Guest Posts, PoptropiCon Island

Bringing Mighty Action Force to life 💥🃏

Hey Poptropicans, this is a guest post by Invisible Ring. Enjoy!

Welcome back, Poptropicans! As my new Future Machine News show states, the grave silence on Poptropica’s official blog has kept all of my new guest posts from coming in, including this one.

Upon completing that news show, I saw this Pop Petition on the PHB about Mighty Action Force trading cards, and decided that enough was enough. Here is my all-time most important guest post, and your long-overdue gift that’s sure to hit the charts here on the PHB. Enjoy!

It’s anyone’s guess as to whether I’m a pirate still on a major motion quest, an average visitor at PoptropiCon, or just lost.

Perhaps I’m all of the above.

It all started when I quested across Poptropica to keep making my movie. I wound up in PoptropiCon while it was in full swing, so I blended right in. 

…And then I got lost in the hallway awhile. It was excruciating! Dozens of others got lost in there, too, so it was very NOISY for a pirate with hypersensitive ears. You’ve got mech pilots and aliens and wizards complaining about this maze of identical halls making them miss the convention’s events. And others still, complaining that they’re hungry, thirsty, and tired. There was even chatter of wanting a PoptropiCon map and a functional drink machine.

But among the ruckus, I heard an alien say:

“Wish I had one of those card games to pass the time.”

The Mighty Action Force card game… That gave me something to think about.

When I finally made it out of the halls and into the tech lounge, I took a rest break and thought long and hard about it.

For years I’ve visited this place. More than any other Poptropica island I’ve ever been to! I challenged every player there I could, countless times, from the easy-going hippy player, to the challenging hallway player, to the super-challenging high-tech player.

I loved playing the Mighty Action Force game so much that I wanted to play it outside of PoptropiCon. How would I do that? I’d make my OWN Mighty Action Force game. So from the summer of 2016 to the summer of 2020, I built my own private game box with Mighty Action Force cards and game boards and everything.

…Boy, was that fun. But today, as I met all these Mighty Action Force fans once again, I realized there must be so many others who want to play Mighty Action Force anytime, anywhere. I once thought that marketing the game was a must, but after all the archives I researched from the Poptropica Creators’ Blog, I realized the one sure way to go…

Downloadable PDFs. And unlike most kids, I’m no tech wizard. But I’ve learned enough about computers by now to know how to make these PDFs. And with all my practice back in the day building my own game set from the ground up, I had EXACTLY the skills I needed to make it all happen, just as sure as I was that THIS would be the groundbreaking news hit of the year. So now that you have the story, I won’t make you wait any longer. 

Behold! 💥 The ULTIMATE Mighty Action Force printable Game Kit PDF. 💥 And it only took me 3 months to put it together!

No joke, everyone. This is for real. And to prove it, here are two videos I made to go with the game. The first video demonstrates how to construct your own game board:

And the second video demonstrates how to play the game. True, you can always learn how to play on PoptropiCon Island, but PoptropiCon isn’t gonna last forever. So, you’ve got both videos.

That’s a lotta work for one happy camper in a pirate outfit! But it doesn’t end there. My original goal was to press on with my pirate movie, now summed up in this new pirate movie trailer. Mission accomplished!

Wow… to think about it all: seven years of PoptropiCon playtime and projects, all wrapped up into this one tremendous tale! Thank you all for reading, and you’re welcome for the grand game kit and videos. PoptropiCon Pirate out. PEACE!

Hope you enjoyed this guest post by Invisible Ring. If you did, you might also enjoy the Pop Petition on real-life Pop trading cards that inspired this post.

The Poptropica Help Blog welcomes interesting Poptropica insights from anyone in the Poptropica community with thoughts to share. Interested in writing for the PHB? We’d love to hear from you!

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