Contests, Member Gifts

Poptropica Stickers Design Contest: Top 3 Soon…

Hey Poptropicans, you’ll want to stick around for this…

Earlier this month, the Pop Creators announced the Poptropica Stickers Design Contest, with submissions closing on July 25. Now, they’ve announced on Instagram: “We’ve had so many great designs for the #PoptropicaStickers contest! The Poptropica Creators are reviewing all the entries and will be picking their top 3!

The post came with a gallery of six of the #PoptropicaStickers entries:

It’s possible that these six are finalists, but from the caption of the Instagram post quoted above, it seems like these are just a sampling of the many great entries received, all of which are still being considered. The top 3 designs chosen will be included in the next update of the new Poptropica Stickers app for iOS Messages.

Hey, notice the Dr. Hare sticker? That entry is from none other than @PoptropicaHare, the PHB’s new Instagram account! Seriously, you should follow the fuzzy pink bunny for more hare-raising adventures… 😉

By the way, don’t forget: today’s the last day to grab your July Member Gifts! If you have an active membership, you’ll automatically receive them when you log in.

Anyway, be sure to check out the hashtag #PoptropicaStickers on Instagram to peruse all the other pop-tastic entries from the contest! Which one’s your favorite? Share your thoughts in the comments, and keep popping!


What's popping, Poptropicans?