PoptropiCon Island

PoptropiCon Ep. 1 out for all today!

PoptropiCon Ep. 1: Line Forms Here is finally is coming out for non-members at some point today: Thursday, Sept 18th! It’s not here yet, but it will be out within the next 24 hours! It’s now officially here!

The Creators finally decided to release the episode to everyone, a week later than expected, since non-members got nothing when Survival Ep. 5 came out for members last week. 😦 Anyway, if you need help, the PHB has you covered with PoptropiCon Island Guide! 😀

con1 carousel

If you prefer a video walkthrough, we’ve got that too, but the Creators also made one! To hear Captain Crawfish speak in his manly voice, you can check out the official walkthrough here.

On this note that PoptropiCon is now released to non-members and Survival Ep. 5 has been out for members, we can finally do a poll about the two! 😀 So, non-members, how much zazzleblax do you rate PoptropiCon? And members, how escaping Van Buren going? Take the poll below, and tell us what you think in the comments or on the PHC! 🙂


5 thoughts on “PoptropiCon Ep. 1 out for all today!”

What's popping, Poptropicans?