
So Sorry!

Hey guys, sorry there was such a cruddy Author night last night. Truth is, we wrote the wrong date on the post.

All times are still correct, and it’s still at the same place, but author night is actually THIS FRIDAY THE 25TH.

We are very apologetic about the post screw up. Please read here for more info.

PHB Parties

It’s back!

Sorry I haven’t been posting lately guys, been really swamped with Reading and English projects. So when it comes to good grades Vs. gaming, I have to make the right choice.

But nothing is going to stop me from being there with you guys on Author Night! Did I mention Author Night 2 is this coming Friday? Yup, that’s right. If you weren’t there last time, this is your chance to meet with some of your favorite PHB Authors! Here are the details.

It will be the 25th, this coming Friday.

It’s Frydayyyy, Fryydayyy

Gotta get down on Fryydayyy

Everybody’s looking forward to the weekend, weekend

Make sure you’re there at 8:00 P.M. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME (GMT-6). Please adjust your time accordingly. Use this time zone converter and find what the current time is (that will be your time zone). Compare the time with Central Standard Time (CST), and do some math to figure out when Friday 8pm CST will be for you. Time zone depends on location.

We will meet at the PHB Author Night Chatroom: http://www.xat.com/phbauthornight

Authors attending this event:

  • Hicoga
  • RavenClawGurl
  • Enclosed Lightning

Remember, if you’re an author and will be attending just tell us in the comments and you will be added to the list.

We hope to see you there!

Wild West Island

Reload… FIRE!

Hey guys, Hicoga here.

Captain Crawfish made a new post to give you Poptropica members a helpful hint to let you beat some cowboys at sharpshootin’. And for the record, no, I’m not nomming him.

Poptropica Tips and Tricks: Reload!

A lot of Poptropica Members are getting ready to journey to Wild West Island this weekend. Wild West Island is one of our most varied adventures to date, with a lot of different mini-games to enjoy. Here’s a quick tip that should help you get through one of them, the shooting contest, with flying colors.

Whether you’re using the pea shooter or the spud gun, you’ll have five shots available before you have to reload (by pressing that big ol’ button at the top of the screen). So watch how many shots you have left. If you don’t, you’ll still get a helpful reminder that you need to reload once you’ve run out.

But here’s the trick: Sometimes, it makes more sense to reload before you’re out of ammo. If your opponent is looking at some targets that have already been hit, take the opportunity to reload, even if you’ve only fired a shot or two. That way, when you find a batch of new targets, you’ll have all the ammo you need. You won’t have to waste valuable time reloading while your opponent shoots them out from in front of you.

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Aw, all this did was make me want Wild West Island more. 😦

Must… hold.. in… anger…….


*Tackles Crawfish to ground and noms him.* (After properly sauteing and seasoning of course.)
