PMFM (Poptropican Meme Face Mondays)

Poptropican Meme Face Mondays: Round 24

Heyyo Poptropicans, it’s Ultimate iPad Expert here.


UGH GRANNY! YOU’LL NEVER UNDERSTAND MY ART! *emo hair flip* *unintelligible annoyed emo grunt* Welcome to round twenty-four of PMFM (Poptropican Meme Face Mondays)!


The lucky meme-faced Poptropicans this week are Fairy Tale, :hero:, and Yujo_Jacy_the_Jumpy_Coyote! And here are the memes:

Feel free to click on the images to view them in their full glory. 😛

Want your own meme face?

Well, it’s simple. Comment on the most recent PMFM post (just choose the one of the list here). Be sure to follow the criteria below:

  • Very crucial: Wear the outfit you want to have in the meme face on Poptropica and keep it on for at least a week.
  • As mentioned, find the most recent PMFM post (it will be at the top of this list)
  • Include your Poptropican username in a comment.
  • Include the meme face you would like on your Poptropican in your comment (a link to an image of the meme is very preferred).
  • Post your comment and wait! (PMFM is operated on a first come-first serve basis, so your meme face will come after all of the ones before are released).
  • Just a note: You do not need to re-comment on newer posts if you haven’t gotten yours yet. Once I reply to your comment mentioning “You being added to the list,” then I have seen your comment and added it to my literal list, so yours will be made after each one before is made.

This completes round twenty-four of meme faces. Tune in next Monday for the next Poptropican Meme Face Mondays!

What do you think about this week’s meme faces? Comment below.

Meme King out. 👑

• Ultimate iPad Expert •

98 thoughts on “Poptropican Meme Face Mondays: Round 24”

    1. Would you like a meme face? If so, I’d prefer if you suggest one you’d like. If you don’t have one in mind, I can pick something for you.
      I’ll definitely friend ya, tho.

      1. Ok, I will try to get it, it actually sounds kind of hard to get a meme face but I will definitely try!

  1. how does TC always get first like

    i call hax 😛

    Aneeewayyyye, stupendous memes, UiPE! Granny obviously can’t understand the pure artistry of your work. 😛

      1. Why? How? When?You know what, maybe I shouldn’t question brilliance…

      2. Why? Cause the image quality wasn’t super great on the original images, so I kinda had to recreate them.
        How? I basically only used the brush tool (drawing over top the original) and the blur tool on Photoshop. 😛
        When? Earlier today.
        Feel free to question brilliance, if you wish.

        Had to recreate FairyTale’s also:

        (If you look closely, you can see the minute differences)

  2. Ugh, Granny! You are so old school! Do you even know what a GIF is!? *Silence* GRANNY!!! Anyway, I really liked this week’s PMFM! Nice job, UiPE!

  3. A little BTS of this week’s PMFM! 😀
    This week, I recreated both of the meme faces used for FairyTale and Yujo_Jacy_the_Jumpy_Coyote. This was primarily because of low image quality and incompleteness on both of the images.
    If you look super close on the originals vs. mine, you can tell the difference:

  4. That, Granny? Is pure AWESOMENESS!!! The perfect combo of neckless barefoot poptropican and meme! with it, we will RULE THE WORLD!!!
    If we get there before Cats and Frozen that is.
    We’ll get there.

      1. Yes please please PLEASE surpass Frozen… the singing and the happiness will infect our minds and turn us into fan-merchandise purchasing snowmen!

      2. i hope for that day too.
        I mean, i like frozen…
        Come on, i can’t be the only one who likes Frozen, but is sick and tired of the merchandice!

  5. Hi, Im still not lucky so can I change my poptropican outfit? I still want the one I told to be meme-fied

      1. Okay thanks, I want the one you have, meme-fied 😄

      2. Woah…. *tick tock tick tock*

  6. THE ANIME FACESSSSS!!! I would request if I wasn’t so impatient (*nervously laughs*) Um, so I restarted Crawfish. Again. He is the source of suffering. Why can’t I even do a pirate that can’t swim? Sorry for the long wait, m8…

  7. Great memeification job, Ultimate iPad Expert! You even included the eyebrows! Honestly, I cannot really tell you recreated it – looks like a mirror copy to me 😮 . It’s so kawaii XD ! I wonder how many others will commission anime meme faces down the road 😛 ? I finally made a Gravatar account, which I should have made a long time ago 😐 , and set it as my profile 😀 .
    By the way, the Granny meme made me laugh because that is essentially what your Poptropican art is lol. Keep ‘er goin’, your Meme Face Monday posts are glorious. Sorry if I posted this comment twice – it gave an error message when I tried to post it the first time. . .

    1. Thanks Yujo! 😀 Really kind of you. Very kawaii, if I saw so myself. 😛
      Hoping to see some more anime faces, definitely a fun and different style to add to PMFM.
      Looks super great as your profile pic. 😛 👍
      Hehe thanks. (It really is though, I stay up at night contemplating that this is the reason for my existence.)
      And yeh I will continue to create meme faces and help bring some laughter to the community.
      Didn’t post twice, so you’re all good.

  8. I’d like to have a meme face of my own, please! 🙂 My suser is hiba1021 (I know i’ve got mine once and all,I hope it’s acceptable) 😛 Is it possible to have mine in an anime face, please!

    1. I’m assuming you’re asking about a second meme face, which I can totally do.
      Is there a specific anime face that you want? I can pick something, if you don’t have anything in mind I can find something, but there’s lots of anime faces. 😛

      1. Well, just an anime face, it’s up to you which one you choose 😉

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