that to make the costume for the white-bearded guy more exact, you can go to where the “Costume Crafter” is, and you can take his braces. Please friend i am popular heart

  24. wait, I beat that chick who said she’d never been beaten before, then I got the mask in that room, so where is the third one?? I CAN’T FIND IT AND I’VE READ THIS OVER AND OVER AGAIN PLEASE HELP MEH!

  25. When I talk to the guy with the mask in the learn that language place, he doesn’t talk to me! How do I get the mask if he doesn’t do challenge to meh and I can’t get it to the old lady?

    1. you probably got some parts of the costume from the wrong place, there also may have been an update.

      1. moody tuna/ brian-
        You posted on my birthday! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha [continues laughter for ten minutes]

  26. Anyone noticed the Stan Lee (named Stan Ditko in the game, a reference to both Lee himself and Steve Ditko, two of the greatest comic-related people ever) cameo at the end of the 3rd episode?

  27. Hey the shield doesn’t work right. it tried to destroy the battery packs and the lasers didn’t reflect of the shield. I am a non-member, does that have anything to do with it?

    1. The shield should deflect the lasers, and if pointed in the right direction, they should destroy the battery packs. Non-membership has nothing to do with it. 😉

      1. slanted fish, will u help me with my problem? i have been working so hard on this island and now i’m stuck. I have three energy drinks, not four. i did get that one on the card table.
        Thx so much!!

  28. I have a glitch where it says i only have 2 energy drinks when i got all three!! Do I have to restart the island? Plzzzzz help!!!!
    ~~Friendly Ring~~

    1. {FRIEND ME IN POPTROPICA} meowofthetiger : Little Rock | meowofthetiger2 : Lone Skull says:

      It may show all three, but that does not mean you actually got all three. Just search around for it or follow the handy instructions above. If you have definitely done this, you have to restart the island (just ep.3 though!!!).

  29. when I go on the right levitating platform, I always fall off involuntarily before I can shoot an arrow. what is going on and do I fix it?

    1. it happened to me also. every time i jump on the platforms and click the triangle with the gloves and it starts rising i always fall please help slanted fish

  30. This isn’t fair!! It keeps saying there’s no signal when I try to call her cell phone!!!!! HELP!!!!!

    1. Head to the Tech Lounge (to the right of the piñata guy), and then call from there.

  31. In Episode 3, when I shot the crystal with the bow and arrow, the whole entire game froze! And when I got on Poptropica, it took FOREVER to load! — ➡ 😎 :mrgreen: Smart Popper :mrgreen: 🙄 ⭐

      1. For Ep. 2, customize the bow off the back of the person in the Demo Hall. For Ep. 3, you need to save Elf Archer (see the walkthrough for how to do that).

  32. My computer wont load Ep.3. I clicked play, it went to the Poptropica and then doesn’t change. The loading screen still moves around when i move my cursor near the letters, just simply wont load the episode. ANY HELPERS OUT THERE?!?!

    Try to add me: Cai93790

    1. Have just sent a “report a bug’ message to poptropica to sort it out. it was only new account. probs my 6th, now i reckon spanning 4 years!

  33. SCREM!! sned ehlp1!11! Okay so, if you’re playing ep. 3, and you miss the bottom one, do you have to restart, because I can’t find any other way to do it?! D:

    1. {FRIEND ME IN POPTROPICA} meowofthetiger : Little Rock | meowofthetiger2 : Lone Skull says:

      Me too! Please help us oh mighty Poptropica Bloggers!

      1. (Quoting one of my comments from earlier)
        For Ep. 2, customize the bow off the back of the person in the Demo Hall. For Ep. 3, you need to save Elf Archer (see the walkthrough for how to do that).

  34. {FRIEND ME IN POPTROPICA} meowofthetiger : Little Rock | meowofthetiger2 : Lone Skull says:

    I remember the days when there was only one page for the Poptropica map…those were simpler times…

  35. I think this is just me, but every time I try to destroy the laser wall protecting the crystal, it wont break, and I am literally going by the books.

    1. If you’re referring to the pink lasers, use your shield like you’ve done with all the other pink lasers. Your original shield should have melted before this point, but if you talk to World Guy back in HQ he’ll give you his much better shield. 🙂

    2. Hey, Orange Biker! You aren’t the only one! I think it’s because we both are doing it months after the island was released, but I can’t destroy the laser protecting the crystal either. Maybe it’s just us?

  36. Ok, this is definetly just me. Every, I repeat, EVERY walkthrough shows that killing the laser thing to get to the crystal is easy. And yet, no matter what I do, the thing wont blow up. If there is anyone who can help me with my dilema, please give me advice.

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