Monkey Wrench Island, Reviews

PHB Review: Monkey Wrench Island!


giphyHey guys! I know it’s been a while since we’ve had my last post; so is aย PHB review; and a Poptropica island. To quench your impatience forย the New Poptropica, why not review the latest Poptropica island?

Every review usually tends to be full of spoilers, so if you haven’t played the island (which I assume you already have), I’d suggest you look away! Well, you’re a rebel, so read along! Hehe.

Monkey Wrench sneak peeks can be traced back in November 2015, which we thought was a PoptropiComic-inspired island at first. Two months later, after Poptropica respondedย to Slanted Fish’s open letter to Poptropica, we got a hint of what Monkey Wrench will be like. By the end of February, the name was revealedย through the medallion list, and out of the blue, Monkey Wrench was officially released to all! A week later, Poptropica released the island page.

Monkey Wrench is often dubbed as the “better” tutorial compared to the previous tutorial on Home island, now weย take a look at why.

Let’s start with the name: Monkey Wrench.ย At first, I thought the name could’ve been better since it looks like it gave the whole thing away. However, according to my sourcesย (*cough* Brave Tomato),ย “monkey wrench” means a couple things! Informally, it is a term that means “sabotage“, the way the Red Baroness sabotages you in the race. It could also mean the wrench used on the island, yet it appears to beย a kind of a combination wrench, not a monkey wrench. ๐Ÿ˜›

Storyline & Characters


The Flying Ace Race is underway! But one evil pilot is about to throw a monkey wrench into your plans. To beat the Red Baroness and win the race, you’ll need to build the fastest yellow blimp in Poptropica! Get ready to take flight in a compact adventure made especially for first-time players!

This island’s storyline, compared to the previous Poptropica tutorial, is detailed in every way. What I admire the most in this island are the characters. We welcomed a brand new villain on the block: The Red Baroness!ย Also, historical figure and renowned pilot, Amelia Earhart serves as our guide on this island and we got to ride her Electra too! The Red Baroness could’ve had more screen time as a villain, though.

Speaking of the Red Baroness, the island is also packed with references,ย like the lyrics of “I Will Survive” and cameos from different islands too! Along with those references is the constant chucklesome humor that Crusoe gives us, who makes us smile as we play the island.

The biggest revelation in this island is the Poptropica blimp, which has been an enigma for all Poptropicans. Now, in this island, we can confirm that it is through the help of Mongo, his primate pals, and Crusoe’s idea, that we have our all famous golden Poptropica blimp!

Overall, this island has a light storyline at first, but through thorough research and analysis of what the island really is, we can uncover untold mysteries that can blow our minds.



Overall, I can say that this island has a fair gameplay. One thing that I am bummed about in this island is it’s kind ofย glitchy. Recently, when I was playing this island before doing the review, I still had some difficulties, like the lever part with the crab, for example. I do hope Poptropica can fix these as soon as possible. Fortunately, it gets smoother as we go along the island. ๐Ÿ™‚

Since it’s a tutorial, the island has a rich interaction among its players to the game itself. Pausing the game for instructions is helpful to new players, although for re-players I’m not sure it’s necessary.ย Some of the other interactive moments in the game are found in the ending, from the race to the face-off with the Red Baroness.



What I’m excited aboutย every Poptropica island is the soundtrack. Man, it gets better with each island! I mean, just listen to this track, you can hear the ukulele!

I appreciate theย sound effect details in every island. I like how when you jump on the plane, it makes sounds, as well as the finish line and several other places. I just wish that the monkeys could’ve made soundsย as well, instead of having speech bubbles, which madeย it seem realistic as well. Still, the soundtrack isย amazing. Kudos to the Poptropica composers, Jeff Heim and Kyle Fox!

Animation & Design


On every original Poptropica island, the art quality never disappoints. I mean, it’s really amazing! First, the monkeys have been theย recipient of the best animation in this island, as well as their design with the Poptropican touch too. Along with the monkeys, the plane is cool, too. The way it broke and flew away, it was superb. Some of the more noteworthy animations were in the retreat and the race.

For the art, I like how they put on aย jungle vibe for us, and the way Crusoe’s retreat is made is amazing. The character designs of Crusoe and other contestants of the race are worth noticing too.



This island is pretty awesome for a tutorial; it’s better than the old tutorial as well as even Early Poptropica Island! Poptropica made a good tutorial with all of the elements of a real Poptropica island. I really enjoyed itย my first time as well as playing itย again. You get celebrated for the race! ๐Ÿ™‚

Poptropica has reallyย outdone themselves this time. A great improvement as we go closer to New Poptropica!

If I would rate this from 1 to 10, this gets a….


…and that concludes our Monkey Wrench Island review! By the way, our Stolen Snapshots game is still on! Feel free to guess whenever you like! ๐Ÿ™‚


-Slippery ๐Ÿ’ฆ

25 thoughts on “PHB Review: Monkey Wrench Island!”

  1. The… the music that Poptropica is introducing to their website… I LOVE IT!!!

    Give me more of the Poptropica music! Now!!! Does anyone else LOVE the music that plays when you open the map on Poptropica? This is so weird, I’m usually not the music type, but this is AMAZING!!!

  2. I hated that island. I understand that it’s for beginners but why does it need to pause the game just to show you the MOST OBVIOUS controls. Thinking you don’t know what that arrow means or what that blimp is for. I thought what it meant by race, I thought I could control the plane/blimp myself. The island it’s self, eh. Shorter than Early Poptropica. I only completed it just for the credits. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

    P.S: I started it before it was on the map where it said LEARN HOW TO PLAY.

  3. I’ll give this 2.5/10. Why teach something that is so obvious. Did they not remember that after you create your poptropian, the blimp appears, and you go there with out telling you how to move because how obvious it is. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  4. I loved this island. It was a blast and i loved the slightly goofy plot line and soundtrack. My only problem is that Lucky wouldn’t drop Crusoe! Come on girl! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. I don’t know if it’s only me, but I can’t hear the ukulele in the Escape From Pelican Rock soundtrack

      1. Trust me, I’m fully aware of that. xD When I listened to the soundtrack thing above, it started playing the EFPR theme. That last comment was just entirely sarcastic. ๐Ÿ˜›

      2. No harm done. It was the right music when you first replied. ๐Ÿ˜›

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