PMFM (Poptropican Meme Face Mondays)

Poptropican Meme Face Mondays: Round 25

Heyyo Poptropicans, it’s Ultimate iPad Expert here.


That’s right cereal guy. It is here and it is (ce)real.


Yes, newspaper guy. (Ce)really.


DON’T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT! Whatever. Let’s just start the show. Welcome to round twenty-five of PMFM (Poptropican Meme Face Mondays)!


The lucky meme-faced Poptropicans this week are Tough Coyote, LlamaBloggingTall Sword, mariannemccloskeymicah, and poptropicaandmore! And here are the memes:

Feel free to click on the images to view them in their full glory. 😛

And despite the extra meme faces, there’s even more memery this week! 😀

The first of these special treats is a birthday gift I made for my good friend CraftyPoptropican! Her birthday was last Friday, but feel free to wish her a late birthday if you stop by the PHC. I love this meme face, lol, it needs no more explanation. 😛


I also did another art trade with Yumi-Chan-Chu from on DeviantArt (also known as Silly Pelican). I quite like the end result on this one. 😛 If you’d like to check out her end of the trade, click here.


Want your own meme face?

Well, it’s simple. Comment on the most recent PMFM post (just choose the one of the list here). Be sure to follow the criteria below:

  • Very crucial: Wear the outfit you want to have in the meme face on Poptropica and keep it on for at least a week.
  • As mentioned, find the most recent PMFM post (it will be at the top of this list)
  • Include your Poptropican username in a comment.
  • Include the meme face you would like on your Poptropican in your comment (a link to an image of the meme is very preferred).
  • Post your comment and wait! (PMFM is operated on a first come-first serve basis, so your meme face will come after all of the ones before are released).
  • Just a note: You do not need to re-comment on newer posts if you haven’t gotten yours yet. Once I reply to your comment mentioning “You being added to the list,” then I have seen your comment and added it to my literal list, so yours will be made after each one before is made.

This completes round twenty-five of meme faces. Tune in next Monday for the next Poptropican Meme Face Mondays!

What do you think about this week’s meme faces? Comment below.

Meme King out. 👑

• Ultimate iPad Expert •

102 thoughts on “Poptropican Meme Face Mondays: Round 25”

    1. As you can see, this meme face is now my new profile pic! 🙂 Thanks again, Paul! I loved it 😀

  1. MUST. HAVE. SECOND. MEME FACE!!! Anyways, I want an anime face. (I don’t really care what kind because I don’t watch anime, but I liked what you did for Yujo.)

    1. It is funny since the anime meme face I decided on was the only anime face among a crowd of regular memery under Google Images – if it didn’t stand out like that, I might have payed it no heed and decided on something else 😛 . Join the Anime Meme Face Squadron! We have cookies. . . and anime 🙂 .

  2. fact of the day female blanket octopie are 6 feet the males are 1 inch and yes the plural of octopus is not octopuses its octopie also my fact of the day theme this week is sea creatures

  3. new poptropica word poptropianofatation is the process of turning a dummy dog or cat into a poptropican

      1. Chuck Norris won the World Poker Tournament with only a 6 of hearts, a red 4 from UNO!, a 5 of spades, a 10 of clubs, and a Get Out Of Jail Free card from Monopoly.

      2. Chuck Norris has the same birthday as I do.

        Chuck Norris had a duel with someone who thought he was cooler then Chuck, just by looking at his handsome face, he died. Then the duel started.

      3. Fear of spiders is called arachnophobia, fear of tight spaces is called claustrophobia, and fear of Chuck Norris is just plain logic.

  4. I cant take this eat facts the japaneese spider crab is the largest crab in the world it can be two parking spots also the first garfield comic strip appeared 1n 1978 Garfield al so broke the world record for most syndicated comic strip the person who invinted the rubix cube wanted to make some thing impossible the world s longest word ha 1909 letters



    In all seriousnesses, that was probably the best intro I’ve seen yet. 😛 A fantastic double meme week, UiPE! 😀

  6. I LUV DIS. THIS IS AMAZING THIS IS- wait, wait a second. The PUNS. THE PUNS HAVE RETURNED. Do you think that pun shelter surrounded by zomberries that Lucky Wing was (ce)real? WAIT, OH NO. I HAVE BEEN INFECTED. EEK! xD

    1. Sorry, Lucky! These Zomberries kept trying to trap me at school! *Zomberry steals backpack from me* Oh, (cereal)sly!? Oh no, I need the antidote! Are these Zomberries doing this on porpoise? This is a catastrophy! Help meeeeeeee!!!

      1. *Flys away from Zombies, lands, then starts running towards Marshmallow*
        I’m coming! Back vile beasts! *smacks one behind me with Toilet plunger*

      2. *After shooing all the Zombies off*
        OK. So, we’ve made it to the bunker, but we’ve all been infected by the Pun Virus. This is CATastrophic! (Cereal)sly! (Facehoof) I’m not doing this on porpoise! Was that from another Meme Face i didn’t see? HELP!

      1. Yeah, I’m just using it for my Poptropica-related email picture. I’m waiting til’ second one comes out to change it.

    Too Bad I cant put my own pic here.
    Well, Ill try. I guess…

    Poptropican: Shockdragon99 ( Avatar studio )

    Meme: disappointed meme face

    This is my first and probalby my ONLY attempt.

    Thanks for reading 🙂

      1. WOW! A reply. Thanks 4 that. Oh and when is my meme face coming out?

      2. Hmmmm… That seems long. But I understand that it IS hard. Though, do you know how to get Spencer’s goatie? Well even though you donut ( + 1 Pun Point! ) know how that’s ok. I sin-cereal-ly ( + another pun point! Hahaha ) thank you. : D

  8. I would LOVE to have my own meme face! I’m in love with da meme face, meme face! Anyway, Username: wiiboy129 Meme Face: Troll face! I think we all know what a Troll face is. 😉

      1. Be careful! The troll faces may try to take over this blog and maybe, DON DON DON!! POPTROPICA!!

  9. I loved the intro:) the meme of urself, the funny ‘if only there was a way to combine the two…’ Oh it was all great. The meme faces were awesome. Loved the extra ones too:)

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