Ask Poptropica Siri

Ask the Joker #6: Furry fave, freedom, and flying

Ask the Joker is a Q&A segment here on the PHB where you, dear readers, are invited to send in your Poptropica questions to have them answered, with wit, wisdom, and wisecracks, by one Incredible Joker.

I noticed that you have a Dr. Hare costume on your Poptropican, do you like Dr. Hare or are you a fan of someone else? ~Smart Icicle

I don’t really use that costume too much, but I actually also have another account with the same outfit in white. 🙃👍 I think that Dr. Hare leaves an impression on most players, and I think that’s because he’s usually the first villain people face. (Unless you count the spider from Early Poptropica 😂).

I don’t really have a specific reason that I like him so much, aside from that and his general story. Some villains you just want them to have a (somewhat) happy ending!

Hi my question is what do you love most about being a staff writer on the PHB? ~Dangerous Dragon

Fan art! 👍😂 I’ve never had art drawn of me before now. 😛 But really though, it’s nice to help out with this blog and like I’ve mentioned before, to have the freedom that I do with these posts I make. (In fact, I wrote part of this one while eating lunch at work! 😅)

I have a few other ideas for PHB posts in the works, that Slanted Fish has been helping me with 👍 (and being very patient with me 😂😅). I suppose that’s another part of what I enjoy about being here: how much the other PHB staff care about the blog and the game.

What was your favorite Poptropica (Flash) glitch? ~Greedy Shadow

There have been many, many glitches over Poptropica history. Unfortunately many of them are not helpful to the player. 😂😅 But I suppose my favorite one would have to be the small “flying” glitch.

It might not work now, but back in the Flash days, you could “fly” by using any spacebar-activated item action while walking off a building, and would keep going until animation was done. Here’s a YouTube video that captures it in action:

If done right, the glitch could sometimes help you get to places you weren’t supposed to be at yet. Of course it, like all glitches, it was kind of iffy on working most of the time.

How can you send in your questions to Ask the Joker?

That’s a great question! You can use the following methods:

  • 📧 Send an email to justaskthejoker (at) gmail (dot) com. This way, you’ll get to keep your questions a surprise when they get answered on the blog.
  • 💬 Comment on the latest Ask the Joker post. Your questions will be publicly visible before they appear in a Q&A post, but this allows others to interact with your question if they so choose. If you don’t have an email address, you can enter a fake one in the email field when you post your comment.

See you all next time, and remember: You can’t spell Poptropica without letters.

16 thoughts on “Ask the Joker #6: Furry fave, freedom, and flying”

  1. Wow! Didn’t know that there was even a Light and Shadow Dr. Hare Outfit.
    Anyways my next question is totally unrelated to Poptropica, so it is just a random question: What is your favorite movie genre?

    1. I don’t have an exact favorite, but I guess I really like isekai, fantasy, cliché horror, and occasionally romance 👍

    2. It gets put on a list I keep and goes on an ATJ post. But since this one wasn’t Poptropica related, I just answered here 😛👍

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